Today we return to the government- and pharmaceutical shill website ‘Medical News Today,’ operated by the abysmal Healthline and owned by Red Ventures that is financed by Silver Lake Partners, who has its roots in the elite families’ BlackRock. MNT recently posted an article based on a new study where researchers looked at six popular herbs and their liver toxicity.
Well, this should be a no-brainer. Herbs are a widespread group of plants with savory and aromatic properties, which they get from alkaloids, terpenes and phenolic compounds (phenols.)
As with any plant, these chemical substances are simply the herb’s defense chemicals, protecting the plant against pests, bugs, and anyone who would want to try and eat them. These defense chemicals are extremely toxic and do great damage if consumed, as seen with any kind of plant, vegetable, or fruit, who all have their unique defense chemicals and antinutrients that protect them. Counting secondary metabolites and variations, many thousands of defense chemicals have been identified and the discovery of new chemicals continues as we speak. A single plant, vegetable, or herb can contain anywhere from a dozen to several hundreds of different plant defense chemicals, and they are all toxic, contributing to the toxic load of the body and doing great damage, especially when ingested regularly.
Now, let’s see what Medical News Today and these researchers got right, and what they might try to cover-up or downplay.
“Although herbs and plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, they have recently become very popular thanks in part to posts on the social media platform TikTok where users tout the benefits of taking herbal supplements like ashwagandha, turmeric, and green tea.”
Yes, people have been misguided and deceived since the beginning of history. There are ZERO medicinal, healing, detoxing, and health benefits from plants. When you introduce a potent toxin, a poison, from such a plant, your body has to deal with that immediate threat. This means that whatever symptoms from an ongoing healing or detoxification process will be temporarily halted, or even shut down. As the symptoms from whatever your body was trying to fix disappears, you assume that whatever you took made you better, when in reality, it simply interfered with your healing and now you will be even worse off. I’ve explained this in-depth in many, many articles.
And this is also why they have become popular. The more toxic they are, the bigger the impact on the symptoms you’re currently having from what your body is trying to remedy and eliminate from your system. The problem though is that as these herbs are extremely toxic, they will do a lot of damage to your body, especially to your organs such as the liver. This is, as I said, a no-brainer.
Now, and this is crucial to understand, if you consume some plant-based garbage as in vegetables, nuts, and seeds, or simply consume some herbs as they are, the toxic load will be heightened and there will be some damage done while your body does its best to detoxify by expelling these chemical compounds. If your body is compromised by an unnatural non-human diet, as in heavily plant-based and/or processed, you will have nutrient deficiencies, and your ability to detoxify will be hindered — thus the toxic load will build up faster, causing more damage over time. This is the scenario for most people, and why “modern diseases” are sky-rocketing. It’s also why some vegans believe they get better after a while on a retarded nutrient deficient diet, as their bodies runs on fumes and can’t detox or heal properly, giving the illusion of improvement.
Now, the food industry, the supplement industry, and the pharmaceutical industry will try and blame disease on anything but the atrocious modern diet. However, as these “natural remedies” as in herbs gain popularity due to their extreme toxic nature and ability to fool gullible people into believing that they “cure” them of disease, they are now available in supplement form, as in concentrated powders, capsules, tablets, or teas. Yes, concentrated forms, which means that the concentration of these extremely toxic defense chemicals have increased multifold.
So, by simply taking a concentrated form of these popular herbs as supplements, the toxic load is increased 5 to 20 fold! And in other supplements, some of these defense chemicals have been isolated and come in even higher doses (as with turmeric/curcumin, resveratrol, etc.)
In very weak people, this could cause acute poisoning and liver damage, while in others, the damage will accumulate and might show up after months or years. And this is why they have to actually do studies on this and admit that these compounds cause liver damage. Let’s see how they proceed.
“While herbal supplements may be considered “natural,” they are not inherently safe and don’t require review or approval by the U.S. FDA before going to market. Additionally, people can experience side effects with herbal supplements and certain herbs can interfere with medications they are currently taking.”
Natural does simply mean that the chemical compounds are not artificially synthetic compounds being produced in a lab or a medical factory. Natural does not mean safe. Everything in nature will try to protect itself from predators — hence defense chemicals.
And it’s funny that you mention “certain herbs can interfere with medications.” This will likely fly over the heads of the sleeping masses. However, what you actually said was that these herbs are as toxic as your synthetic drugs and that they work by the same mechanics, as in poisoning the body and mitigating symptoms.
“Now, a new study from researchers at the University of Michigan reports that an estimated 15.6 million U.S. adults — or 5% — have taken at least one herbal supplement in the last 30 days that might be damaging to their liver, or hepatotoxic.”
