Today we return once again to and a poor summary of a recent study looking at the devastating body composition changes in young active women from adopting the destructive and deadly anti-human diet, a.k.a. the retarded “vegan diet,” for only 8 short weeks.
Key study details
- “The participants followed an omnivorous diet for 4 weeks, then followed a vegan diet for 8 weeks. The participants were given information on adopting the assigned diets in a healthy way.”
First and foremost, you cannot adopt non-species appropriate diets in a healthy way, as any kind of plant-based edible is both toxic and useless as human nutrition. This is very basic biochemistry.
Also, if you read the full paper from the authors of the study, all participants followed an omnivorous diet during the first 4 weeks while adhering to the extremely retarded ISSN’s recommendations for “athletes,” which is a laughable macronutrient distribution of 45–55% carbohydrates, 15–20% protein and 15–25% fat.

Keep in mind that carbohydrates are very toxic and damaging and totally useless as we humans are supposed to manufacture our own glucose through gluconeogenesis, while protein is important and fat is the most important macronutrient of them all, but only if it is of animal origin. Any plant-based “fats,” as in seed- or vegetable oils are not chemically compatible with fats in our body and thus extremely toxic and damaging. So, simply this “omnivorous” diet will do a lot of damage, and even more so to anyone who is physically active and in need of recovery.
As for the vegan phase, all participants were supported by a “nutrition coach” throughout the entire study period. The “nutrition coach” was in contact with the participants several times a week to answer potential questions and monitored the participants’ nutrition logs. So, the participants were not “given information” and left to their own devices, as with anyone adopting this retarded way of eating in real life, they were actually coached and monitored. So, the results should be good, right? No, that would be impossible as plant foods are not chemically compatible with human physiology, as we will see in the results of the study.

- “Protein intake was lower and carbohydrate intake was higher during the vegan diet than the omnivorous diet.”
Actually, the weighted average recordings of protein intake only decreased slightly, by about 50 kcal or so, which is only 10 to 15 grams. However, that being said, all plant-based “foods” lack complete amino-acid profiles while most of the protein is tied to fiber and antinutrients. So, at best only 50 to 60% of the “available” protein will be absorbed and hopefully converted into bioactive amino acids by the body. That means that if the food tables and food recording software says that you consumed 100 grams of plant-based protein, you actually only got about 60 grams of usable protein, likely less. And of course, a shitload of toxins to go with that.

Actually, on the last week of the omnivorous diet, the average protein intake was at roughly 80 grams a day and at week 12, the last week of veganism, the average protein intake was at 72 grams. That is only a reduction of 8 grams! Very, very, little.

And as for the very toxic and damaging carbohydrates, their intake increased on average by about 125 kcal at most, which is about 30 to 32 grams. So, the changes in macronutrients were not that great, however, considering food quality, it obviously decreased significantly — from crap to total crap.

- “Skeletal muscle mass decreased more during the vegan diet (–1 pound; –0.46 kg) than during the omnivorous diet (–0.44 lb; –0.2 kg). Fat mass did not change during either diet.”
Wrong again. Did you Examine guys not read the full paper? Seriously?
Yes, skeletal muscle mass decreased quite a bit during the vegan phase, as expected, from an average of 29,20 kg to 28,74 kg, as in 0,46 kg or 1 lbs. But fat mass actually increased, from an average of 15,24 kg to 16kg, a gain of 0,76 kg or 1.7 lbs of fat in 8 weeks!

So, the women lost at least 0,5 kg of muscle and gained at least 0,75 kg of fat in 8 weeks while slightly increasing their exercise regime. What a frikkin’ disaster!
- “The participants’ 1-repetition maximum for the back squat (a measure of lower-body strength) did not change during either diet period, but countermovement jump performance (a measure of lower-body power) decreased more during the vegan diet than the omnivorous diet.”
Wrong again. Their 1RM increased during the omnivore phase of 4 weeks from an average of 56,94 kg to 58,06 kg, an increase of 1,12 kg, only to decrease to 57,50 kg after the vegan phase, a decrease of 0,56 kg.

Considering that the women trained the same and on average even increased training volume during the vegan phase, this is bad. And their countermovement jump actually decreased a little during the worthless omnivore phase and then really plummeted during the vegan phase.

So, to summarize, they lost muscle, they lost strength, they lost athletic performance, and they gained body fat despite increasing training volume a little bit, simply because they adopted an extremely retarded and backwards vegan diet. And this is only the physical part, just imagine all the damage on the inside from all the carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils, defense chemicals, antinutrients, heavy metals, and pesticides from all that plant-based garbage. I feel really sorry for the women who were deceived to participate in this study, and even more so for all people being lured into this anti-human and destructive plant-based agenda all over the world.

Examine’s take
“This study was not randomized and used different durations for the 2 diet periods, so the reported findings should be viewed with caution. Still, eating less protein can plausibly lead to muscle loss, so the findings aren’t too surprising, either.”
It’s clear that some of the authors at are being paid by the food industry and are trying to favor the anti-human and infertile-inducing plant-based agenda.
In the real world, this is simple biology, physiology, and biochemistry. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores and animal-based foods are our only source of bioavailable and bioactive nutrients. Not even herbivores can sustain themselves on plants alone as they consume bugs, insects, and even small animals like rodents, injured birds, and eggs whenever available — and they are supposedly adapted to at least extract some nutrition from plants, mainly from fermentation which produces fatty acids so they can run on their fat metabolism (no animal runs on a carbohydrate/glucose metabolism.)
For more on the extreme destructiveness of plant based diets, please read my articles “Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan,” “The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term),” “The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis,” “All Seed- And Vegetable Oils Are Toxic And Very Bad For You!,” and “Fiber Is Extremely Damaging And Not Needed in Any Diet.”
So, no, it was not the minor decrease in protein (8 grams) that contributed to the extreme decline in body composition and performance in only 8 short weeks. It was a combination of decreased protein quality, increased toxicity and the development of nutrient deficiencies from consuming plants that are void of bioavailable nutrients.
And you could even notice some decline during the 4-week omnivore phase, as a 15–20% protein intake is abysmal — meaning that for a “2000 kcal” diet, they only got 350 kcal from protein, as in 87 measly grams a day.
And being “omnivore,” that likely means that less than half of that, as in less than 40 grams, came from animal-based foods, which is less than 150 grams of meat/fish a day. That is extremely little. And that also means that the remaining 40 to 50 grams of protein came from plant sources and was not complete and thus only yielded about 30 actual grams, so the real protein intake was less than 70 grams of bioavailable protein during the omnivore phase (active women should have at least 110 grams a day.)
So, people, please use your brains. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores and the only way to be healthy and live a long and active fulfilling life is to follow our species-appropriate diet. It is simple, it is logical, and it is undeniable.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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