Loss of Smell

Causes of the Loss of Smell

I have received some questions about the causes for loss of smell over the span of some months, so instead of referring to a few short answers I’ve posted on social media, I’ll cover the reasons in this more detailed article.

The loss of smell was early hijacked as one of the symptoms for the “flu”, that is, our body’s natural cleaning cycle in people that have a compromised self-cleaning system and accumulate a lot of toxins. If you can detoxify and clean out ‘garbage’ on a continuous basis, you will never get sick, not more that the occasional runny nose or perhaps some minor fever once in a decade. But if you have nutritional deficiencies, or if you are constantly exposed to toxins and stress, the toxicity might build up and then this major cleaning cycle will get triggered by temperature changes (as in changing of the seasons) or if people close to you start their cycle. The question is why would your sense of smell get affected? And why does it seem to happen more frequently in the recent years with all this imaginary Covid-19 propaganda? Well, that is where the psyche comes into play, as shown and proven in German New Medicine.

But first, the obvious reasons for decreased sense of smell, and thereby in effect, decreased sense of taste are the following:

Nutritional deficiencies
This is one of the main reasons why elderly seem to gradually lose their sense of smell and why it is believed that about 75% of people over the age of 80 has experienced a loss of smell and taste. This is also a reason why some might experience this phenomenon while not really experiencing any other symptoms or feeling “sick”. And it can also be a reason why some people experience a massive cleaning cycle, who the fraudulent medical establishment has named the ‘flu’ – and while getting many of the usual symptoms of detoxifying, they also lose their sense of smell and taste.
The most important nutrients for smell are those who support neurological sensory functions, especially those tied to smell neurology. One of these identified nutrients are zinc.

Neurodegenerative disorders
If this happens with the sensory cortex (part of the cerebral cortex), loss of smell and taste can ensue. Such disorders can occur due to prolonged nutrition deficiencies or prolonged exposure to certain toxins and chemicals – or a massive exposure to them, as in being fooled into taking a worthless poisonous cocktail of toxins and heavy metals called a vaccine.

Heavy detoxification
If you have had a large buildup of toxins around your sinuses and/or the cells in your nasal pathway, you might experience a clogged nose and trouble breathing, getting air through your nose. This can also affect the sense of smell.

With all that being said, the most common reason for the loss of smell is described within German New Medicine and it goes much deeper and presents some really interesting causes.

Biological Conflict – Stink Conflict from perceived Danger and Fear
In nature, among animals, this biological conflict might be provoked by the scent of an approaching predator or the smell of poisonous fumes (as in a forest fire).
For humans, this biological conflict translates into “smelling” trouble or a potential threat or danger. For instance, “smelling” a competitor or an opponent at work, at school, at home, or in a relationship.

We have something called “scent morsel” conflicts. These can be from losing someone dear in your life and being reminded of this person’s scent and the loss of this scent, i.e., being unable to smell that scent again. It can also be in the opposite direction, as in not being able to get rid of a smell that irritates you, as in the smell of a competitor or opponent.

This biological conflict also corresponds to what we call a “stink” conflict. A stink conflict is experienced in real terms through an offending odor or unpleasant smell, but also if the particular smell has previously been associated with danger. For example, in the past when you experienced a dangerous or threatening situation, or if you felt unwell and experienced fear of something similar and a certain smell was present – that smell is now associated with that perception of fear and/or danger. For example, you found yourself in an unpleasant situation and felt nauseated in the present of a strong perfume. Now, every time you perceive the smell of strong perfumes, the same reaction is triggered. A Rockefeller-“educated” doctor would call it an allergy towards strong scents, but in reality, it’s just a mental and biological conflict.

Your nose and sense of smell can also be affected by this “stink” conflict if it relates to any situation that is perceived as “this stink!” or “I am fed up with this!” This might also concern an annoying person (perceived as a “pest”) or any situation that you perceive as troublesome and you associate with the sense of smell – just as in saying that this situation “stinks”. And it can also be triggered from fear of something entering your nose or breath-passages, as seen with pollen allergies or, more appropriate today, as in fear from inhaling imaginary viruses and thus the irrational behavior of wearing face masks.

It’s important to understand that most symptoms are the result of the healing phase, and not from the active conflict phase. It’s only when you have a strong mental association with a feeling to something that this feeling can be triggered again, and if it makes you uncomfortable and creates panic, it might worsen. This is seen with allergies and asthma. However, when you experience this conflict of danger, or unfounded fear of breathing in imaginary viruses, or a situation that you feel “stinks” you enter a conflict-active phase. In this phase you might experience a dry nose from the loss of nasal mucus-producing cells, as this biological program tries to open up your nasal passage to enhance the sense of smell (remember, in nature this reaction is essential to survival – to better smell potential dangers).

Once the initial reaction has passed, you enter the healing phase. During the first part the ulcerated area is replenished through cell proliferation. This may cause a stuffed-up nose due to swelling of the nasal membrane, which in turn causes a reduced sense of smell and taste. You will experience nasal discharge to eliminate remnants of the repair process. You might experience headache due to brain edema, fever and fatigue as the autonomic nervous system enters a warm phase to aid healing, and especially to expel residue from the process. In other words, the healing phase of these biological conflicts presents themselves as the typical common cold or flu. And it has nothing to do with imaginary viruses or a contagion.

Note that when this biological conflict, perceived as a “cold” or “flu”, is accompanied or preceded by a sore throat, this indicates that the scent or stink conflict happened together with a conflict of not wanting to “swallow” a situation or accept what “stinks”. Coughing, related to the bronchi or larynx, reveals an additional territorial fear or scare-fright conflict. Typical for this conflict combination is unexpected distress at work, at school, or at home. Or as in a society being hit with daily propaganda of a pandemic that does not exist – but you believe it does.

So, if you live in this fear, worrying about Covid-19 and you trigger your cleaning cycle, there is a greater chance that you will lose your sense of smell – depending on earlier unresolved conflicts, traumas or simply your current attitude of having trouble to accept the “stinking” situation or believing that other people that are not afraid are perceived as stinking competition or enemies.

We who have done our research and know that all this is fake, we are not afraid, we do not worry, and thus we do not get sick. It’s really that simple.

This also explains why so many get “Covid-19” symptoms after taking the vaccine, which they blame on new variants. If you believe this virus scam to be real, you are in constant fear-mode, always worrying and being programmed by the media. Once you get the vaccine, you feel safer and the fear-induced conflict is temporarily solved and the healing phase can begin. And what happens during the healing phase? Yes, you show all the classical symptoms of a “flu”. And if you have these “stink” conflicts and have been living in fear, you will lose your sense of smell. The people behind this planned scam knows this. They know the truth about disease and that it comes from within. That is why they always play on fear, always bombarding you with propaganda and lies. And that is why they have incorporated all these symptoms as sign of the biggest lie in history, the lie of viruses and Covid-19 in particular.

I will explain more of the alleged “symptoms” and what is actually happening. Once you see the connections and how it really works, you will understand that germ theory and this virus nonsense is nothing but a big lie.

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