Note: this will only cover the effects of mental trauma as described and proven by German New Medicine. It will not cover detoxification of various toxins through the skin, as described in the terrain theory. For more about that, research what doctors were reporting in the 1940’s (Dr. F Parkes Weber, The Lancet 1946) when people fell ill with chickenpox and herpes shortly after they began taking medicines containing arsenic, as in arsenic poisoning.
Rashes on the outer skin layers (epidermis) are usually from separation conflicts. Either you’ve been separated from someone, or you want to separate from, as in, to get rid of someone. In rosacea or lupus erythematosus, the rashes appear on the face, as on the nose, chin, and cheeks. This is a more localized conflict, and is experienced as a separation from your ‘face,’ either as in a loss of contact (someone who used to touch you, especially in the face) or through wanting to separate from someone who often is perceived as ‘being in your face.’
The Epidermis — Measles, Rubella and Chickenpox
In measles, rubella and chickenpox, the skin rashes cover most of the body. This means that the separation conflict is more generalized, which happen when you feel separated as a whole. These full-body rashes are rare among adults, but typically experienced by infants and children as they are much more sensitive to separation from the “pack,” as in home (family) or school (friends.)
Keep in mind that the symptoms, the rashes, occur when the conflict has been resolved and the body is healing from the trauma/conflict. Thus, these “diseases” are not from any imaginary virus, as contagious diseases do not exist.
Usually, these separation conflicts among children happen when they get sent to daycare or to school. As they are separated from their safe home, from their parents and perhaps siblings. As the children get accustom to daycare, kindergarten or school and if they come home to a loving family who make them feel safe again, the conflict gets resolved and healing begins. This is why measles typically occurs in the fall. Other children, that really dislike school and do not get accustom to it, or children that come home to an empty house and hardly meet their family during school days, might not resolve their conflict until the winter holidays and Christmas. That is why chickenpox usually occurs during the winter. It’s important to understand that the type and severity of the symptoms are linked to the time-frame of the conflict. Chickenpox goes much deeper than measles or rubella, and occur among those who have experienced the conflict for a longer time and/or on a much deeper level.
Also, not being allowed, or not wanting to have contact with someone who has the “infection/disease” also results in a separation conflict, which can trigger the illusion of a “virus outbreak” such as measles. For example, as soon as your friend has got better and you can see him/her again, your conflict has been resolved and instead you get the symptoms of healing as in the measles, giving the illusion of contagion.
The Dermis — Shingles
Shingles are small non-pigmented growths that develop along one or several segments of the deeper dermis (also called corium skin.) The dermis is the deeper layer that contains blood- and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nerve endings, glands, and hair follicles.
During the healing phase, skin lesions develop and become swollen and red due to the inflammation and the blisters are filled with pus produced by bacteria that is trying to clean up the terrain.
Conventional Rockefeller-sponsored medicine claims that shingles are caused by a reactivation of a previous infection with the “varicella-zoster virus,” a type of “herpes virus,” that supposedly causes chickenpox. Again, that is complete nonsense as viruses, nor contagion, has never been proven to exist. Also, the silly virus theory cannot explain why the alleged virus would only affect specific parts of the body, seemingly at random – or why they only occur on one side of the body or on both. However, German New Medicine has perfect valid explanations to this, as proven by brain scans.
Dr. Hamer’s research demonstrates that every person with shingles shows a small spot of edema on the cerebellum, precisely, in the area of the brain that controls the corium skin; hence, the activity of bacteria in the healing phase. The skin rash that occurs with chickenpox, on the other hand, involves the epidermis and is controlled from the cerebral cortex.
Shingles are the symptom of healing after an event where you have perceived the situation as being, or feeling, attacked or soiled.
An attack conflict is experienced, for example, through an attack by a person or by an animal or through a hit or blow against the body or the head – as one could experience in sports, in a fight, or in an accident. It could also be from medical procedures such as surgery, a needle biopsy, injections, or vaccinations. Actually, any stabbing or piercing pain could be registered as an “attack.”
Then we also have verbal attacks, for example, being yelled at, scolded, assaulted or threatened with sharp and aggressive words where you perceive it as being “hit” in the face, the forehead (an insult against one’s intelligence), or the back (“stabbed in the back”.) Sexist remarks, sexual accusations, or an attack against one’s sexual orientation usually strike “below the waist.” Hearing offensive words affects the corium skin of the ear. Being criticized in a hostile manner, discrimination, defamation, or an insult against one’s integrity could have an impact on the whole body (generalized conflict.)
An unclean or soiled conflict is experienced when one is feeling unclean (smelly sweat, stinky feet, malodorous discharge, incontinence) or feeling soiled, for example, when coming in contact with something considered as repellent such as dirt, feces, urine, vomit, saliva, (menstrual) blood, sweat, or semen.
Again, this can also be verbal as “dirty” words can be thrown at one’s face or gossiping behind one’s back might provoke the conflict, because the psyche, in GNM terms, cannot differentiate between real dirt and figurative dirt.
A “feeling soiled”-conflict could be triggered through physical contact with a person who is regarded as “repulsive,” for instance, a drunk person, a smelly person, or a person who one believes has a “contagious disease” (venereal disease,) provided that one believes that “infectious diseases” are transmittable (no transmittable diseases exist.) The fear of an “infection” and of contracting a disease can affect an entire population, as we have seen in “epidemics” such as the Great Plague.
So as an example, if one develops shingles on the left torso (central part of the body,) it reveals that the conflict is from either feeling attacked or soiled “below the waist.” If the person is left-handed, the conflict was with a partner or close friend. For right-handers, the conflict would be mother and/or child-related.
If the shingles are on the right torso, and the person is left-handed, the conflict would be mother and/or child-related. And then, for right-handers, the conflict would be with a partner or close friend.
I wrote this article as an answer for our uncensored community Ungovernable, and thought I would share it here as well. If you have input, want to share your own experiences, or if you have questions, please sign up at