The Real Reasons For Hearing Loss and Cognitive Decline

As always, the medical field and their extremely incompetent and paid-off researchers once again failed to understand the simple fact that just because two variables are associated, it does not mean that one causes the other. This is why we who practice real science say, “correlation does not imply causation,” as correlation alone does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. In other words, just because two variables are correlated, it does not mean that one variable causes the other to occur. 

However, within the medical field and pharmacology, they love to falsely imply correlation between made-up diseases, as this will lead to more complex diagnoses and treatments, having doctors prescribe more expensive drugs and making sure that the patient gets severely damaged from all the toxicity and has to come back for new money-making treatments. It’s the perfect scenario of a hamster wheel, only subduing symptoms and making tons of profit until the patient eventually dies from the toxic damage.

As a perfect example of the incompetence and ‘correlation does not imply causation,’ we will look at one of the latest articles at Medscape, a propaganda website that belongs to the lying evil scumbags at WebMD, a website just as laughable as Medical News Today and their owner Healthline. See how they all are connected and owned by a larger company, which in turn is controlled by the elite’s investment firms who also own the pharmaceutical companies and govern the medical field. Surely just coincidences.

So, let’s see what these imbeciles have to say.

“Mild or disabling hearing loss in middle-aged and older adults is associated with cognitive impairment, new findings show. However, unlike in previous studies, investigators found no cognitive benefit from wearing hearings aids, except in people with depression.”

I just can’t stop laughing. They actually spent money on such retarded research? Not to mention the ‘hearing aid’ investigation. Seriously?! 

“Altogether, the present findings combined with prior evidence support that patients with hearing loss are at higher risk of cognitive impairment; lead author Baptiste Grenier, MD, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France, and colleagues wrote.”

No, stating something like that is outright lying, and you know it. What you should say is that, “there are similarities between the nutrient deficiencies and the toxic damage that can lead to hearing loss and also to cognitive decline,” because that is what it is about. Both health problems are caused by very similar nutrient deficiencies and toxic damage, especially from carbohydrates, plant-based toxins, heavy metals, and pesticides.

As you should know by now, consuming carbohydrates increases blood glucose above normal safe levels, which in turn damages soft tissues, as in the ear. It is also established that repeatedly elevated levels of blood glucose from carbohydrates damages the brain, leading to cognitive decline. That’s a non-negotiable correlation.

Then we have nutrient deficiencies, such as not getting enough iron (only available in animal-foods,) vitamin B12 (only available in animal-foods,) folate, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iodine, and vitamin A  (only available in animal-foods,) that contributes to both loss of hearing and cognitive decline. Again, a non-negotiable correlation.

And finally, we have the accumulation of toxins, especially from a plant-heavy diet, such as grains, legumes, and nuts. These antinutrients, such as phytic acid and lectins both contribute to the loss of hearing and cognitive decline. And so do pesticides from plant-based foods and heavy metals from plants and the environment.  

“Investigators say that their findings suggest it may be useful to monitor cognitive function in middle-aged individuals with hearing loss.”

That is one very retarded conclusion. It’s laughable. If anyone shows signs of either two of these health problems, you should examine their diet and toxic exposure, and correct those.

Sure, if someone is experiencing hearing loss, they will eventually experience cognitive decline, as it’s almost the same factors that contribute to the two. However, if someone is experiencing hearing loss, you should not sit around and wait for his or her cognitive function to decline so you can prescribe drugs for that ailment, such as cholinesterase inhibitors, memantine, aducanumab, or lecanemab-irmb. You should do something about the loss of hearing, as in making sure he or she consumes plenty of animal-based foods to remedy his or her nutrient deficiencies, as well as lowering their toxic load. That will actually stop the damage, and there will be no cognitive decline. And some of their hearing might actually return, as the body can start to heal itself.
And if someone is already experiencing cognitive decline, you can reverse most of it by fixing your diet and especially getting more saturated fats, cholesterol, omega-3, and B-vitamins.

After this, Medscape mostly dwells on the execution of the study and that of “hearing aids.” And as I’m out of time for this morning, I will not bore you with it, as we have already debunked their juvenile “science.”

So, what can we learn from this? Well, it’s obvious that every single “modern disease” is the result of either nutrient deficiencies, an accumulated toxic load, or mental trauma as described in German New Medicine, or a combination of any of these.

Thus, it’s very easy to remedy the problem. Simply follow your species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods and do your best to minimize all toxic exposure. Also, it can never hurt to work on your psyche and acknowledge past traumatic events and make peace with them.

Thanks for reading!

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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