Remember the misguided obsession that Chris Shugart of T-Nation has for protein? Well, the imbecile Matt Weik of the competing Ironmagazine is now trying to follow in Shugart’s footsteps, and to be honest he stumbles quite a lot, as usual. Let’s see what crap he scattered all over his poor readers this time.
“I was cruising the internet the other day and stumbled upon some information that I found interesting. The topic was that Americans are prioritizing protein in 2025 and that they want to improve their health.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I hear this sort of thing around the same time every year. That said, most of the people I hear say it don’t follow through and don’t make any changes to their health and body composition the following year.”
Actually, it’s the same inverted “improve your diet/health” next-year-talk and promises being made every year, yet we see a deep decline in awareness of human nutrition and health for each year that passes among the larger part of the population. And while a few people might actually be trying to improve their diet and get healthier, their source of information on diet and nutrition is most likely part of the plant-based dehumanization agenda, recommending toxic plant-based edibles, supplements, and drugs — so they’re no better off than they were gulping down highly processed fast food garbage. Sometimes they’re actually worse off, as in becoming vegan or something similar retarded.
“But this new Chobani survey revealed that Americans are more focused than ever on improving their diets, with protein being a top priority. However, while the shift toward high-protein foods is encouraging, the survey also uncovered a troubling gap in nutritional knowledge that could be hindering their progress.”
Are you serious, Matt? Chobani is a private American food company! A food company specializing in strained yogurt, also known as Greek yogurt, as in dairy products that are… wait for it… known for their protein content. Heck, they even follow the evil dehumanization agenda by specializing in extremely toxic and unhealthy plant-based “options,” the perfect way to quickly destroy someone’s health and ability to reproduce.

Anyhow, while raw natural unprocessed dairy products are a good source of nutrition and beneficial bacteria, at least every now and then, the processed homogenized and pasteurized crap pushed by these companies are no more than a dead sludge of some damaged protein and added toxic artificial chemicals and bogus “vitamins.” Yeah, something you should never consume.

If there actually were a shift in consciousness towards more protein, the source of that protein is of utter importance, as in meat and eggs, and the occasional unprocessed dairy item. Anything else is pure toxic poison. The source is critical.

“That being said, I will tip my hat to those out there who have put in the time to learn more about nutrition and protein in general. I feel Americans are much more educated on this topic than they were many years ago, yet we still have a long way to go in this country.”
Are they really, Matt? Considering the sources of information in today’s society, I would say the opposite. They are much more indoctrinated, conditioned, and dumbed-down than they were many years ago, just like the rest of the population in any “developed country.”
What Americans Think About Protein and Nutrition
“The Chobani survey found that over half of U.S. consumers are actively seeking to increase their protein intake, with a strong preference for low-sugar, natural options. This has been a push for quite some time, but many Americans fall back to their old eating habits.”
So, you’re really going to roll with a survey from a food company — from paid “people” who benefit from producing cheap toxic crap to feed the slaves and keep them sick so their companions in the “healthcare industry” and “pharmaceutical industry” can profit on pretending by “treating” their detoxification and healing symptoms?!
And what is “low-sugar?” Most people do not even understand that any carbohydrate is sugar. It does not matter what the carbohydrate source is, it will all be turned into toxic glucose, as in “blood sugar,” doing the same damage. The slightest elevation in blood sugar (blood glucose) above normal levels maintained by gluconeogenesis is extremely harmful to all our soft tissues, including our organs — and that happens every single time you consume carbohydrates, no matter the source. The more you consume and the more frequently, the more damage done. Not even dieticians, nutritionists, or any health practitioner or coach understand this extremely simple concept. Its basic introduction level biology and physiology, and glucose’s damaging properties are very well documented in biochemistry.

