Fake Meat

Solein Air Protein — Another Scam Riding on the Climate Change Hoax

The once pillar of the Bodybuilding community back in the 60’s, 70’s and early 80’s, Joe Weider’s Muscle Builder, renamed to ‘Muscle & Fitness,’ is nowadays not even a bleak copy of the original magazine, but more of an politically correct agenda-driven “fitness” magazine to keep people trapped in the backwards accepted pseudo-science of exercise and nutrition. Thus, it comes as no surprise that they recently published an article about Solar Foods’ Protein Powder […]

Solein Air Protein — Another Scam Riding on the Climate Change Hoax Read the Full Article »

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 50

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding

A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 50 Read the Full Article »

Supermarket Linked with Bill Gates Burned Down, Fires in Rome, and Disinformation

According to some minor news outlets, a fire broke out on Sunday and raged through Monday in an online-shopping-based ‘supermarket’ called Picnic located in the Netherlands. According to other sources, the business raised €600 million (approximately $604 million) in an investment round last year, with the lion’s share coming from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust.Considering that eugenist Bill Gates pushes the evil, toxic and extremely unhealthy plant-based New World Order agenda and

Supermarket Linked with Bill Gates Burned Down, Fires in Rome, and Disinformation Read the Full Article »

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order

Since they faked another outbreak of a virus that does not exist, this time with the ludicrous ‘monkeypox;’ headlines in Europe have been flooded with the message that rodent pets, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, has to be culled to stop the imaginary “spread,” and that patients must keep away from pets to stop “spread” to ‘wildlife.’There are even stories claiming that these totally fake viruses is the result of our relationship with

Monkeypox and the Anti Pets Agenda of the New World Order Read the Full Article »

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar

Anyone with half a loaf of bread as brains have figured out the Climate Scam by now. Nothing has changed in hundreds of years. But this theory, this fraud of the climate changing due to the population, is very important to their narrative, for their Agenda 2030 and Vision 2050 – where the governments and corporations own all the land, where the population has been drastically reduced and everyone lives in big ‘smart’ cities.

The Climate Change Nonsense Never Ends – Methane on the Radar Read the Full Article »

The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years…

They have been playing at this for some time now, that animals could get infected with fantasy viruses, something that does not even exist. Unfortunately, the majority of people are dumber than a bag of nuts, and are still believing in the pandemic hoax, the contagion fraud – all of the bullocks despite years of evidence of the contrary. The document from gov.uk states this: “New human coronaviruses can originate from domesticated animals. HCoV-OC43

The Covid Virus LIE – They’re Going After our Animals: What we can expect in the next few years… Read the Full Article »

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