Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers

After covering the world stage character, actor and controlled opposition Julian Assange so many times, not to mention how many others have exposed him, I didn’t really think I would need to cover this silly story about his staged and scripted plea deal. However, my social media feed proved me wrong. There are still a lot more gullible baby troofers, on the level of NPCs, cheering for this poser, this controlled opposition actor, than there are people who can clearly see right through him, his handlers, this ongoing psy-op, and the world stage illusion.
As the Freemasons always say, when the people need a hero, we will supply one.

To summarize, I will simply repeat what I have covered in my earlier articles and coverage of Assange and then add some links to other good resources.

Although he denies it, Julian Assange grew up in the Australian LSD mind-controlled cult known as ‘The Family,’ also known as the Santiniketan Park Association or the Great White Brotherhood, created by Anne Hamilton-Byrne, born as Evelyn Grace Victoria Edwards — where his mother was married into the cult when he was still a young child. The Family is a government mind-controlled cult very similar to the ‘Manson Family’ of Charles Manson and the CIA’s Laurel Canyon project. I’ve covered these in my mind-control series.
The children in these mind-controlled cults and operations are groomed and trained to follow an agenda, to follow orders, and to play one or several roles on the world stage.

As for Julian, he was groomed to play the role of a young ‘hacker’ with the code of ethics not to damage or crash systems, but simply share information.
Of course, hacking is overly romanticized and has been blown out of proportion due to silly movies and TV-series, when in reality it’s not as easy or, at most times, not even possible. Every single ‘hacker attack’ that has been covered in the media was simply an exercise and an agenda-driven psy-op carried out by the government, the CIA, and the involved companies themselves.

In 2006, Julian Assange, and some other mind-controlled puppets and dissidents, established the fake ‘whistleblower’ organization and ‘conspiracy diversion’ known as Wikileaks — simply another red herring CIA project.
Wikileaks immediately became closely associated with the Jesuit-controlled group Anonymous — a propaganda outlet that presents itself as a collective of “hackers,” created to spread disinformation and lure in gullible troofers and those into fake conspiracies.

In 2013, the conspiracy theorist movement was introduced to the media-actor and fake whistle-blower Edward Snowden, used by CIA as controlled opposition in the media industry to disclose mass surveillance by the NSA. Snowden was of course promoted by Julian Assange of Wikileaks, as well as by CNN, NBC, Time, and a host of other mainstream media outlets on both sides of the illusionary political spectrum. Remember, they only let their own puppets play among other world stage characters and get such media coverage.

Assange then re-emerged during the big CIA-operation known as Pizzagate, which fooled a lot of gullible baby troofers. In Pizzagate, Julian Assange of Wikileaks was used to spread fake emails of Hillary Clinton, of Jesuit John Podesta, and Anthony Weiner. These ‘emails’ was used by controlled opposition actors David Wilcock and David Seaman to spread false stories of cryptic messages and ‘secret code-words,’ leading the way to the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria in Washington D.C., claimed to be part of a child trafficking ring and pedophilia network. This was a classic psy-op by the textbook using the method of creating a vague mystery as a distraction to neutralize previous information about what is really going on, and to condition the public and to avoid other topics. Read more about the truth behind Pizzagate and what the accomplished by it in my Mind-Control Series Part 16.

During the Pizzagate operation, Julian Assange was also instrumental in introducing the concept of “fake news” through working with the Jesuit-controlled propaganda outlet Russia Today (RT.) It was a problem-reaction-solution operation that led to the silly ‘fact checkers’ on social media.

For most of Julian Assange’s life, he has been portrayed by the media as some kind of hero of conspiracy theorists and “whistle blowers,” with the image that he is always on the run from something (which upholds the illusion that he must be “on to something,” as he is always hunted by the government.)

As for this latest scripted and staged ‘plea deal,’ it was of course all done by the numbers as he is part of the world stage, a puppet, an asset, a part of the illusion. Anyone who gets such attention in the media and also interacts with other puppets on the world stage is part of it. They are all used to create division, chaos, and confusion — to keep the elite’s agendas marching on unnoticed.

Joseph Aquaviva did an excellent decode of this scripted story here:

Truth Seeker on YouTube made a good video about this actor on the world stage:

Gematria Effect News also covered the scripted story here:

Julian Assange agrees to plea deal for conspiracy charge, June 24, 2024

A decent breakdown of CIA’s Wikileaks and the role of Assange by American Everyman:

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