Most herbs and plants will damage the liver as they are toxic. It’s only a question of concentration and exposure — as in accumulated damage over time.
Studying 6 potentially hepatotoxic botanical products
“For this study, researchers analyzed data from more than 9,500 U.S. adults with an average age of 47.5 who took part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) years 2017 to 2020. Medical data on these participants included prescription drug and herbal supplement use.
Scientists focused on study participant use of six herbal supplements considered from past research to be potentially hepatotoxic:
- Ashwagandha
- black cohosh
- Garcinia cambogia
- green tea extract
- red yeast rice
- turmeric or curcumin”
Actually, if you look into biology and microbiology, you’ll find plenty of research and evidence of the toxicity in every single plant. While herbs are extremely toxic, so are everything that is plant-based – especially seeds, nuts, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, and grains.
“Potentially hepatotoxic botanical products are the products that contain plant-based ingredients which have been implicated as potential causes of liver damage, Alisa Likhitsup, lead author of this study explained to Medical News Today.”
You mean ‘defense chemicals,’ as in this case for herbs, specifically are alkaloids, terpenes and phenolic compounds. I guess you can’t say it like it is, as it might scare people into questioning the evil depopulation plant-based and vegan agenda.
“How these products cause liver damage is not yet known but it is likely due to metabolism that occurs in the liver after the products were consumed, she said.”
You ingest highly toxic and poisonous compounds in high concentrations. You know very well what is happening. These compounds are very well documented in biology as all three of them inhibit liver enzymes and detoxification, and can cause direct liver damage.
“As a practicing hepatologist, I have seen patients who had liver injury from taking dietary supplements and some were fatal which required emergency liver transplant.”
Yes, and I’m not surprised. Most people have been deceived their whole life, trying to patch up their poor diet by taking supplements, or to lessen the symptoms of their damaged body as it desperately tries to heal — supplements that are even more toxic than the plant-based and processed food itself.
‘Natural’ does not always equal safe
“After reviewing this study, Rosario Ligresti, chief of Gastroenterology at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, told MNT that while hepatotoxic botanical products are plants or plant-derived products, given a lack of regulatory oversight on the manufacturing and the lack of testing on these products, consumers need to know they may be causing their bodies more harm than good by consuming them.”
While this is true, it is not the problem. The problem is that every single plant, be it a vegetable or a herb, is extremely toxic for humans. We are obligate hyper carnivores. We only used to consume some tiny amount of plants to avoid starvation. When population increased and villages were formed, we had to rely more and more on plants to simply fill our stomachs, and everything with our health has gone downhill since then. And with processed food and the plant-based agenda, it has accelerated. And now we have concentrated supplements, as in concentrated defense chemicals to poison us even further.
“Because ‘supplements’ are supposedly made from natural ingredients, people have a false sense of security — they may believe that because the ingredients are ‘natural,’ they must be safe. However, it’s important to remember that natural does not always equal safe. Some natural ingredients can be toxic in high doses or interact with medications.”
Yes, but you still fail to mention what makes them toxic and that these defense chemicals are found in the hundreds in every single plant!
“For readers considering taking an herbal supplement, Richard said to first and foremost work with their healthcare team, including their physician, pharmacist, registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), or other credentialed herbalist or botanist practitioners, to really understand what botanicals may be best suited for their current condition and goals.”
No need to talk to any of those misinformed charlatans. You should never need to take a supplement, or a remedy, or anything to try and fix a problem. If you have symptoms, it is from healing and/or detoxing taking place. You need to assist your body, and you also need to figure out what caused this to happen, how you got poisoned, how your tissues got damaged. And that can only happen from what you expose yourself to, as in your diet/food, as in any other dietary supplement or drug, and from environmental toxins.
To conclude, this was damage control. Focusing on highly concentrated herb supplements and trends on social media, while ignoring the fact that every single plant-based edible will have the same damaging impact somewhere down the road. Again, it’s all about exposure and the cumulative build-up of toxins and damage.
Following a diet high in plant-based and/or processed foods will cut your lifespan in half and eventually manifest itself in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, organ failure, and so on. Adding supplements with concentrated forms of the same toxins will simply speed up this process, and when it comes to herbs, their defense chemicals are especially toxic to the liver, hence the results of the study.
Again, if you want to maximize your life quality, energy levels, your life expectancy and simply feel like a human again, all you need to do is to adopt our natural human carnivorous diet. My nutrition archive has pretty much everything you need, and if not, I’m always available for coaching or consulting.
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