Today we return to the shills at Medical News Today and their attempt at explaining ghrelin and the impact of vigorous workouts on appetite and hunger. Yes, again the same backwards thinking, as in exercising more to blunt hunger instead of fixing the issue that causes hunger, which is nutrient deficiencies. But we’ll get to that. Let’s see what these uneducated morons have to say first.
“Ghrelin is a hormone in the body that is responsible for stimulating appetite and making you feel hungry by increasing activity in a specific area of the brain.”
Yes, that is the current understanding within “science.”
“People with higher levels of ghrelin generally have a harder time losing weight. Past studies have shown that ghrelin levels may increase when a person is dieting because the body is hardwired to protect itself from starvation.”
Yes, and we need to be specific when talking about “science.” Ghrelin does not interfere with fat oxidation or making it more difficult to use fat as fuel, as in reducing fat mass on the body, it’s simply a hormone that signals your brain that you need to eat more. And yes, in that way it is a protection mechanism and it will make it harder to “lose weight,” as most people will give in and snack or eat more on a “diet” due to these cravings and hunger pangs. However, it is crucial to understand that ghrelin is not, as they call it a “hunger hormone,” it is a “starvation hormone.”
Again, science has been hijacked and they nick-name all these hormones to cause confusion on purpose. Just because a hormone makes you hungry and makes you think about food, does not make it a “hunger hormone.” Call it for what it is really about! There is a very important reason why your stomach produces this hormone, and that is because you are not getting enough nutrients! Ghrelin is released when you have nutrient deficiencies! And not only from lack of macronutrients such as fat or protein, or not getting enough “energy.” It’s released when you have a deficiency of any kind of nutrient that your body needs for its processes to function properly.
That is why I call it a “starvation hormone,” because that is what it is. A hormone released when your body is sensing starvation and it desperately wants you to eat more to cover up for the nutrient deficiencies you are experiencing.

“Now, researchers from the University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, have found that vigorous exercise suppresses ghrelin release more than moderate exercise, and that this effect may be more pronounced in women. The study was recently published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.”
And that is some real retarded backwards-thinking. “Let’s exercise and punish our body even more when we already are starving and can’t recover properly!” What could possibly go wrong?
Exercise intensity affects ‘hunger hormone’ release
“There are two types of ghrelin: acylated (AG) and deacylated (DAG). DAG makes up the bulk of ghrelin in the body, accounting for about 80% of this hormone.
Past research has shown that AG is responsible for controlling hunger and a number of bodily processes, such as energy balance regulation and prompting insulin resistance.
DAG was originally considered an inactive form of ghrelin, but now scientists know it is involved in a variety of biological activities, including glucose metabolism and the movement of the gastric system.”
The confusion among the low-IQ “scientists” stems from their failure to recognize that our natural state as humans is to be in ketosis and to very rarely consume any carbohydrates that interfere with our blood glucose.
The two DAG and AG types of ghrelin work together in symbiosis, as everything in our bodies. There are two types for a reason. DAG levels remain at peak levels during long-term food deprivation, as in fasting or a starvation scenario, while AG concentrations settle near the usual nadir following a typical meal. This means that AG levels will drop as soon as you eat, but will come up again if you do not get enough nutrients. It’s simply a short-term regulation of appetite and hunger as you fill your stomach with something. AG also regulates hormones, which are needed in different quantities during digestion and a fasted state, which we will come to.
DAG on the other hand will remain high for as long as you have nutrient deficiencies, as it’s the true indicator of starvation.

However, as AG once again raises after a meal that was not nutrient sufficient, AG binds to the GH secretagogue type 1a receptor (GHS-R1a) and stimulates secretion of GH and other pituitary hormones. This is one of the effects of fasting. For as long as you go completely without food, AG will stimulate growth hormone release, which protects the body from breaking down during starvation and instead use autophagy to recycle damaged cells. I’ve covered this in many of my fasting articles.
This is also why AG drops once you eat something, as high growth hormone levels would interfere with insulin and other parts of digestion.

