Reduced Testosterone and Increased Estrogen in Men is Mainly Due to Carbohydrates

Today we return to the supplement and bro-science shills at T-Nation where they tackle the rising problem with low levels of testosterone and especially high levels of estrogen in men. Considering the inverted pseudo-science of nutrition and all the extremely retarded nutrition advice these idiots spew out, as in consuming carbohydrates, which also are a common component of some of their supplements, let’s see if they dare mention the big elephant in the room, the common denominator of all “modern diseases” and health problems — as in carbohydrates.

Sometimes, doctors draw the wrong conclusion from a research study. Case in point, consider the big estrogen study reported in JAMA:

Researchers monitored the estrogen levels of a large group of men. Men with estradiol (the most potent form of estrogen) in the normal range had the fewest deaths during a three-year period. Men with the highest levels had 133% more deaths during the same time. However, men with the lowest estrogen levels fared the worst, suffering 317% more deaths.

Some doctors rightly concluded that men need estrogen, but that’s when they stopped thinking. They figured that since men need estrogen, they shouldn’t do anything to reduce the estrogen levels of men with high estrogen. They ignored the far more prevalent problem of high estrogen and, as such, are loathe to prescribe anti-estrogen medications.

The problem? Once estrogen levels rise unchecked, bad things happen.

Yes, a healthy body keeps a perfect balance between all hormones, as they are produced in the capacity they are needed. So, if you actually had any brains, you would investigate what actually causes very low or very high levels of estrogen and then fix that underlying problem.

What Happens When Estrogen is Too High?

“When male estrogen levels are too high, the risk of degenerative disease skyrockets. Atherosclerosis rates go up. The incidence of stroke increases. The risk of developing Type II diabetes goes up. Emotional disturbances become more prevalent. The risk of prostate cancer increases, and erectile function suffers. Waistlines grow thicker. It becomes harder to put on muscle. And, most seriously, high estrogen significantly increases the risk of flat-out dying.”

Repeat after me, “correlation does not imply causation.”
Do you see a common thread among the health problems, or “modern degenerative diseases” you just listed? Well, if you know your physiology and biology, you should. Type II diabetes is the result of chronically elevated blood glucose, so is any cardiovascular disease such as stroke and atherosclerosis (especially high blood glucose together with the insane consumption of unsaturated fats, as in seed/vegetable oils.)

Of course, elevated levels of blood glucose will also damage the prostate gland and will ultimately lead to erectile dysfunction.

Gaining body fat is also a result of overeating and toxicity, especially from carbohydrates and processed foods that keep your blood glucose elevated, stopping the use of fat as fuel while being forced to store toxins in new fat cells.

And guess what? Yes! High levels of blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates have been shown to affect hormone regulation in men — lowering testosterone and raising estrogen.
Once you have done some damage to your tissues from consuming carbohydrates frequently and your cells start to shut down, as in what some call “insulin resistance,” glucose will stimulate the aromatase enzyme in adipose tissue and liver in an effort to store more glucose as body fat, by converting androgens such as testosterone into estrogen. BAM! There it is suckers. Consuming a lot of carbohydrates will lower your testosterone and increase your estrogen, and this is why we see this scenario in younger and younger men, because they have no frikkin’ clue about human nutrition and simply chew down bread, pasta, pizzas, and then finishes it off with sodas or sugary energy drinks.

And this is also one of the main reasons why we see some “natural” trainees at the gym struggle with building muscle mass and getting rid of body fat. They consume too much carbohydrates and way too little of the extremely important animal fats, as in saturated fats and cholesterol — the building blocks of all cells and especially hormones, such as testosterone.

“Clearly, proper estrogen levels play a big part in the health of men’s hearts, in addition to the health of other body parts, systems, and functions. It’s in every male’s interest to make sure he’s in an estrogen sweet spot, regardless of age.”

While it does play a big part in men’s health, estrogen has nothing to do with the degenerative diseases you listed. That is backwards thinking. That is a straw man fallacy. You’re focusing on one of the symptoms and assigning it blame for other symptoms. 

As a hormone, estrogen simply interacts with certain cells to regulate homeostasis, to make sure everything is working as it should. Too little estrogen will have a negative impact on these functions, but it will not damage the body, it will simply make things run slower. And too much will do the opposite and also, as it is a characteristic female hormone, it can stimulate female fat distribution patterns and make you more emotional. Still, it will not cause any “degenerative diseases,” as that is the result of damage from plant-based toxins and especially glucose. 

Symptoms of High Estrogen

“The average man might assume symptoms include acting, sounding, or looking “feminine.” Not true. High estrogen might make a man a little more emotional, but it won’t make them want to wear women’s clothes or change his voice.”

