Today we return to Medical News Today, the disinformation and shill-website for the backwards-thinking medical field and the pharmaceutical industry. This time they tackle a new study that claims that light pollution can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s in “younger people.”
Again, being the backwards pseudo-scientific field of modern medicine, they focus on labeling specific “conditions” instead of understanding and explaining the cause of the symptoms and how to avoid or fix it. Let’s see what they have to say about nightly light pollution.
“Excessive light pollution at night could increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, particularly for people under 65. Research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience found exposure to light pollution at night time could be an important modifiable risk factor to investigate in Alzheimer’s disease.”
Your headline says “younger people,” and for once you got that right, as humans are designed to live for 120 to 150 years if following their natural human carnivorous diet. A tier of 65 years is really young, especially when it comes to invented diseases like “Alzheimer’s,” which simply is a starving brain: lacking cholesterol and animal fats, which we have established in previous articles.
Now, as you failed to explain what “nightly light pollution” is, let me offer a quick summary. Nightly light pollution refers to the excessive, inappropriate, and/or poorly designed artificial lighting that illuminates the night sky in cities and their surrounding areas, obscuring the natural darkness and visibility of “celestial objects,” i.e. the electromagnetic toroidal fields above us, which reflects the Earth’s land mass, which people call stars and planets.
While nightly light pollution disrupts natural ecosystems and wildlife behavior, it also causes sleep disturbance and circadian rhythm disruption unless you can really shut out the light and darken your rooms in the evening and sleep in a completely dark room, preferable before 10.00 p.m. to optimize detoxification, hormone production and the healing processes.

Higher risk of Alzheimer’s with brighter nights
“In undertaking their research, the study authors used data from satellites to determine the average night-time light intensity in the U.S. between the years 2012–2018.
They ranked the lower 48 U.S. states according to their average nighttime light intensity. The states were then split into five groups, from the darkest states at night with the lowest average light intensity to the brightest states at night with the highest average light intensity.”
You mean data from weather balloons and aircrafts, as satellites are a silly juvenile hoax for the dumbed down globetards.
“The researchers also gathered Medicare data to determine the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in those states.
They found statistical differences between the states that were the darkest at night and the brightest at night. Higher intensity of light pollution at night was positively associated with the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease.”
Now, and this is important, you could probably do the same “statistical” comparisons with a lot of different invented “diseases,” and get the same result. Remember, “diseases” are just invented labels for different symptoms — and symptoms are bodily manifestations of different healing and detoxing processes, or that of nutrient deficiencies.

As I mentioned above, night light pollution, if not completely blocked, will disrupt your circadian rhythm and cause sleep disturbances. And what exactly do your body do when you sleep?
Yes, once it enters a fasted state and you are sleeping, it will detox and accelerate healing processes, especially of vulnerable and essential tissues, such as the brain and organs.

And what does that mean if your sleep is disturbed? Yes, you will not be able to detox or heal properly. And this is also why it is so important to have your last meal 4 to 6 hours before bed, so that you enter your sleep in a fasted state.
Now, while Alzheimer’s is mainly the manifestation of a starving brain, of a body that is not getting enough animal fats and cholesterol, there are several other factors that contribute to a decline in brain health. Among those are the forming of abnormal tau-proteins, the build-up of beta-amyloid plaques, and abnormal folding of amyloid beta proteins, and the failure of microglial and astrocyte cells to clear away those waste products, debris, and abnormal proteins.
These malfunctions are often the result of toxicity from chemicals and plant-based foods which are highly inappropriate for humans, while the failure to remove the waste products from these malfunctions is a combination of nutrient deficiencies (your body cannot do what it should be able to do as it lacks resources,) and not getting enough time, as in stage 3 sleep, for detoxification, as when getting poor and disturbed sleep.

