Once again we return to T-Nation and their COO Chris Shugart and his misaligned obsession for protein. This time he titles himself a rebel, as in fighting the obviously corrupt and evil establishment. Well, we’ll see about that. Bring it on then, Chris.
“The average person is pretty below average these days. About 74% of US adults are overweight or obese. It’s perfectly normal to be over-fat and under-muscled. Given that, your goal is to be abnormal: lean, strong, and metabolically atypical.”
Yep, rounded off, the latest statistics claim that 74%, the number of authority and government, of the US population is overweight or even obese. Funny how the scripted numbers work, eh?

Likely though, it’s in that ballpark of 70 to 80%, and that is really frightening — especially considering that gaining body fat is mostly from toxicity and consuming the wrong foods for your species, as in carbohydrates and seed/vegetable oils, as humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Have you ever seen an overweight carnivorous animal in nature? Don’t think so.

And no, you do not want to be “abnormal,” you want to be a natural true human being, a human that follows his or her species-appropriate diet of animal-based foods. By doing that, it is impossible to get overweight in the first place, and as a bonus you’ll reach peak health and longevity and everything that comes with it. Nothing abnormal about that. What is abnormal is what the large masses are doing today as in consuming plant-based and processed garbage while popping drugs and medicine to keep on going. That is frikkin’ abnormal and retarded!
“There’s a word for people who battle the norms: rebels. In the world of metabolic health, being a rebel is a good thing. One of the best rebellious behaviors? Fighting the power by eating more protein than the “average” person. Here’s why and how much to shoot for. But first, a quick rant.”
Well, while a rebel can be defined as someone who feels or expresses strong unwillingness or repugnance towards a common norm, the true definition of a rebel is “to refuse allegiance to and oppose by force an established government or ruling authority.”
And thus, I guess that makes me a rebel by definition, and you Chris, simply promoting protein powders to malnourished people… Well, what’s the appropriate word? A wuss? Yes, a wuss. That seems fitting enough.
And if you want to rebel against the corrupted and evil “nutrition science” and the inverted dietary recommendations put forward by your slave masters and actually regain your health and a strong fit human body, increasing your protein intake will not cut it, it will make no difference at all. You need to get back to our natural human diet, a diet that is pretty high in protein, but especially rich in the life-giving animal fats and other essential nutrients that does not even exist in plant-based and processed “foods.” That is the real key to becoming superhuman, to really rebel against the establishment and the fake authority and their ludicrous guidelines.