Correct, and do not forget about female fat distribution patterns, as in man boobs and more fat on your arms, legs and hips, which is very unnatural for a man.

  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Low libido, decreased erectile function 3
  • Tiredness
  • Increased fatty tissue around nipples
  • Depression, emotional disturbances
  • Lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)”

Increased abdominal fat, loss of muscle mass and low libido is more related to low levels of testosterone.

The Conversion Problem

“Estrogen is, in many ways, just as important to men as testosterone. Molecularly they’re very similar. And in this similarity lies one broad reason why some men have high estrogen levels. Since the testosterone molecule is so similar to estrogen, it’s very easy for aromatase enzymes to convert testosterone to its counterpart.

That’s a good thing because you need a certain level of estrogen. Estrogen is part of an elegant feedback system where overly high estrogen levels alert the testicles, via the pituitary, to send some testicular workers home and cut back on testosterone production for that day. In this way, the system keeps a perfect amount of testosterone and estrogen flowing.”

Yes, in a healthy male who gets plenty of animal-based foods, especially animal fats, all this takes care of itself.

“Sometimes, though, too much testosterone is converted into estrogen. That amount, combined with the small amounts of estrogen produced in the testes, adrenals, brain, and fat, can create hormonal trouble. The feedback loop gets a kink in it. Estrogen levels stay perpetually high and thus keep barking the order to back off on the manufacture of testosterone.”

Not “sometimes” you twits. Nothing just happens “sometimes” for no reason at all. This is simple biochemistry within the realm of biology. There is always an underlying reason for a disturbance in the body, and it’s usually from toxicity and accumulated damage from that toxicity or from chemical compounds that are almost identical to hormones and tricks the body and its feedback loop — as in plant-based phytoestrogens and man-made xenoestrogens from environmental pollutants. 

What Causes High Estrogen in Men?

1. Too Much Body Fat

Fat contains the testosterone-to-estrogen changing aromatase enzyme, so as you get fatter you convert more testosterone to estrogen.”

This is a “half-truth” as discussed earlier. Again, this is simple biochemistry. The ‘activator’ is glucose, as the fat tissue produces aromatase enzymes as a desperate solution to enhance glucose storage to lower the damage it does to all our soft tissues.

So, while it may seem that body fat is to blame, as the more fat you have, the more aromatase enzymes can be produced, it’s still an effect of glucose, as in consuming carbohydrates. Simply remove all carbohydrates from your diet, and it will not matter how fat or obese you are, you will no longer overproduce aromatase enzymes and your hormones will slowly start to correct themselves, especially if you increase your intake of animal fats, which are needed to produce testosterone.

2. Getting Old

The older you are, the more aromatase you produce and the higher your estrogen levels.”

Not necessarily, as it comes down to accumulated damage from consuming carbohydrates and other toxins. While hormone levels will eventually drop a little due to wear and tear on the body, its tissues and organs, when it comes to aromatase it should not be significant.

3. Faulty Feedback Mechanisms

When estrogen levels are too high, they signal the testicles to temporarily stop making testosterone. But if estrogen levels are perpetually high, it can short-circuit the system, sending the mistaken message to the testicles to go on a long vacation. This can lead to even higher estrogen levels.”

This can happen after years of abuse and health problems. It’s not a contributing factor, it’s more of an end-stage scenario. Still, it’s reversible by adopting our natural human carnivore diet and thus eliminating the toxic load and giving the body all the building blocks it needs to repair, heal, and produce hormones.

4. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Injecting too much testosterone, or injecting too much testosterone into obese men, can cause an undesired amount of T to be converted into estrogen. These elevated levels need to be addressed by either adjusting the dosage or by prescribing an anti-aromatase (a drug that stops the conversion of T to E).”

You’re just too funny. The whole idea with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is to inject a dose of testosterone that brings your levels close to the maximum of what a male body can naturally produce (900 to 1000 ng/dL,) and thus not completely shutting down everything. Usually this is 200 to 250 mg a week of testosterone cypionate or enanthate divided into doses every or every other day to keep perfect levels. As in about 65 to 70 mg or 0.25 ml for a 250 mg/ml concentration every other day.

This will not cause any large conversion, not even in obese men. However, those doing their own cycles of 500 mg a week, or bodybuilders doing 1000 mg or more a week will likely need an anti-aromatase like nolvadex, aromasin, arimidex, or letrozol every now and then, especially if they consume carbohydrates like full-blown retards (which actually hinders their gains.)

