Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process!

Yesterday I stumbled upon another retarded and backwards-thinking article by the medical- and pharmaceutical shill website Medscape. This time they voiced “concerns” about “drug-resistant” and “troublesome” fungal infections.

Well, if you’re the least familiar with basic biology and physiology, you would be laughing out loud at their desperate silliness, the silliness and inverted thinking of the medical field, the biggest scam in the world, well, next to the food industry, that is.

This will be a “short” article simply dealing with the irrefutable facts about bacteria and fungi, as I’ve touched on these subjects many times before. And considering that baby troofers still share extremely retarded memes claiming that fungi and parasites cause cancer, it seems that it needs repeating.

Medscape begins with, “As the number of drug-resistant and other troublesome tinea infections grows, perhaps the only certainty is that these are not the tinea subtypes that most providers studied in medical school. As dermatologists, public health officials, and infectious disease specialists scramble to raise awareness about prevention and treatment, challenges ranging from a dearth of testing facilities and data to payer pushback over longer therapeutic courses remain.”

Studied “tinea” in medical school, huh? None of you did that. Be real for once. And dermatologists, public health officials, and “infectious disease specialists” have absolutely no clue about anything. These are low-level educated puppets of pseudo-science in the medical field, oblivious to anything that is real or how the world and nature actually operates. They’ve never even looked at the basics of biology, physiology or biochemistry. They live in a Rockefeller fantasy world of invaders, germs and silly viruses. Simply the title “infectious disease specialists” is laughable, as there is no such thing as an “infectious disease.” That crap was debunked over 150 years ago. Again, be real for once.

After this, they go on about a fairly new “zoophilic fungus” called “Trichophyton indotineae” that has been reported in several countries, including a few cases in the U.S. And before we continue, it’s crucial to understand that fungi does not “infect” people, nor is it “contagious” (nothing in nature is contagious, that is a made-up excuse to sell drugs.)

Fungi is simply a part of the cleaning crew, just like bacteria. When your toxic load becomes too high and tissue is damaged, bacteria will assist in breaking down organic compounds and residues in tissues, which moronic doctors believe to be an infection. The same happens with fungi. While bacteria focus on decomposing simpler compounds, fungi goes to work on more complex organic matter, especially wound healing and tissue repair, as in the skin, where it also stimulates collagen synthesis. Fungi can also stimulate the production of cytokines, which are crucial for the healing process as they in turn stimulate the production of growth factors, such as platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF,) fibroblast growth factor (FGF,) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF,) which promote cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration.

Fungi also produces mycotoxins, which can inhibit the growth of other microorganisms, which is crucial for the balance of bacteria during a detoxification and healing process. 

And as fungi are particularly effective at breaking down complex organic matter, such as chitin, cellulose, and lignin, which normally are found in plant cell walls and other organic materials, you can experience fungi overgrowth if you have a build-up of these substances in your body — and many of these toxic plant-materials have found their way into processed food, cosmetics, and other “hygiene” products. Fungi also breaks down and helps with eliminating heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as found in contaminated soil and water, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and other highly toxic pharmaceuticals and pollutants.

So, to summarize, you will experience fungi when the load of certain toxins becomes too high, and especially if these toxins are expelled through the skin. You will also experience more severe outburst if you have accumulated complex organic matter such as chitin or lignin and other pollutants such as heavy metals and pesticides from plant-based edibles. And if you take any kind of antibacterial- or antifungal- drugs you will really upset the balance between bacteria and fungi, while slowing down the detoxification and healing process, making it a lot worse in the long run.

Why the Rise

“We don’t know for sure why we’re seeing these different drug-resistant species popping up.” One possibility, he said, is the common misuse and overuse of topical antifungals — especially those available overseas in combination with high-potency steroids, such as clobetasol. Consumers use these products for a few weeks until symptoms resolve, then reapply them off and on over years, fueling resistance, said Gold.”

Wow, you guys are really stupid, aren’t you? There is no build-up of “resistance” from taking drugs. You either kill something or you don’t. When you take drugs you kill the cleaning crew, in this case the fungi, and the detoxification and healing process is temporarily stopped. The symptoms from the healing process goes away and the idiot who took the treatment believes he or she got better. However, as they do nothing about what caused the ailment in the first place, as in their awful diet and lifestyle, toxicity continues to build up in the same manner as before. And within a few months, their bodies reach the threshold again and try to detox and heal, hence both fungi and their symptoms come back. As long as you do not fix the real problem, it will be a never ending cycle of detoxification and healing being interrupted by drugs. It has nothing to do with drug resistance or fungi “evolving.” It simply has to do with your shitty diet and lifestyle. 

“We are worried that with warming temperatures, there’s potential to see expansion of the geographic range of epidemic fungi,” he added. “That could be part of what has fueled recent increases in resistant dermatophytes. But it’s hard to prove.”

Oh, the climate hoax. There are no “warming temperatures.” Again, let’s be real for once. These outbreaks of fungi come from the declining lifestyle, especially the diet. People who actually follow our natural human species-specific diet never have any health problems. We only see these outbreaks among the most unhealthiest individuals — those who live on processed garbage and take zero care of themselves. That’s the problem. The extreme toxic load within the body together with extreme nutrient deficiencies from a shitty diet.

And considering the evolution of processed foods with newly invented additives and toxins being added every year, that of environmental pollution, especially from every-day products such as plastics, it’s not surprising that cases of fungi are increasing and that even “new” species of fungi are being discovered — as new poisons are entering our bodies.  

And this new “Trichophyton indotineae” is what they call a “zoophilic fungus,” which means that it can be observed both in animals and humans. And that gives us a clue to what might be causing it. Yes, toxins that both animals and humans come in contact with. Start your search there.

Of course, Medscape ends their article with “treatment tips,” as in spending $200 on itraconazole a month to stop the natural detoxification and healing process, and thus continue the build-up of toxins which will lead to much worse outcomes, such as tumors and severe organ damage.
Anyone associated with the medical field should be behind bars.

And that is it for this time. Within the real scientific fields of biology and physiology, we know that fungi are simply a part of our physiology, just as bacteria and parasites. All of them are crucial for our survival, and especially when we detox and heal damaged tissues.

While they can become out of balance, especially when you have unnatural high toxic loads, have nutrient deficiencies, and a lot of other health problems that interfere with each other and especially the detoxification and healing process — it might be warranted at times to use drugs to lessen the symptoms and make it through the day. However, the main problem will always be your diet and exposure to toxins. That is what needs to be remedied. You can never be healthy for as long as these two pillars go unattended.

And as you should know by now, the only way to get all the nutrients we need in a bioavailable format and without any toxins, is by consuming solely animal-based foods, by adopting our natural human carnivore diet.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

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