Solein Air Protein — Another Scam Riding on the Climate Change Hoax

The once pillar of the Bodybuilding community back in the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s, Joe Weider’s Muscle Builder, renamed to ‘Muscle & Fitness,’ is nowadays not even a bleak copy of the original magazine, but more of an politically correct agenda-driven “fitness” magazine to keep people trapped in the backwards accepted pseudo-science of exercise and nutrition. Thus, it comes as no surprise that they recently published an article about Solar Foods’ Protein Powder ‘Solein,’ also called ‘air protein.’

Air protein, uh? Yes, these so-called “scientists” describe the manufacturing process as using a gas fermentation process, similar to that used in the making of beer. Where beer uses sugar, wheat, and starch to convert the sugar material into alcohol, this process is using gas as a feed which includes carbon dioxide – hence the term ‘air protein’, says Dr Ying Zhang.

To be more precise, they claim that they use electricity to split water from the air into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, they feed microbes “tiny bubbles of CO2 and nutrients, like nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.” These microbes grow in liquid form and are eventually transformed into an orange-coloured dry powder known as Solein. According to some sources, this powder is produced using a microorganism called “Knallgas bacteria,” a type of microorganism that belongs to the group of thermophilic, aerobic, hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria. These bacteria are able to oxidize hydrogen gas (H2) as their energy source, using oxygen (O2) as the final electron acceptor. This process is also known as hydrogen oxidation or knallgas reaction.

Now, these charlatans at Solar Foods claim that Solein’s composition is 65-70% protein, 5-8% fat, 10-15% dietary fibers and 3-5% mineral nutrients. 

Well now, first off, there’s absolutely no “dietary fiber” to be found in bacteria. This vile, damaging, and absolutely unnecessary compound is only found in plant matter. And since useful idiots believe that humans need fiber, which is the complete opposite to the truth, they have added fiber to their product. Question is, what more have they added?

As there is very little information on hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria and their amino acid profile, and the fact that Solar Foods refuse to disclose their production process and ingredient sourcing, and considering that humans are obligate hyper carnivores made to consume meat and not bacteria like cows do, one can only speculate that they spike the protein content by adding cheap amino acids — a very common practice within the supplement industry.
Actually, Solar Foods has been accused of this from multiple sources, including that of concerns for contamination and adulteration.

They also claim that Solein offers ‘unsaturated’ fatty acids and lower levels of cholesterol than are associated with eating meat. Well, there is no evidence in any literature that humans need unsaturated fatty acids. Actually, there is a lot of evidence that unsaturated fatty acids are what contribute to plaque and cardiovascular disease as well as cell damage as they go rancid and produce aldehydes. And cholesterol is the most important essential nutrient of them all. We need a lot of saturated fats and cholesterol to thrive, as that is what all our cells are made of. Again, they fall back on the accepted pseudo-science that keeps people weak and sickly, and they tailor their product after these backwards recommendations. So, for sure, their product is not pure, it’s heavily adulterated to meet the retarded wishes of mentally ill vegans.

And as for minerals, there might be traces of what they fed the bacteria, as in calcium and potassium, as well as a little non-organic iron, sulfur, nickel, and iron-sulfur clusters. Not exactly anything to consider as ‘nutritious’ or even beneficial for human health.

And that is also the big problem with these idiotic products. The charlatans behind them claim that they are a “sustainable” alternative to meat or that they are a perfect compound to ‘enrich’ processed food products (especially vegan products as they lack just about anything.)
Well, they’re not. The only thing that they might bring to the table is a kind of unnatural protein powder that is extremely inferior to that of meat, eggs, and dairy — protein sources that also contain all essential nutrients. And as an athlete, would you take a powder with zero research data instead of a dairy-based powder such as whey or casein that you know is the real deal and also contain all minerals and trace minerals, as well as natural growth factors?

And while it might be difficult to reach your protein requirements if you follow a retarded and deadly vegan diet, protein is not really a problem for anyone else. What is a problem is a lack of bioavailable nutrients, as these are only found in animal-based products, such as the animal itself and its produce. Anything else, as in any plant-based food is not only extremely toxic and damaging to humans, they also provide very little to nothing of nutritional value. Any kind of plant-based food is simply a stomach filler for slaves to keep them weak, docile, sickly and to keep them from dying of starvation.

So, to conclude, we need to shift the focus from protein to essential nutrients, and these nutrients are only found in animal-based foods. That is what we need to bring back and make sure that everyone gets enough on a daily basis. There is no other way around it if you want to thrive and live a long, happy and healthy life.
People need to wake up from the climate hoax and the juvenile carbon and methane psy-ops and start consuming animal-based food again. Forget about these useless and toxic alternatives such as vegan fake meat, lab-grown meat, insects, and now ‘air protein.’

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