5. Impairment of Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System

Most drugs and chemicals you ingest are processed and eliminated by the P450 enzyme system. It’s like a chemical recycling station where drugs are torn down, repackaged, and either reused or excreted. It eliminates excess estrogen, too. However, certain things can impair it. Drinking too much might be a problem, as might being obese or having a zinc deficiency. You might also be eating foods or taking drugs or supplements that impede the P450 enzyme system’s efficiency, like grapefruit juice or ginkgo biloba.”

Indeed, the P450s are involved in the biosynthesis and degradation of steroids, including cholesterol, bile acids, and sex hormones, which is essential for maintaining hormone balance and an overall healthy physiology. P450s participate in the oxidation of fatty acids, particularly polyunsaturated fatty acids that are very toxic and harmful to the body (plant-based oils.)

And while many toxic and poisonous compounds can interfere with the P450 enzyme system, such as antifungals, antihistamines, macrolides, and the inherently toxic herbal compounds, so does blood glucose. What a surprise eh? See how it’s all connected. 

And it’s just too funny that you do not mention the extremely toxic turmeric (curcumin) as part of these damaging herbs. Oh yes, wait a minute… you sell turmeric as a supplement. How convenient that you forgot all about its extreme toxicity.

6. Xenoestrogens

These are chemicals in the environment that mimic estrogen. These chemicals, mainly heavy metals, synthetic chemicals like DES and DDT, and industrial chemicals like phthalates, grow in number and accumulate in more tissue with each passing year. These chemicals are found in foods, adhesives, fire retardants, detergents, drinking water, perfumes, waxes, household cleaning products, lubricants… virtually everywhere.”

Yes, even more reason to take care of your ‘diet’ and eliminate all toxins that you get from plant-based and processed foods to lower your overall toxic load. Only animal-based foods are completely free of toxins — and only animal-based foods contain nutrients that are bioavailable for humans — our only way to get all the essential nutrients we need.

Also, make sure to not eat later than 4 to 6 hours before bedtime, so you go to sleep in a fasted state, which will accelerate your detoxification and healing processes. Doing some fasting every now and then is also recommended to make sure you detox these environmental toxins.

7. Phytoestrogens

While xenoestrogens are man-made monstrosities, phytoestrogens occur in plants. Xenoestrogens accumulate in adipose tissue, while phytoestrogens are metabolized and booted out of the body relatively fast. As such, they’re not nearly the problem that xenoestrogens are. Still, you generally don’t want too many of them around as they resemble estrogen molecularly and can act like the real deal. Phytoestrogens are also found in various foods, most notably soy products.”

Stop lying, you little monkeys. As with all plant-based toxins, whether it’s defense chemicals, antinutrients, or phytoestrogens, they are chemically different from any compound in our human body and thus poses a challenge to be metabolized, broken down, and excreted. This is why most people accumulate toxins over time, as they get a daily onslaught of toxins from plant-based and processed foods, all while their bodies are compromised by nutrient deficiencies from the lack of animal-based foods. This means that their bodies can’t detox properly.

As for phytoestrogens, they will really screw with your hormones and they do indeed accumulate in fat tissue, just like xenoestrogens. This is well-established in biology and biochemistry.

And as a note, phytoestrogens are readily found (as isoflavones or lignans) in all soy-products, in flaxseeds, in most legumes, in most nuts and seed oils, in cereal and bread, in some vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, carrots and cauliflower, and in some fruits like dates, apricots, prunes, apples, and pears.

8. Alcohol and Weed

Yeah, recreational drugs can cause elevated estrogen levels. Sorry.”

Sorry? Do you advocate drug use, as in drugs like alcohol and narcotics that really damage the body, your mind, and shorten your lifespan? Only a frikkin’ retard/loser who hates himself or herself would use these kinds of drugs.

After this, T-Nation mentions “accepted” levels of estrogen depending on age, which is total bullocks. They also mention how to get tested, which is also total bullocks.

It’s all very simple. If you have health problems, no matter what, you need to change your lifestyle and especially your diet. I have hundreds of articles on this and I do offer my help for those who need it with either complete educational guides and personalized step-for-step instructions, or simply consulting sessions on specific topics.

And of course, T-nation also plugged their supplement based on the extremely toxic resveratrol, something no one should ever touch. Again, taking something toxic to force the body to do something or to suppress symptoms will do nothing about the real problem. Always focus on fixing and removing the underlying problems, what actually is causing a toxic build-up and damage.

And indeed, they did not mention carbohydrates or blood sugar once, instead they did what the inverted and evil medical community always does, blaming other symptoms such as being overweight. Frikkin’ shills.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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