Malice or Incompetence?
“We can’t get too upset at regular folks. They’ve been misinformed and even lied to. Maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight, but it seems like the protein guidelines set forth by various government agencies and doctor groups aren’t designed to keep you healthy. Whether their goal is a docile population, or they just want to sell more pharmaceuticals, recommending a low-protein diet is a good scheme.”
Have you been reading my articles, Chris? A docile population? Yes, indeed, that is the obvious truth. Of course they want a sick-ridden, unhealthy, weak, dumbed-down and docile population that is easy to control and govern, and that is dependent on their solutions; as in keeping them in that state until they die at the age of retirement by administering symptom-covering drugs and medicines while continuously poisoning them through the food industry with plant-based and processed garbage. I’ve been pointing out these facts for over 25 years now.
So, congratulations for finally catching on. But no, it’s not a “low-protein diet” per se that they recommend, it’s a ‘low-nutrition and highly toxic diet’ they promote — as in a plant-based diet.
“Conspiracy theories aside, these official guidelines simply don’t work well and must be dismantled and rebuilt based on new science. Trash the low-protein recommendations, stop pushing neutered plant proteins, and quit scaring people away from meat, eggs, and milk-derived proteins.”
You should not call undeniable facts, although not accepted by the low-IQ and dumbed-down masses, for “conspiracy theories.” That is their jargon, their misinformed definition, not ours.
Other than that, I do agree. Although these foods should be called what they truly are, as in ‘highly nutritious food.’ You need to drop that silly misdirected obsession with protein.
1. Typical Proteins Guidelines
“If we look at the protein recommendations from various official sources (the government, Harvard Health, WebMD, the CDC, the World Health Organization, etc.) we’d see that the average recommendation for adults is roughly 50 grams per day for men, usually a little less for women.”
Yes, these government institutions are all laughable and put in place to further their dehumanization agenda. You need at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body weight, which would be around 105 grams for the average 70 kg (154 lbs) male and 90 grams for the average 60 kg (132 lbs) woman. That protein requirement would be covered by a measly 300 to 350 grams of beef, or even just half that and an additional 5 to 6 eggs.
“That often comes with admonitions about exceeding this measly amount. The protein police toss in a few scare tactics, usually warnings against the dangers of animal products. But the “protein is bad for your kidneys” myth has been long debunked. And the push toward plant proteins is rife with bias, financial incentives, and ignorance of new protein science.”
I agree, although I find it funny that you bash the totally worthless plant-based edibles when it comes to protein, but you still recommend them in toxic supplements that you happen to sell and profit from, not to mention that you have recommended the extremely useless, toxic, and damaging carbohydrates and fiber.
The only way you can redeem yourself Chris, is by apologizing for all the misinformation and the damage you’ve caused and start recommending our natural carnivore diet that will actually make people healthy and human again.
2. Better Protein Guidelines
“Some longevity organizations have bumped their recommendations to .5 grams per pound of body weight, an improvement for the sedentary population. However, the standard recommendation for lifters is to consume about .8 grams of protein per pound daily. So, a 180-pound man would shoot for 144 grams and a 130-pound woman would aim for 104 grams.”
Yes, if you’re active and want to have some functional and protective muscle mass and a high bone density, these recommendations are much better — as in about 1.8 grams per kilogram of lean body weight (0.8 grams per pound.) So, 126 grams for the average 70 kg (154 lbs) male and 108 grams for the average 60 kg (132 lbs) woman.
Still, I would recommend 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body weight if you lift weights a few times a week and/or are very physically active, as in doing some heavy labor/work.
3. The Rebel’s Guidelines
“Eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Consuming more than 0.8 g/lb probably won’t help you build muscle faster, but it has other benefits.”
Look at that. 1 gram per pound of lean body weight is the same as 2.2 grams per kilogram of lean body weight. This would be about 140 grams for the average 70 kg (154 lbs) male and 120 grams for the average 60 kg (132 lbs) woman.

This is easily achieved if you follow our natural human diet of only animal-based foods. Even more so if you get at least 4 to 8 eggs a day.
“So, what’s the best way to consume that much protein? First, spread intake out over the day. In short, don’t eat a low-protein breakfast, and certainly don’t skip it.”
Much? That is a normal amount for an active human being. And no need to “spread it out,” that is complete nonsense. You should have a real breakfast and then one or two more meals, with the last meal being no later than 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. That’s it. For the average man, that would be about three meals a day with 45 to 50 grams of protein, and for the average woman around 40 grams a meal, and at least as much animal fats per meal, if not more.
And this with animal fats and other essential nutrients is what Chris simply can’t comprehend, as he’s solely focusing on one single macronutrient; protein. And yes, Chris ended his article as he usually does, by recommending their useless and toxic protein powders — a source of simply low-quality filtered dairy-based protein and nothing else. No animal fats, no vitamins, very little minerals, and no food synergy.
Remember, animal-based foods are the only source of all essential nutrients in their fully bioavailable and bioactive state. Your body can absorb all of them without any need for toxic conversions, and there are no toxins in animal-based foods, while there are hundreds of toxins in every single plant-based food — all while the “nutrients” in plant-based foods are not chemically compatible with human physiology, yielding pretty much no nutrition at all. If you understand these simple basics of biochemistry, you would never touch anything plant-based ever again, as that would be frikkin’ retarded!

So, if your diet lacks animal-based foods, as most people’s diets today, it does not matter how much protein you add from powders or from lean meat or egg whites, as you will not get enough animal fats, as in cholesterol, saturated fats and omega-3’s, and you will also be running short on most vitamins and minerals. Thus, your body will not be able to perform all its metabolic functions, nor will it be running efficiently or produce hormones as it should, and therefore you will not get the results you expected, and much less the health benefits.

And this is why you should not focus on protein, but instead focus on nutrients, on the whole picture. And the best part is that if you follow our natural diet of animal-based foods, that will take care of itself, especially if you favor more fatty and nutritious cuts of meat. Then add in some whole eggs and some butter or ghee, and you’re golden.
So, while protein is important, it’s only relevant to the discussion if it’s from fatty cuts of meat or from whole eggs or the egg yolk. Only consume lean meat if you add in some tallow, lard, or butter to balance the meal. Remember, you should consume at least as much animal-based fat in grams as you consume protein, preferably a bit more.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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