Any Amount of Sugar (Carbs) is Too Much!

A few days back, we discussed some of the controlled opposition and shill health sites over at our uncensored community forum It started with “Dr. Mercola” and then I added “Dr. Axe” to the mix – and that’s where we’re going today, as Dr. Axe and his crew posted an article about sugar, simply titled, “How Much Sugar Per Day Is Too Much?

Well, that’s easy to answer as all types of carbohydrates are extremely toxic for humans. But let see what else they got wrong, and how they try to stay on middle-ground, warning about “sugar” and at the same time patting carboholic athletes on the back.

The author, some “Rachael Link,” begin her article with the following statements:

Sugar has gotten a bad rap and for good reason. It’s in almost every packaged food you pick up at the grocery store, and there seems to be quite a sugar addiction epidemic in the U.S.
If you don’t see the word “sugar” in the ingredients list, there is likely another form of it that you simply do not recognize.
It seems our taste buds have adapted to the desire to crave sugar, and if our food has not been sweetened with it, it doesn’t taste nearly as good to many people. There is an upside here: Taste buds can adapt so you don’t crave all that sugar, but how?”

Yes, the food industry adds ‘processed,’ as in highly ‘refined’ sugar to most of their products to increase palatability and to make you consume more in one sitting, as well as making you eat more frequently. Although they might not understand the mechanics, or physiology, behind these responses, they are well aware of them and it’s a smart and sinister way to increase profits.

Humans are meant to run on animal fats and protein, and the glucose some specific tissues need are produced in exact amounts at any given time through gluconeogenesis, the natural conversion of some fatty acids and amino acids into glucose.
Thus, sugar, or more correctly, all types of carbohydrates, are a potent poison, as they are an exogenous source of glucose, something our body is already producing through the natural cycle of gluconeogenesis, hence the unnatural large release of insulin to quickly remove excess glucose from the bloodstream as any levels above our natural fasting state is extremely toxic, damaging, and even deadly.
As this rise in blood sugar is an immediate threat to your survival, your body will prioritize the removal of said glucose and other processes are temporarily halted, including healing and detoxification. That is why you might feel better after having some sugar, as symptoms of such processes will lessen for a few hours. That is also part of the addiction mechanism (and why crybabies eat sugary foods, such as ice-cream or cola when feeling sorry for themselves when they are sick.)

Also, as your body get more and more damaged from repeatedly consuming toxic carbohydrates, your cells will begin to protect themselves from the onslaught of glucose, and you develop what the medical community have labelled as “glucose/insulin resistance” and later on “diabetes.” As this occurs, blood sugar levels can drop too much as you overproduce insulin to eliminate the threat, because your cells are slow to respond. However, eventually, the glucose will be cleared and due to the onslaught of insulin, too much might be eliminated, resulting in “low blood sugar,” making you tired, unfocused, and very hungry again with ravenous cravings as your body desperately need to stabilize its blood glucose levels.

This is something that could never happen naturally in nature, as we are meant to only consume animal fat and proteins, and we might come across the occasional fruit or berry at times, something that is easily managed. However, overconsuming carbs (sugars) on a daily basis has interfered with your ability to manufacture glucose through gluconeogenesis and your cells have begun to shut down their capacity to store glucose as glycogen, so there you are, trapped in a vicious cycle of destruction, all while the food companies and big pharma profits.

How Much Sugar Per Day?

The American Heart Association recommends most American women consume no more than six teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories) of added sugar per day. For men, it’s no more than nine teaspoons (36 grams or 150 calories) of added sugar per day.”

Again, and this is very simple, all types of carbohydrates are broken down into glucose that are then stored away as glycogen and, if necessary, as fat in the form of triglycerides. It does not matter if it’s “simple” or “complex” carbohydrates, as in “table sugar (sucrose”) and “maltodextrin,” or “whole grains,” “fruits” and “vegetables.” They will all break down to glucose, present an immediate threat to your physiology, and will have to be used up and/or stored away to protect sensitive cells, nerves, and the cardiovascular system.

Now “sugar” is simply a generic name for simple- and highly soluble carbohydrates, such as glucose, fructose, and galactose. As for chemically refined and purified sugars, there are more than 59 variations, including sucrose, glucose, and high-fructose corn syrup.

However, this is all irrelevant, as they are all treated and handled the same way in the body, as they all pose the same threat in an unnatural rise in blood glucose. The only difference is how quickly they are digested and how quickly they enter the bloodstream. A quick absorption means that a large amount hits the bloodstream in a short time, which requires a lot of insulin over a short period of time. A slow absorption means a small but more consistent amount of glucose will be presented into the bloodstream over a longer period of time, which requires less initial insulin, but the exact same amount of insulin, just spread over a longer period of time.
In this regard, the fast-acting simple carbs will tax the organs as a lot of insulin has to be produced and released within a short period of time, while slow-acting complex carbs will linger in your blood stream for a much longer time, inflicting more damage to cells. None of the options are really preferable over the other, as they are both detrimental to our health. Humans should not consume carbohydrates, period.

