And here’s another article I was hoping I would not have to write. Alas, most baby-troofers fell hook, line, and sinker for this one as government shills began spreading false memes on social media — which of course, was shared by said gullible wanna-be troofers.
It’s been a little more than two years since this fake and non-existent Monkeypox roared its ugly monkey-face, and it’s been over four years since the super-silly Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic was played out on the world stage with sheep lining up taking shots filled with toxins without a question, wearing extremely unhealthy and damaging masks, and doing silly distancing rituals for no reason at all. You would have thought that some people, at least those calling themselves ‘awake’ or ‘truthers’ would have learned something. But apparently not.
And before we hit some of the circulating memes and shills, always keep in mind that nothing goes viral unless they, who control the platforms, as in the puppets of the elites, let it happen. If a meme shows up everywhere within a few hours, and even across platforms, it was 100% made by CIA or equivalent shills to spread disinformation, to divide, and to feed the opposition with several different conspiracies to keep them confused and to hide the real truth.
And what is the real truth? Well, if you have studied physiology, biology, microbiology, and biochemistry, then the biological terrain and much of what has been discovered in German New Medicine makes total sense.
The real truth is that everything we have been taught when it comes to health, modern medicine, nutrition, supplementation, healing, homeopathy, natural medicine, and much more is totally backwards. It’s all lies. I’ve covered this in more than 300 articles. And in this case it’s all about the fraudulent germ theory, the juvenile idea of contagion, that living beings can infect each other with “disease” through “germs” and “viruses” — and even across species. Total nonsense! None of these “contagions” exist. There is zero scientific proof. No virus has ever been properly isolated or even proven to exist. It’s all a theory that has been pushed onto society as it was a perfect fit for the elite families and their modern medicine and pharmaceutical industry.
However, there have been multiple studies done on people where researchers did their best to “infect” people with disease. All attempts failed.

So, if you are “awake” or a “truther” you should know that “disease” comes from within, from either acute poisoning, or from consuming a non-human diet (as in plant-based and processed foods) and from the build-up of toxins. Thus, there is no such thing as germs or viruses causing disease. That is silly fiction. And in extension, there are no silly “spike proteins” that can infect or transmit anything. Nor are there any “bio-weapons,” there are only poisons and toxins. Some can kill instantly, while most toxins accumulate within tissues and cause a lot of damage over time. It is this simple.
If you do not understand these simple concepts, then you are still a sleeping sheep, an NPC.
Retarded Meme made by shills/controlled opposition #1

There is no correlation between the “chimpanzee adenovirus vector encoding of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein” within the covid-19 vaccines and the alleged outbreak of non-existent Monkeypox, because “adenoviruses” and “spike-proteins” are complete hoaxes.
I covered this as early as May 21, 2022, in my article “Monkeypox Does NOT Come from the Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine,” but this garbage seems to resurface every time they do this kind of conditioning of the masses.
And even if they would use some tissue residues from chimpanzees in their bogus vaccines, our body is not as retarded as baby-troofers or the sleeping masses. Any kind of foreign substance that enters the body, in this case via injection, which is similar to a wound, will be broken down by enzymes and other biological processes and then either excreted through urine, feces, or sweat, or consumed by bacteria or fungi and then discharged through various detoxification processes.
While some toxic substances might trigger an immediate healing response as they are either poisonous or do a lot of initial tissue damage, other toxins might linger for a very long time, also doing a lot of accumulated damage — they will all eventually be detoxed by the body. And this is why it is so important to be healthy and strong, so you can efficiently detox if you ever get exposed to such toxins (and most do through their modern plant-based diet, medicines, drugs, and natural medicine.)

This meme reinforces the false idea of “bioweapons” and that “adenoviruses” exist and can alter your physiology. It also gives credence to Monkeypox being a real thing (and that you might get it through non-existent “shedding” from “spike proteins,” another hoax.)
Retarded Meme made by shills/controlled opposition #2

No, we do not have an immune system and, again, any foreign material injected will eventually be detoxed. While some toxins might cause a lot of damage, and the symptoms of the detoxification process might fit some made-up diseases, it still has nothing to do with “Monkeypox.”
This meme reinforces the false idea of an “immune system” as in something that “fights” against “transmittable diseases,” as in “invading pathogens,” something that does not exist. It also gives credence to Monkeypox being a real thing.
And Shills be Shillin’

And here’s a perfect example of a shill — telling us that it is a psy-op, which it is, while also claiming that Monkeypox is a pathogen, as in real, which it is not, as viruses/pathogens do not exist!
Baby-troofers will swarm to this like flies on a piece of shit, as in this piece of shit doctor, as they just love the word “psy-op” without realizing that they are taking part in one of them themselves.
Remember, they will do and say anything to protect the core lie, that of the germ theory, that of contagion. These shills sole purpose is to attract people who realize that something was very wrong with the Coronahoax-pandemic, as in it being “exaggerated” and simply an obedience test. Well, it was many of those things, but most importantly, it was totally fabricated, it was totally fake, because viruses do not exist. People only get sick from toxins and cellular damage done by their stupid diet. And when we detox and heal tissues, we experience different symptoms from the elimination and repair process, symptoms that the medical community put labels on and claim are diseases, and preferable “transmittable diseases.”
A complete scam!
More complete bullshit

And the same goes for all the silly “biolab” and “bioweapon” bullshit. There are no viruses. There are no viruses to “bioengineer,” nor can they be created. And there is no such thing as contagion. The only kind of weapons that can be used in this capacity are different poisons, as spread by air, water or by other means to target large groups of people. You cannot create a “contagion” in a lab that spreads from one human to another. That is biologically impossible. So, please, forget about these silly biolabs. It’s just another psy-op.
Do not fall into their traps. And in all honesty, if you actually are “awake” and understand all this, that germs and viruses do not exist, that diseases comes from within and cannot be “transferred” between living organism, you should be able to see right through all of this, and you should not be sharing retarded memes or posts like these.
While I have a lot more I could cover, especially idiotic memes, my time is up for this morning. Please take a look in my archives and do some research into human physiology, biology, microbiology, the biological terrain, and German New Medicine.
And for now, the most likely scenario is that this planned and staged Monkeypox outbreak is nothing more than a conditioning tool, reinforcing the belief system of viruses and contagion among the dumbed down and sleeping masses — that they can never be safe (unless they take a shitload of toxic jabs that in reality keep them sick and dependent of their government and big pharma.)
When they are ready to stage the next big world-wide pandemic, it will likely be something similar and allegedly “worse” that Covid-19, more in-line with the silly “bird-flu,” so they can target our pets at the same time, as they want to remove pets by 2030, as in Agenda 2030.
Also, they might very well play the civil-war card before that, as they are testing the limits in the United Kingdom as of this moment, pushing for sharia law. A war against Muslims could be their perfect excuse for a New Totalitarian One-Government World Order, and it might very well be the reason for the staged and planned immigration of fake refugees.