“However, this is obviously a significant shift, as it reflects growing awareness of the importance of balanced nutrition moving into the new year. High-protein products, such as Chobani’s latest line of Greek yogurt cups and drinks (offering 15 to 30 grams of protein per serving), cater perfectly to this demand.”
You call “seeking to increase protein and going for ‘low-sugar’ alternatives” balanced nutrition? What about the extreme importance of animal fats, or vitamins, or minerals?
Also, seeking out “low-sugar” alternatives means going for ultra-processed garbage that is filled with sweeteners, thickeners, stabilizers and other chemicals. They are just as deadly, if not even more so.
And then you had to plug Chobani’s processed crap? Are you sponsored by this evil company?
If you seek to increase protein, you should go for meat and eggs so you get all the other essential nutrients that you need; the essential nutrients that are only available in animal foods.
And while they are present in raw milk, the heated/pasteurized milk used to make these processed Greek yogurt items have been totally destroyed by the manufacturing process.
“However, the survey also uncovered a disconnect: while people want to make healthier choices, many lack the knowledge to do so effectively. For example, some Americans struggle to differentiate between protein sources or understand the daily recommended intake. This knowledge gap suggests that while intentions are good, more education is needed to help people make informed dietary choices.”
I already mentioned this. And who should provide this education? Absolutely not any of the official channels that have deceived and poisoned the population for the last 150 years. And since you Matt have been indoctrinated and totally brainwashed by said channels, I highly doubt that you can give any kind of substantial recommendation.
The Benefits of Prioritizing Protein
“Why is protein so important? This macronutrient is essential for muscle repair, immune function, and hormone production. It also helps maintain satiety, which can aid in weight management — a significant factor given the rising obesity rates in the U.S. (currently nearing 50% of American adults).”
There is no such thing as an “immune function” or an “immune system.” I’ve explained this hundreds of times and even had to correct little Shugart on the same very simple topic. Contagion is a clever evil little hoax, simply blaming the result of something as the cause. What these lying bastards call an “immune system” are simply our detoxification and healing processes. Anyone who has spent a few minutes doing real research should understand all this. And yes, protein is needed for both of these processes, but so are animal fats and several vitamins. Always look at the larger picture, Matt.
As for satiety, I have debunked that misconception as well. You only get hungry or experience cravings if you have nutrient deficiencies, and in that scenario due to slower digestion and absorption, protein rich food is only a temporary band-aid, it does not address the real problem, that of malnutrition due to a crappy diet.

It’s actually a very dangerous approach, just like using drugs, medicines, or remedies, as you only temporarily address the symptoms, as in being hungry, but you do not address the problem, that of lacking essential nutrients. And so, your body will continue to struggle and take damage and down-regulate processes to try and keep you alive as time goes on and these deficiencies become worse and worse. You’re simply digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself, and eventually you will fall in and break into a thousand pieces.
Matt, it just sounds like you’re parroting Shugart, and he’s pretty clueless as well.
“In addition to these benefits, protein supports metabolic health and tissue repair, making it crucial for people of all ages. For active individuals, protein is indispensable for muscle recovery and performance. Meanwhile, older adults rely on it to prevent age-related muscle loss (also known as sarcopenia).”
Yes, Shugart mentions this in every one of his protein-focused articles, and I have probably reviewed more than ten of them, correcting him all the way in every single one.
And while this is correct, you do not need much protein to fulfill these requirements — as long as you get protein from the right sources, as in animal foods.
“The good news is that the increasing availability of high-protein foods, such as yogurt, protein bars, and protein shakes, makes it easier than ever to incorporate this important nutrient into daily meals and snacks.”
For f**ks sake. These items are not real food, they’re ultra-processed snacks and supplements. Frikkin’ protein bars, as in candy bars with an added scoop of low-quality protein powder. Jeez.

Seriously Matt, if anyone needs to bump his or her protein intake, it means that their diet is complete shit, because animal foods are the ultimate source of protein and all other essential nutrients. So a low-protein diet equals a low animal-food diet, and that is very bad. Simply adding some yogurt, a protein shake, or a low-quality protein/candy bar will not improve that diet. It might give a few more grams of protein, but being low in animal foods, the diet still lacks in everything else, especially the much more important animal fats and vitamins.

However, if you were to recommend beef or meat from any ruminant animal and perhaps some eggs, that would not only increase protein, it would also add in all essential nutrients that the body needs, increasing the quality of the diet manifold. Again, food sources matter.

Bridging the Nutrition Knowledge Gap
“While Americans are clearly motivated to improve their diets, the Chobani survey highlights the need for greater education about nutrition. For instance, many people are unaware of the difference between complete and incomplete proteins.”
Yes, they are. But that dive into protein chemistry is still missing the point of overall nutrition and the extreme importance of remedying nutrient deficiencies and lowering the toxic load from non-human food items such as plants and processed foods. These are things that really matter.
“Complete proteins, found in animal-based products like dairy, eggs, and meat, provide all essential amino acids. Plant-based proteins, while valuable, may need to be combined to ensure a complete amino acid profile.”
Plant-based options are NOT valuable, they are toxic and destructive to human physiology, you little twat! The human race, like any animal, is a specific species, and all species have a specific diet that they are physiologically made for. Do you see lions hunting for plants, roots, leaves, or a frikkin’ Caesar salad? Of course not. And according to biology, physiology and anthropology, humans are obligate hyper carnivores, and that is an undeniable fact. And that also means that we need a carnivorous diet to be at our healthiest and best. No frikkin’ toxic plants, Matt, ever.

