Hormone Replacement Therapy For Women — The Importance of Fats, Lp(A), LDL, And HDL Explained

It should be obvious that hormone replacement therapy for any of the two sexes should be the absolute last solution if changing your diet to our natural human carnivore diet does not fix the problem due to extensive damage done by your previous diet. So, with that in mind, let’s see what the pharmaceutical- and government shills at Medical News Today have to say on the subject of HRT in women, looking at possible positive effects and possible negative effects.

“Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a widespread treatment for a range of menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.”

Yes, backwards thinking. These symptoms are from damage and detoxification caused by a bad diet, the same bad diet that destroyed your hormone profile and tanked your estrogen, forcing you into a very early “perimenopause” or “menopause.”
While taking HRT will fool the body into believing that your hormones are ok, which may lessen the symptoms, the underlying problem of high toxicity, damage, and nutrient deficiencies from a bad diet still remains — and it will continue to destroy your body even if you feel better from the HRT.

“It works by restoring levels of different hormones in the body — typically, but not always, estrogen — as these tend to decrease with age, a process often responsible for many of the symptoms associated with menopause.

HRTs for menopause can include estrogen, progesterone, or sometimes testosterone therapies, depending on what an individual needs.”

While hormones “seem” to decrease with age, it’s due to accumulated damage to the body. It’s wear and tear. However, as all sciences agree that a human in ideal conditions, following our natural carnivore diet, should live between 120 and 150 years, you should not notice any decline in hormones until the age of 70 or 80, or even later. In the Inuit population, where women have traditionally consumed a diet rich in animal fats and proteins (although mostly from fish and some sea mammals, which is very limiting,) menopause occurs around 60-65 years old. However, in primitive carnivorous tribes that consume the whole animals, living especially on meat and organ meats, blood and raw milk, women have been observed to remain fertile beyond the age of 80!

However, as humanity has been fooled into consuming plant-based and processed garbage with zero nutrition and extreme amounts of toxins, we see hormonal changes in some people as early as their 20’s and 30’s, and some women enter menopause in their early 40’s — with an average at a young 51-years of age! That is insane!

So, once again, fix the diet and let the body heal. Likely, hormone levels will return to normal and I’ve witnessed many women getting their period back and becoming fertile again in their late 50’s within a year after becoming fully carnivore (more on this in a bit.)

How does hormone therapy affect heart health?

Researchers found that those who took conjugated equine estrogens for at least 1 year saw a 13% increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), also known as “good cholesterol.” Those taking conjugated equine estrogens plus medroxyprogesterone acetate saw a 7% increase in HDL-C measures.”

There is no such thing as “good” or “bad” cholesterol, you frikkin’ dimwits. Nothing that the body produces on its own can be bad for us. Our body is built for survival and to further the species. LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) are the two lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. They are simply carrier-proteins that attach to cholesterol so that the cholesterol will end up where it is supposed to go. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the bloodstream and to the cells so the cholesterol can be utilized by the body as it serves many extremely important functions, such as cellular/tissue repair. HDL then carries unused and damaged cholesterol from the bloodstream back to the liver for excretion. So, to summarize, LDL carries cholesterol to the arteries for repair, while HDL carries cholesterol away from the arteries to be excreted.

“So-called bad cholesterol — low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) — decreased by approximately 11% in both HRT groups. In particular, Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a) — a form of LDL-C strongly associated with a range of cardiovascular problems — decreased by 15% in those taking conjugated equine estrogens alone.”

Again, it’s not bad, it’s essential for tissue repair you idiots. LDL should only go down on its own when the healing process is finished and there is no more need for extra cholesterol, which is one of the largest building blocks of each cell. If LDL drops after taking something, it’s an indication of interference, that the healing has slowed down or even stopped, which is a very bad and dangerous thing — especially if you have not changed your diet and toxic exposure, as damage will continue to accumulate.

Now, estrogen is needed for healing — as in normal balanced levels as kept by your own body. There is even some evidence that higher levels might aid in some healing processes, however, for healing to occur, as in cellular repair, your body needs to have plenty of available nutrients, especially animal fats such as saturated fats and cholesterol, as well as bioavailable vitamins only found in animal-based foods. Without those, it does not matter if you try to trick your body by taking synthetic estrogen, as there is no available material for repair. And as we know, most women in their middle-age consume way too little animal-based foods such as fatty red meat, organ meats, butter and whole eggs.

So, in this case, we will see an increase in HDL as it carries damaged cholesterol from the damaged cells because the healing process is not working due to lack of materials. The toxic load is the same and that means that the damage to the cells continues and when a cell is damaged, it will leak various cellular components, including cholesterol. So, a high HDL might actually be a really bad thing, as it may indicate cellular damage and the inability to heal! See how they got it all twisted, and still it’s all perfectly logical and explained within physiology and biology. These researchers are complete morons!

