CIA Operation

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday

It’s a bit amusing how the semi-woke Trump-follower’s and Q-tards suddenly believe everything the media throws at them and they cry out about Joe Biden and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and his failure to orchestrate an urgent and orderly exit. Well, wake up little sheep. EVERYTHING is scripted, fabricated and planned. Everything is ritualistic and executed to fit the narrative, the numerology, and the Gematria. Joe Biden is a Jesuit puppet and the […]

Afghanistan’s Government Falls on Jesuit Order’s Birthday Read the Full Article »

Taliban False Flag by CIA

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual

We know that anything that has to do with “Terrorist organizations” or “Islamist Movements” such as the Taliban or Isis are in fact CIA-funded operations to instill chaos so the Elite can present their “solutions”. Divide and conquer.Let’s break down this story using the ancient practice of Gematria – their way to communicate, cast spells and shape our reality; just as God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter

Taliban Fighters Execute 22 Afghan Commandos in a False Flag Ritual Read the Full Article »

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