Problem Reaction Solution

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers

After covering the world stage character, actor and controlled opposition Julian Assange so many times, not to mention how many others have exposed him, I didn’t really think I would need to cover this silly story about his staged and scripted plea deal. However, my social media feed proved me wrong. There are still a lot more gullible baby troofers, on the level of NPCs, cheering for this poser, this controlled opposition actor, than […]

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers Read the Full Article »

Elon Musk Boosts the Social Media Hyped ‘Pizzagate’ CIA Psy-Op

Gullible Baby Truthers rejoiced on social media as their false Messiah and elitist puppet Elon Musk, as mainstream media went totally bats, boosted a post on X featuring the retarded ‘Pizzagate’ conspiracy theory. As always, the Baby Truthers, often trapped within the elite’s CIA instigated ‘Trump’ and ‘Q-movement,’ fail to recognize the simple concept of opposites; that the mainstream media, the alternate media, and the controlled opposition and gatekeepers, such as Elon Musk, all

Elon Musk Boosts the Social Media Hyped ‘Pizzagate’ CIA Psy-Op Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Fake France School Stabbing

Allegedly, on October 13, or on ‘Friday the 13th,’ a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France. According to the public story, the perpetrator was under surveillance by French security services over suspected Islamic radicalization. The government also increased its threat alert to its highest-level during Friday, allowing for larger police and military deployments to “protect the country.” Officials said there was no specific

World Stage: Fake France School Stabbing Read the Full Article »

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19

While we had the predictive programming of a ‘virus pandemic’ during the tabletop exercise ‘Clade X’ in 2018, we had another ‘pandemic’ ritual in 2019 with Event 201. Event 201 was a follow-up to Clade X organized by Johns Hopkins once again, and this time in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This high-level pandemic exercise called Event 201 was held on October 19, 2019, exactly 201-days

Mind Control: Programming and Conditioning, Part 19 Read the Full Article »

Obama Suggest ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Counter Misinformation (AI/Deepfakes, The Infodemic) and The Development of Digital IDs

It’s been a very slow and quiet two weeks or so in the media, as the Saturn Cult, the Freemasons, and their other goons sometimes take breaks from staging fake shootings and other events to evaluate the chatter among the masses. Of course, the sleeping masses never notices that these staged events suddenly stop, only to be continued again weeks or months later – or that they change the narrative in between. It’s part

Obama Suggest ‘Digital Fingerprints’ to Counter Misinformation (AI/Deepfakes, The Infodemic) and The Development of Digital IDs Read the Full Article »

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 1

This article was written for those who are waking up and for baby truthers that are still trapped in the matrix, in the illusion of left vs. right, of world-stage theatrics such as The Deep State, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Ukraine or China.I might come back and update this part, as it was written during an hour in the morning and using some copy-paste from my earlier work here on this website. Some of

World Stage Politics 101 – Left, Right, and the Green Agenda, Part 1 Read the Full Article »

The World Stage Psy-Ops: The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening

This article will expand in more detail on previous articles where I’ve explained both Agenda 2030, aka., The Great Reset, and the fake counter-narrative running parallel referred to as ‘The Great Awakening’ — also known as “Folkbildningsprojektet” by Controlled Opposition here in Sweden. The latter is usually mentioned together with the CIA deceiving psy-op that is known as ‘Q.’ Please take a few minutes and read this article if you’re not familiar with the

The World Stage Psy-Ops: The Great Reset vs. The Great Awakening Read the Full Article »

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