That also means that LDL will go down, as there is no longer any need for cholesterol, as the healing is slowing down and will eventually stop. Also, if the diet is lacking in animal fats, LDL will go down as your body is struggling to manufacture enough cholesterol, and what it can produce must be used for all essential bodily functions to keep you alive, and not for healing tissue. And again, cholesterol is essential for making hormones. A diet low in animal fat will make your hormones plummet, which is the main reason for early onset menopause.

With that said, higher than normal levels of estrogen can actually inhibit some stages of healing, including apoptosis (programmed cell death) leading to impaired removal of damaged or dysfunctional cells. This may contribute to the accumulation of cellular damage and potentially promote tumorigenesis. 

“For those taking plus medroxyprogesterone acetate, the decrease in Lp(a) level was even greater—at 20%.”

Lipoprotein A “Lp(a)” is a low-density lipoprotein variant containing apolipoprotein(a), which makes LDL particles stickier. This is a crucial part of cellular repair, especially in blood vessels, as it makes sure that the LDL particle attaches at the damage site and releases its cholesterol that is used for the repair/healing process.

Of course, backwards-thinking low-IQ people will see that Lp(A) is present where there is inflammation and a build-up of cholesterol and thus say that it is bad, when it’s simply a natural part of the healing process. Remember, your body will never harm you, it will always do everything necessary to survive and our healing processes are a natural part of our physiology. There is nothing bad about it. Only complete morons would suggest such a thing, as in doctors and pharmaceutical shills selling you their latest deadly drug.

So, again, these researchers are clueless to what they have found and what is going on. As higher levels of estrogen can enhance some cellular repair while also upregulating other essential processes in the body, such as uterine and vaginal health, bone health, neuroprotective effects, vascular tone, blood pressure, lipid metabolism, and selective fat storage. Those who do not consume enough animal fat and cholesterol, will run out of it as all these processes are upregulated to their maximum, which will hamper the body’s healing processes as life-sustaining processes take precedence. And as healing is reduced, so is everything connected to healing and inflammation, such as cholesterol, LDL and Lp(A.) And again, that is a very bad thing, but easily remedied by following a proper human animal-based diet.

How does menopause affect the risk of heart disease?

“Due to the various hormonal changes that take place when a person enters menopause, their risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems increases, as research has shown.”

No, not really. While the hormones does have a protective effect as they bind to certain cells to initiate different processes, the real damage done to the cardiovascular system is from your diet, as in consuming carbohydrates (high blood glucose,) seed/vegetable oils (damage and plaque,) and from toxins in plant-based foods (damage to cells and interference with hormones.)

Now, the “funny” thing is that if you would have followed our natural human animal-based diet to begin with, there would not have been any unnatural hormonal changes and also no damage to your cardiovascular system. So, even when you would enter the natural menopause around age 70 or 80, your cardiovascular system would be top notch. You would be in perfect health. The only difference would be that you would no longer be fertile. That’s all.

“Once a woman goes into menopause, estrogen levels become nonexistent, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system, Sheryl A. Ross, MD, a board certified OB/GYN and women’s health expert, who was not involved in the research presented at the annual meeting, explained for Medical News Today.”

No, you babbling idiot. If estrogen became “nonexistent” the woman would die.
Estrogen decreases after menopause as several child-bearing functions are no longer needed that required estrogen. In a healthy woman who consumes plenty of animal fat and cholesterol, the production of estrogen will simply be adjusted to accommodate the body’s new needs, which are much lower.

However, if you follow a retarded plant-based and processed diet that is very low in these essential animal fats and high in phytonutrients, your estrogen might very well become even lower, as in almost “nonexistent.”

After this MNT continues with their backwards thinking about LDL and HDL, which is really embarrassing. They also touch on insulin sensitivity, which estrogen does play a small role in. However, controlling your blood glucose is all about your diet. Every single time you consume carbohydrates, you will increase blood glucose above normal levels, and blood glucose damages every single soft tissue (joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, blood vessels, lymph vessels, nerves, and fasciae) and your organs. So, simply adopt our natural human animal-based diet, and your health will be at its peak and you will never have to worry about any health problem or “diseases,” or hormone replacement therapy.

To conclude, if you have entered menopause early, and/or if you experience symptoms, you need to adopt our natural animal-based, preferably carnivore diet — not only to get all the nutrients you need, but to eliminate the toxic load from plant-based and processed garbage. This will not only help your hormones, but everything about your health and well-being.

And if your estrogen still happens to be very low after a year or so, due to extensive damage, and you still have some symptoms, only then should you consider HRT. And if you do take HRT, you must get plenty of animal fat and bioavailable nutrients, or it will simply mask your symptoms while you continue to decline in health, which is what the medical establishment wants. That’s why they sell you drugs instead of solutions. They want you to temporarily feel better, so you think you got help and improved, while in reality the destruction of your body continues behind the scenes and you will likely die soon after your retirement and way before your real life expectancy, which is also what they want, as you only become a burden to the system at that point.

And with that, my time is up. I have a lot to do today. And I hope you learned something new, or at least had a laugh at all these paid shills and clueless researchers. Our world is totally backwards and it is up to us to do our best to straighten it out again.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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