So, in the broad sense of the topic, it doesn’t really matter what these two types of ghrelin does, or what you can do to them, as they are the result of a body that is starving for nutrients. What you need to do is to get some bioavailable nutrition on your plate, which is only possible by consuming enough animal-based foods, as in meat, eggs, and dairy.

Reduced DAG ghrelin levels following vigorous exercise
“At the study’s conclusion, the researchers found that female participants had higher levels of total ghrelin and of the DAG form of ghrelin compared to male participants.”
This tells us that those with higher levels of DAG have been starving for a longer time and likely have more severe nutrient deficiencies, which is common among women who have been deceived into consuming mostly a retarded plant-based diet — as plants lack more than 15 essential nutrients and the remaining “nutrients” needs to be converted to a bioavailable format, a process that has a 20 to 60% success rate among minerals, and only 4 to 12% success rate among other nutrients such as “vitamins.” In other words, plant foods have close to zero bioavailable nutrition for humans and are also extremely toxic to boot as they come with hundreds of defense chemicals, antinutrients, and pesticides. You should never consume anything that comes from plants!

“Both gender groups showed reduced DAG ghrelin levels after vigorous exercise, when compared to moderate exercise and control readings.”
Yes, in nature, if you were starving, you would need to focus on getting food — as in hunting, scavenging for carcasses or even foraging. By reducing hunger and appetite during physical activity, we would be able to prioritize our focus and energy expenditure for food-seeking behavior, ensuring optimal allocation of resources for survival. This is also why we get unlimited energy when running on our natural fat metabolism and being in ketosis.
This, however, would result in getting nutritious animal fat and meat and eventually remedy any malnutrition and thus curbing your appetite and hunger. In today’s modern society, people instead reach for processed foods or plant-based slave-slop, simply energy-dense crap void of any nutrition — and the cycle is repeated. They’re overfed but undernourished. Or if on a retarded diet, simply malnourished.
Trying to lower ghrelin and the sensation of hunger by doing more exercise, and even worse, more vigorous exercise is complete madness. Not only does it not address the real problem of nutrient deficiencies, but it stresses the body to the extreme — a body that is malnourished and does not have enough resources to recover from such exercise. That is what we call digging a really deep hole for ourselves. Simply publishing such nonsense is pure evil as it will do great harm to a lot of people who do not understand that they simply are malnourished and absolutely not suffering from lack of exercise.
“The scientists further found that only female participants also had significantly reduced AG form of ghrelin after high-intensity exercise.”
This is really bad as AG stimulates growth hormone, and with lowered AG there will be less protection of tissue breakdown. However, this is not surprising if you stress the hell out of a malnourished and toxic body with vigorous exercise that likely already has hormonal imbalances.
And with that fact established, it should be obvious that you should never use exercise to blunt hunger. Simply eat some organ meats and remedy those nutrient deficiencies!
“This strengthens the need for more work on how biological sex may impact exercise and hormonal responses,” Anderson said. “High-intensity may be superior to moderate-intensity exercise for reducing ghrelin levels and modifying hunger, and sex may impact this response. We will be looking at how exercise intensity and ghrelin levels affect appetite in individuals with obesity and/or prediabetes,” she added. “This will further this research to identify whether fat tissue and/or insulin resistance impact our results.”
You frikkin’ dimwits. This is totally irrelevant. There’s nothing to gain from this backwards and retarded research. Fix the real problem, the problem that causes your body to upregulate ghrelin, the problem of not getting enough bioavailable nutrients. Simply consume more animal-based foods.
After this Medical News Today repeats the old lie about fiber and feeling more “full,” while reducing “simple carbohydrates” to feel full longer. Both these toxic substances should be removed from any diet. However, the only solution to never feel hungry or experience cravings is to be fully nourished, and that is only possible by getting enough bioavailable nutrients — nutrients that are only found in animal-based foods.
Again, we who follow our natural human carnivore diet never get hungry or experience cravings. And when we do prolonged fasting, due to our high nutritional status, we can easily go 11 days without even feeling empty.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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