And trying to combine plants to “balance” or “improve” the amino acids does not work in real life, because each single plant contains fiber and antinutrients in different quantities that bind up the protein content. In other words, you have no idea of what little protein that can actually be absorbed and converted from each plant. The labels based on test tube extractions might say one thing, but our body works in a totally different way. And not only does these things vary in each plant, every human who has consumed plant-based edibles have various degrees of intestinal damage, reducing the ability to absorb any kind of “nutrients,” especially from toxic and damaging plants. So, the ability to extract, absorb, and convert some compound to something useful differs among every single person. So, trying to get a better “amino acid profile” by combining useless plants is futile, it’s a fool’s errand.

Jeez, this is simple biochemistry. Heck, even the most basic understanding of biology and a little bit of common sense would do.
“Another common misconception is that more protein is always better. The reality is that protein needs vary depending on age, activity level, and health goals. Educating consumers on these nuances can help them make smarter choices.”
This does not matter for the average population if you follow a human species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods. As you will get all the nutrition you need, and the body can either store any surplus or discard it, as it enters the body in a fully bioavailable format. You can never get too much of anything as long as it’s bioavailable and bioactive, as in the nutrients only found in animal foods.

“To provide an example, I wouldn’t give a bodybuilder that I’m training for hypertrophy the same amount of protein as a 65-year-old female client who wants to preserve her lean muscle mass and stay in shape.”
I sincerely hope that you do not coach or train anyone, or that person will suffer tremendously. Also, that silly example is only relevant for those trying to build muscle mass. The general population would only need to follow an animal-based diet to be healthy, and they would never need to worry about getting too much or too little protein — or any other nutrient for that matter. Eat your meat, have some eggs, and eat to satiation, and you’ll be golden.
How Food Brands Are Helping
They’re not!
“Food companies are stepping up to meet consumer demand for healthier options. Chobani’s high-protein Greek yogurt is a prime example, offering convenient, nutrient-rich choices that align with health-conscious lifestyles.”
What? Are you shilling for the evil food industry now, Matt?
Chobani’s high-protein Greek yogurt is not a “nutrient-rich” nor a healthy food/snack. It’s processed garbage. Destroyed milk with added chemicals, protein powder, and artificial extremely toxic vitamins. For example, the ingredient list reads as, cultured lowfat milk, water, vanilla extract, chicory root fiber, natural flavors, lactase**, fruit pectin, sea salt, stevia extract, guar gum, lemon juice concentrate, locust bean gum.

Heck, due to the destroyed low fat milk, they can’t even make it into a yogurt and have to add the extremely dangerous guar gum and locust bean gum to make it creamy, stuff that continues swelling inside of you and also blocks nutrient absorption.

“This trend extends to plant-based alternatives, which are gaining traction as more people adopt vegetarian or flexitarian diets. Whether it’s soy, lentils, or pea protein, these options provide a sustainable way to boost protein intake while supporting environmental goals.”
These are extremely toxic processed garbage items. None of them should ever be consumed by a human, not even fed to a herbivore animal.
And please stop with the “environment” nonsense. Only juvenile and mentally handicapped vegans would fall for the climate hoax. Simply mentioning it is embarrassing.
After this Matt goes on about prioritizing protein by focusing on quality over quantity, portion sizes, and funny enough “minimally processed options,” just after he previously mentioned protein bars and yogurts. What a clown.
And then he ended his article with…
“I’m trying to do my best by writing content to help my audience learn and improve their health and nutrition. But if people were more willing to share vital information they find with others, we could get the information out to more people and truly make a difference.”
No, Matt, please stop. Your content is abysmal and I lost count of how many times I’ve had to correct you and cite real-world science. You’re totally clueless.
We need to get the right information out there, and that is that humans are obligate hyper carnivores and the only way to be healthy is to follow an animal-based diet, and to be really thriving and reach our potential, we need to follow a carnivorous diet. I have tons of articles on this, all backed up by real science and common sense.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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