So, in short, what the American Heart Association is saying is that 25g of any type of carbohydrates for women, and 35g for men, above what is deemed as a “safe” consumption of carbohydrates is dangerous. In reality it means that once you have filled up your glycogen stores, which will cause some damage over time, an additional 25g to 35g of carbohydrates will accelerate the damage to such a degree that it is directly recognized even by the medical community.
That’s not a lot of headroom. And anyone with half a brain can see the effects by simply looking at people and children of today.

And that takes us to the next point in Rachael’s article, where she mentions kids.

 “Let’s not forget about the kids. How many grams of sugar per day should they consume? Children do not need so much sugar, yet it’s in everything. Sugar consumption for children should not go beyond three teaspoons of added sugar per day, which equates to 12 grams. Did you know that one cup of Fruit Loops contains 3.75 teaspoons of sugar? That’s over the recommended amount for kids.”

Again, “added sugar” is irrelevant, as all carbohydrates are dealt with in the same way by our bodies. And children should absolutely not consume carbohydrates, that is child abuse. Have you ever noticed how “wired” children can get from consuming a lot of carbohydrates, as in sugar?

Well, children do not have the same amount of muscle cells or fat cells to store that onslaught of toxic glucose as adults do, and their livers are not fully matured to deal with fructose. Instead, to minimize the damage to the cells, their bodies release hormones to make them more active so they can use up some of that glucose and stored muscle glycogen to make room for more. Their hyperactivity is a result of acute poisoning as their little bodies are desperately trying to clear out that poison. Over time however, repeated consumption and clearance of carbohydrates will force their bodies to build more fat cells, setting them up for obesity (and having more fat cells also means more toxicity, as fat cells also store toxins, and will make it harder to get lean.)

Let’s see where Rachael goes next.

On the plus side, the right sugar and right amount of it may help athletes.
Research indicates that some forms of sugar are better than others. Subjects were evaluated after a 90-minute swim or a 24-hour period of fasting. The results showed that fructose is not the best choice for replenishing, but by using both glucose and fructose, glycogen is more rapidly restored in the liver, which can help repair overworked muscles and lead an athlete to being more prepared for the next workout.”

And here we go again with that backwards, inverted thinking. I know, I was indoctrinated into that pseudo-science myself in the 80’s and 90’s.

While glucose is quickly absorbed from the first part of the small intestine, fructose is absorbed the through the lower part of duodenum and jejunum at a much slower pace. Also, fructose only occurs naturally with glucose, and if only fructose is ingested, it’s not completely absorbed, resulting in malaise, stomachache, and diarrhea. So, glucose is needed with fructose for complete absorption. Also, fructose passes through the liver where the liver metabolizes fructose into glucose, lactose, and glycogen. The liver itself can store some of the glycogen, however, as soon as its full, remaining fructose is converted into fat, which can lead to a fatty liver. As for other carbohydrates, to protect the liver, they are broken down directly in the small intestine and released as glucose into the blood stream.

So, yes, of course, if you consume both fructose and glucose, more fructose will reach the liver forcing it to store the poison as glycogen.
Now, that is NOT a good thing. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores; we are meant to run on a fat metabolism where we can produce all the glucose we need from fatty acids and proteins. Trying to “carb up” will oversaturate the cells and temporarily shut down gluconeogenesis, screwing up our entire physiology.

Many athletes believe that they “perform” better from carb-ups because they are used to consuming them. Their physiology is totally out of whack, as they never get a chance to produce their own glucose, nor experience how it is to run on a fat-based metabolism, the cleanest energy source. In reality, they would perform even better on a pure fat-based metabolism, only consuming their species-appropriate, species-specific foods.
And yes, there are a lot of athletes out there doing strictly animal-based diets, and they run circles around the competition. However, due to sponsorship deals and the politics of sports, they do not talk about it. Only we who actually have coached some of these elite athletes know about this.

Dangers of High Sugar

While not having enough sugar can cause hypoglycemia, on the flip side, you can have too much sugar. That’s called hyperglycemia and may cause serious complications, such as:

* Cardiovascular disease
* Nerve damage known as neuropathy
* Kidney damage
* Diabetic neuropathy
* Damage to the blood vessels of the retina, diabetic retinopathy, which could cause blindness
* Cataracts or clouding in the eyes
* Problems with the feet caused by damaged nerves or poor blood flow
* Bone and joint problems
* Skin problems, including bacterial infections, fungal infections and non-healing wounds
* Infections in the teeth and gums
* Diabetic ketoacidosis
* Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome

There are more dangers of high sugar as well, which is why it’s vital to know how many grams of sugar per day you should consume.”

First off, “hypoglycemia” only occurs in damaged carboholics, in those where cells have begun to shut down and refuse more glucose, and their bodies overproduce insulin as a result, causing high fluctuations in blood-sugar levels. This can never happen in healthy people who consume animal fat and proteins and rely on our natural fat metabolism. It can only happen when you consume carbohydrates, so you can add that to the list of dangers above – a list that simply represent the dangers of consuming any type of carbohydrate over time.

And that is the take-away message, what these shilling scumbags at Dr. Axe are too afraid to mention and explain. It’s not about “sugars,” it’s about all types of carbohydrates! Simply consuming carbohydrates regularly for years upon years will contribute to all the points in that list and more!

If you need help with transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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