fact checkers

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers

After covering the world stage character, actor and controlled opposition Julian Assange so many times, not to mention how many others have exposed him, I didn’t really think I would need to cover this silly story about his staged and scripted plea deal. However, my social media feed proved me wrong. There are still a lot more gullible baby troofers, on the level of NPCs, cheering for this poser, this controlled opposition actor, than […]

Media Actor Julian Assange Back in the Headlines Cheered on by Gullible Baby Troofers Read the Full Article »

The Fake Media Industry Accuse Microsoft of Fake AI News

The war on information is slowly progressing behind the scenes, with the ‘elite’ pulling the strings in every corner of the information- and media industry. Alternative Media, Controlled Opposition, Government Shills, AI-generated News websites and blogs, AI Bots on social media, and now Microsoft allegedly depending on AI for their “news” on MSN.com and their web browser Edge’s start page. According to the story, Microsoft has increasingly relied on the use of automation and

The Fake Media Industry Accuse Microsoft of Fake AI News Read the Full Article »

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth

In light of yesterday’s article about WHO’s six policies for total enslavement policies, that are based on the germ and virus lie; those policies were foreshadowed by Rockefeller’s ongoing Mercury Project. And this is how they describe this “Mercury Project” in their own words: “The Social Science Research Council is providing USD 7.2 million to 12 teams advancing ambitious, applied social and behavioral science to combat the growing global threat posed by low Covid-19

Rockefeller’s Mercury Project to Further Dis-information and Silence the Truth Read the Full Article »

The Delmicron Psychological Operation

While it does not exist, the purpose of spreading this imaginary tale of a new non-existent virus combination of Delta and Omicron was simply to condition people of new lies to come, to keep them in fear, to bombard them with lies of worse scenarios to fuel this fake pandemic and the vaccinations. It’s simply psychological warfare. Repeat the lie of viruses and fake and staged pandemic, and the masses will believe it. Instill

The Delmicron Psychological Operation Read the Full Article »

Roadmap to Vaccination and Vaccine IDs Pre-Planned by the European Commission in early 2019

Did you know that the European Commission (EC) had a “Roadmap on Vaccination” and the “implementation of Vaccine Cards and Passports” ready months before the staged and fake COVID-19 pandemic broke out? The document is attached below in case EC removes it (or edit it) from their server. Pretty much the same pre-planning we’ve seen in so many areas, as the Covid-19 test-kits that was sold in 2018 and “System and Method for Testing

Roadmap to Vaccination and Vaccine IDs Pre-Planned by the European Commission in early 2019 Read the Full Article »

A quick look at the Media and the News – How They are Controlling You!

This will be a bit simplified, because most people can not stomach 50 pages on one single subject. So, to fit it into two pages or so, it has to be straight to the point. Note that I’ve worked within the ‘media circus’ during 1997 to 2012 – as Editor-in-Chief, as a writer and freelance journalist – all self-taught and through sheer ambition – and I was fooled for a long time too. First

A quick look at the Media and the News – How They are Controlling You! Read the Full Article »

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020

This post is about educating you further about the enormous importance of Gematria and that most “headline events” are staged and scripted.The core belief among all the cabals is that God created the world with language, by combining the number with the letter with the word.This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of

More on Gematria – the importance of ‘56’ in 2020 Read the Full Article »

Fact Checkers are Awesome!

Do you hate those evil agenda-driven Gestapo-like Fact Checkers? Well, I find them pretty useful actually.Considering that anything these ‘fact checkers’ write is complete bullshit and the total opposite to the truth, you can use that to your advantage!When you come across a post that has been ‘fact checked’ and the Gestapo puts a ‘false information’-sticker on it, you can do the following: 1. If you’re not that familiar with the subject discussed in

Fact Checkers are Awesome! Read the Full Article »

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