
Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of many shill websites that are in bed with our charlatan governments and Big Pharma, and thus promotes the inverted and pseudo-scientific approach to healthcare, medical science and treatment we see in today’s backward society. Most of the time they are completely wrong, or they twist the truth to fit the narrative. This time however, the article actually has a correct message, as in the fact […]

Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late Read the Full Article »

Partial Sleep Deprivation and its Effects on Health

Again, we return to T-Nation and one of their latest short and hidden ‘advertisement articles.’ They’ve really been pumping these out lately, with the basic principle of some little “problem” found in some study and then a backwards solution that leads the uninformed reader to buy their supplements. While the latter is complete bollocks, some of the research data can be of interest, at least if interpreted correctly, and that is where yours truly

Partial Sleep Deprivation and its Effects on Health Read the Full Article »

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of the worst disinformation and government/medical shill-websites on the ‘net, where every breaking story is tailored to reinforce their pseudo-scientific lies while furthering their slave-control and single-gender agenda. This time they covered the alarming rise of “colorectal cancer” in the young population. Well, pretty much every “modern disease” is rising all across the board due to our general lifestyle of stress, drugs/medication, supplements, and highly processed

Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants Read the Full Article »

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women

Muscle & Fitness recently posted an article on Intermittent Fasting and differences between men and women. And since a sane human being actually acknowledge that there are only two genders and that there are differences between the sexes, this is an interesting topic. Also, as with all these ‘Intermittent Fasting’ articles, they never mention the real important part, that of actually eating. Their article begins with quoting a 2020 survey where, allegedly, 24 percent

Intermittent Fasting: The Importance of Actually Eating and The Difference Between Men and Women Read the Full Article »

The Pseudo-Science of Weight-Loss in 2024

The shills at Healthline are back with what they call six “Science-Backed Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Sustainably.”At least they start off with telling their readers to ‘cut carbs,’ although it should say ‘cut out carbs,’ as in removing all extremely toxic carbohydrates. Well, let’s see what more they have. “How to lose weight in 6 simple steps…” 1. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables “Aim to include a variety of foods at each

The Pseudo-Science of Weight-Loss in 2024 Read the Full Article »

If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault

The pharmaceutical pseudoscience shill site ‘healthline’ recently posted an article with what they call the “science” of being ‘cranky,’ as in the reasons for feeling irritable and annoyed. Science you say? Well, the first rule of “science” is to question everything, especially what is believed by indoctrinated dimwits to be “established science,” so this could be fun. Let’s get on with it. In their article, ‘healthline’ presents five explanations for being stuck in a

If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault Read the Full Article »

Biohacking is Complete Bullshit

Inspired by a post at our community forums over at, about the hydrogen water gimmick, I decided to make a short article about this nonsense called ‘biohacking.’ And be prepared, I will not pull any punches today as a bloody nose might be what is needed to wake some people up from their indoctrination and reversed ‘logic.’ To make it easy, I will define ‘biohacking,’ also known as ‘DIY biology,’ as a futile

Biohacking is Complete Bullshit Read the Full Article »

Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated

While Muscle & Fitness has lost a lot of readers over the years, and rightfully so, they still rank among the top 15 “fitness” websites in the world. One of their featured “nutrition” articles aimed at fat loss is called “10 things you need to know when starting a new diet plan,” written by Emmie Satrazemis. As most brainwashed nutritionists, dieticians, personal trainers, and coaches, the staff at Muscle & Fitness, including Emmie, are

Starting a Fat Loss Plan is Not Really That Complicated Read the Full Article »

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