“They found that for people who were ages 65 and older, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease had a stronger correlation with nighttime light pollution than other potential disease risk factors like chronic kidney disease, alcohol abuse, depression, and obesity.”
Since most people follow a non-human and extremely toxic “modern diet,” the toxicity and damage accumulates, and your body will begin to struggle to keep up as time goes by.
And as night light pollution has escalated during our last generation, people on average get less and less quality sleep, accelerating the toxic build-up and damage it causes — all while food quality declines. We see this with all “diseases,” and especially with brain health if your sleep is disturbed.
“The study authors note their research has some limitations. The Medicare data was limited, the study examined prevalence of Alzheimer’s but not incidence and no indoor light data was available.
Indoor light exposure (e.g., televisions, computers, phones) is critically important and should be evaluated in future studies,” the study authors write. The totality of outdoor and indoor nighttime light exposure is important to consider to fully understand the impact of nighttime light on [Alzheimer’s].”
Well, all kinds of light exposure in the evening is very detrimental for your sleep, and if your sleep is disturbed you cannot fully detoxify and heal essential and sensitive tissues, which will impact your whole body.
So, instead of focusing on Alzheimer’s, you should focus on the important healing and detoxification mechanics of sleep and how to improve sleep quality, something I have several pages about in my coaching guides, and have educated people about for 20+ years now.
And of course, once again, the big elephant in the room is the atrocious modern plant-focused diet, which is void of nutrition and full of toxins, especially carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils and man-made chemicals.
The mathematical equations are very simple. The better nourished you are, and the lower your toxic load is, the less work your body has to do, especially while you sleep. This also means that if you follow our natural human and species-appropriate, species-specific carnivorous diet that is full of essential nutrients and totally void of toxins, you do not require as much sleep.

We who eat according to our carnivorous physiology only need about 5 to 6 hours of quality sleep a night, while those who follow a retarded plant-based and/or modern “balanced diet” full of toxins require 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep. Still, those who consume non-human food, as in plant-based slave sludge, will never be able to keep up with the damage, as we can see with the explosion of modern diseases and decline in mental health, vitality, energy levels, and simply quality of life.

“One of them is the role of sleep disruption. Wilson says the impact this can have on the brain’s processes is an important factor to consider.
We know that sleep plays an important role in clearing the protein associated with Alzheimer’s disease, known as amyloid-beta, from the brain. If sleep is disrupted, by things such as light or an untreated sleep disorder such as sleep apnoea, the ability for our brain to clear this protein is reduced. Further, poor sleep quality may have a broader impact on other risk factors, such as depression, level of physical activity, and high blood pressure, she said.”
Congratulations, you got the amyloid-beta correct. Still, the main problem is the modern diet followed by poor sleep. Even if you were to sleep very poorly due to light pollution, you would manage if you were well-nourished and your toxic load was low.
With that said, if you are well-nourished, as in following an animal-based diet, you are much more aware of your health and everything impacting it, and thus you would make sure to turn off lights in the evening and to sleep in a completely dark room without any electronics. That is simply common sense, or I wish it was.
After this, MNT rambles about other “risk factors” for Alzheimer’s, of which all they got wrong.
Again, it’s about diet, followed by toxic load, followed by sleep quality and the ability to detox and heal. If you get enough animal fats, as in saturated fats, and cholesterol, your brain health will be fine, even if you sleep poorly now and then. Even more so if your diet is animal-based or carnivorous, as it should be — as your toxic load will be extremely low and your body will be able to function at peak efficiency. It’s not more complicated than that.
However, these medical shill sites will never admit that the real problem that we always come back to is the plant-focused modern diet, that of carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils and all kinds of vegetables and fruits that are ridden with antinutrients, defense chemicals, and pesticides.
Forget about Alzheimer’s. Forget about the idiotic labels that the medical field puts on different symptoms. It all comes down to diet and toxic exposure. Limit your toxic exposure and make sure to eat nutrient-dense animal-based food, while making sure that your sleep hygiene is good, and you will never experience any labeled “modern disease.”
If you need help with improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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