This pile of complete and utter shit has been brewing for a long, long time now. As the shills at Verywell Health published their propaganda article on the non-existing Flu, COVID, and RSV allegedly rising in the United States, the lamestream and fake media announced the first fake “death” of the non-existing “bird flu.” Yes, the fear mongering and the propaganda machine is in full swing once again, trying to brainwash the weak minded masses — the gullible fools that still believe that disease exist and can be spread from person to person, and now even species to species (something they previously claimed was impossible — but they had to change their tune to step-up the fear and the rationale behind their anti-human actions.)
Verywell Health recently wrote:
“Flu and COVID-19 case counts are high and rising in most parts of the United States, according to recent data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). RSV case counts are also elevated in most states, especially in children.”
No, detoxification and conflict resolutions always increase around holidays and people being off work and especially off from the trauma-inducing prison called school. I’ve explained this in-depth in several older articles.
“Flu activity typically peaks between December and March and can linger into May. While there’s no distinct peak season for COVID, cases spiked in late December of 2023 into early January 2024.”
Flu is not a disease or something you catch, which is biologically impossible — if it were, most living beings on this Earth would have died out long ago — especially humans as we tend to live in crowded cities.
What these evil scum call the “flu” is simply a strong detoxification phase activated by either the individual reaching a dangerous threshold of toxicity or the body recognizing the opportunity to flush out as much toxins as possible when stress levels goes down, as in during holidays or time off from work/school. This is why people with high toxicity seem to “get the flu” at the same time and often several people in families start simultaneously as they consume the same crap and expose themselves to the same toxins. And this is why a lot of people do not detoxify, because their toxic levels are low. If “the flu” were contagious, pretty much everyone would “get sick,” especially in families, work places, or schools, or anyone riding a bus or a train, or every single taxi driver or people in contact sports. Yet, that does not happen. Use your brain, please.
And notice that they say “there’s no distinct peak season for COVID.” Of course not, while they invented the flu to match our natural detoxification phases, COVID was simply pulled out of their asses to serve an agenda, totally fictional, a made-up boogeyman that had the exact same symptoms as “the flu,” which is why flu cases dropped to zero in 2020 and 2021, while every detoxing symptom was registered as COVID. What a frikkin scam!

Luckily, a lot of people have awakened since then and can see through the bullshit. Yet, the majority of people are still programmed and simply reacting to these fake authorities and their lies as if they were true. Some of the severely mentally ill even got so irrational that they attacked those who tried to help and inform other people, especially about the totally worthless and extremely dangerous vaccine. Well, we were all proven right in the last couple of years as a lot of people got maimed for life and even died in the millions after taking these death shots.
Anyone recommending any kind of vaccine should be behind bars for life.

Now, as these fake cases of COVID and the incredible silly “bird flu” has been repeated weekly for a long time, we might be approaching the next big fake and staged outbreak so they can restrict our “freedom” even further and perhaps kill off some more of the elderly, as in the people who do no longer contribute to the “economy” and only cost money. They did that during the staged and fake COVID plan-demic, and they will do it again. And in tandem with their Agenda 2030, they will also attack our animals, and especially pets — as we have already seen with this juvenile and ridiculous “bird flu.”
So, be prepared. There is a fifty-fifty chance that they will stage the next fake pandemic within a few weeks or months, introducing COVID-25, Disease X. And this time, to quote their puppet and actor Bill Gates, “people will take notice,” which likely means that they will poison and kill people for real to achieve the fear-and-scare factor, instead of using actors and dummies in the streets and in the hospitals as they did with COVID. Likely, due to weather factors (and perhaps climate change, lol,) they will say that it’s “airborne,” magically going way past that previous hilarious and silly 6 feet (2 meters,) which later was changed to 10 meters indoors (the Freemasonic ‘33’ feet)… Sheesh.
Considering that they reported the first fake “bird flu death” yesterday, on January 6, 2025, ritualistically and by the numbers, tells me that it will be an interesting year full of propaganda and likely a new fake pandemic early this year. And of course, we had the “Catastrophic Contagion 2025” in late 2022, just as Event 201 before the COVID Hoax…

Excellent decode of the Bird Flu Death Hoax by Joseph Acquaviva:
Let’s see what they bring on, and be prepared. And, as importantly, spread the truth about non-existing viruses and contagion. We must stop this nonsense or humanity is doomed.
And if you never want to get “sick” in the first place, and if you want to be as healthy, strong and live for as long as possible, this is where you should start:
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