Microplastics is one of the latest fear mongering tactics from the Health Research Institutes, and it’s something I’ve been getting an increase in questions about. The government- and pharmaceutical shill-website Medical News Today has recently been writing a lot about microplastics, and today we’re going to take a look at their latest article about microplastics found in penises and whether it can affect fertility and sperm count.
“Male infertility remains a global issue, with its causes often not well understood.”
Come on now, you frikkin’ shills. You know exactly what is going on. The consumption of processed- and plant-based foods that are full of toxins and void of nutrients, the lack of animal fats and nutrients that will make your testosterone plummet, and the steadily increased pollution, especially estrogen-mimicking chemicals. That’s the three pillars of destroying health and infertility.
Although vaccines are completely unnecessary (there are no viruses,) maiming and potentially deadly, you trigger anti-vaxxers through controlled opposition to blame every disease on vaccines, you trigger the chemtrail movement to blame diseases on what is actually cloud seeding and weather control, you trigger the 5G movement to blame everything on radiation, and on it goes. Always keeping the baby troofers away from the obvious elephant in the room, that of modern processed plant-based foods and drugs, all designed keep the population overfed but malnourished and weak so their bodies cannot detox.
There are no transferable contagious diseases, there are no “autoimmune” diseases — all diseases and health problems come from within, from nutrient deficiencies, toxic overload, mental trauma and stress.
“Given the growing evidence of microplastics infiltrating various biological systems, such as blood and lungs, researchers are now exploring their potential effects on reproductive systems.
Previous research has investigated the presence of microplastics in male reproductive organs.”
The term “microplastics” was introduced in 2004, and, allegedly, it was first found in marine environments. However, it was not discovered in humans until 2022 after some “scientists” analyzed blood samples from 22 anonymous donors. Of these, 17 of the 22 tested subjects, as in about 80%, allegedly had these tiny particles in their blood.
This led to further research in late 2023 and the findings of microplastics in the penises of men experiencing erectile dysfunction, which this article by Medical News Today is based upon.
“For example, in one study, researchers discovered 12 different types of microplastics in the testicles of dogs and humans. In dogs, they found that higher levels of certain microplastics correlated with lower sperm counts and reduced testis weight.”
As for the lower sperm count in dogs, correlation does not necessarily imply causation. Let’s assume that we are “invaded” by microplastics through processed plant-based garbage foods, the air we breathe, and contact with plastic and idiotic things such as body- and personal care products, synthetic clothes, etcetera. In that case, our body will treat it just like any other micro particle and detox it through phlegm, sweat, feces, and so on. However, if your ability to detoxify is compromised, as by a bad non-species-specific diet, (dogs are usually fed unnatural dry food, as in kibble, which is extremely toxic and unhealthy, making them sick,) by stress and poor sleep, or snacking all through the day, not allowing your body to rest and detox, these microplastics, just like any other toxin, heavy metal, or chemical, will build-up in your body.
However, a bad diet, as in dogs getting fed kibble instead of meat and bones, will cause toxic build-up and nutrient deficiencies which will destroy their hormones and thus their sperm count and make their testes shrink.
So… was it the health problems resulting from a harmful diet that led to a poor detoxification ability and the build-up of microplastics that decreased the sperm count, or was it only the microplastics that were to blame? Simple logic dictates that it’s the bodily environment that causes the problems, the environment created by a poor diet and thus a poor detoxification ability.
“The samples were collected from participants diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) who were undergoing penile implant surgery at the University of Miami between August and September 2023.
Chemical imaging analysis of the samples revealed that 4 out of 5 men had microplastics in their penile tissue.”
The previous study of anonymous random people showed microplastics in 17 out of 22 tested subjects. That is not surprising as most people today follow a non-species-specific diet that is high in processed foods and low in our natural foods such as meat. In other words, at least 17 out of 22 people are extremely unhealthy and cannot detox properly.
In this study, they focused on solely unhealthy people, as in people with erectile dysfunction, and 4 out of 5 showed this build-up due to lacking detoxification abilities. Again, not surprising at all. And again, a friendly reminder: correlation does not necessarily imply causation.
“Microplastics can enter the human body through ingestion, inhalation, and skin contact,” Dr. Ramasamy explained. “They are present in the air, water, and food, especially in items like seafood, sea salt, and bottled beverages.”
Actually, as I mentioned previously, microplastics are said to be most readily found in processed plant-based foods, bottled beverages, tap water, synthetic clothes (especially polyester and nylon,) personal care products (especially deodorants, facial scrubs, make-up, skin lotions,) and the air we breathe.
While we can reduce ‘ingestion’ of these microplastics, we cannot totally eliminate our exposure to them. And again, if you take care of your body and follow our natural species-appropriate diet of animal fat and protein, and you do not eat late in the day so that you go to sleep fasted and can detoxify, this should not be a problem. If it actually was, everyone tested should have microplastics in them. Yet, it was only 17 out of 22, which is not that much considering how extremely bad everyone’s diet and lifestyle is in our “modern” world.
If you reverse your thinking, it means that 5 extremely unhealthy people out of 22 were still able to detox although they likely consume a lot of processed food, stress a lot, and make contact with a lot of sources containing microplastics. If you actually take care of yourself and do your best to avoid the most obvious sources, your chance of a microplastic build-up is about zero.
“This certainly was an eye-popping topic, but in the end, I’m not surprised that there were microplastics in penile tissue – because they have been measured in all the body parts that have been investigated to date, including blood, placenta, stool, and recently, testicles.
“So while this is the first that I’ve seen measuring in the penis – so that is novel – it would be expected given that MPs are found everywhere – everywhere in nature, in animals, and in us,” Dr. Woodruff added.”
If your body cannot expel it, it will eventually end up anywhere and everywhere. This however, is different from harmful toxins that our body usually stores away in fat tissue or shields off into tumors. So, in that regard, microplastics do not seem to be directly toxic or harmful. Still, getting a build-up of foreign compounds in your body is not natural and likely not a good thing as it probably will compromise the integrity and functionality of that tissue once it reaches a specific threshold. However, that is speculation from my side based on physiology and logic.
And that pretty much brings us to the conclusion of this article. As it seems, microplastics are unavoidable, so all we can do is limit our exposure and make sure that we are as healthy as possible — so our bodies can detoxify and expel them, as it does with all foreign compounds.
We’ve already covered the primary sources of microplastics, so you know what to limit and avoid. And if you get tested and it shows that you’ve got them in you, all you can do is to assist your body to expel them. Forget about silly detox protocols or remedies that shills and controlled opposition will try to sell you. Your body is fully capable of detoxing itself — as long as you keep yourself nourished and allow for detoxification to occur, as in being in a fasted state.
Always make sure that you go to bed fasted, as in having your last meal 4 to 6 hours before bed. Make sure to follow a carnivorous animal-based diet, which is our species-specific human diet and the only way for us to get bioavailable nutrition. Avoid all processed- and plant-based food. Then, simply utilize prolonged fasting every now and then. 3 to 5 days are usually optimal, or even up to 9 to 11 days if serious healing is required. I have several articles on this.
If you have further inquiries or questions about toxins or the ability to detoxify, or if you need help with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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