Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment

As I’ve helped several women reverse “breast cancer” and regain their health, and I get a lot of questions about it, as well as I have people within my circle that have been lied to and used by the medical establishment, we will once again cover the typical and very harmful and totally unnecessary treatment of breast cancer as recommended by indoctrinated doctors.

I will use Mayo Clinic, one of the evil disinformation websites, and their article on breast cancer to expose everything harmful they do and once again show their backwards thinking and how they are manipulating, hurting, using, and damaging women for life only to make some money (and follow the agenda of keeping people weak, dependent, and making sure they die early.)

Let’s jump to the section of Mayo Clinic’s treatment and see what they have to say and how illogical their reasoning and defense of their pseudoscience is. I promise you, it’s frightening!

Breast cancer surgery

“Breast cancer treatment often starts with surgery to remove the cancer. A lumpectomy is surgery to remove the breast cancer and some of the healthy tissue around it. Lumpectomy might be used to remove a small cancer.

A mastectomy is surgery to remove all breast tissue from a breast. The most common mastectomy procedure is total mastectomy, also called simple mastectomy. This procedure removes all of the breast, including the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue and some skin, including the nipple and areola.”

If you understand that cancer, as in forming tumors, is a natural last-defense strategy of the body to protect you from a continuous onslaught of toxins, you will also understand that this is pure insanity. It’s complete madness and any surgeon doing this should be behind bars for life (and have some body parts removed on themselves.)

Cancer tumors are not dangerous or harmful as they are fully natural. They are protecting you, giving you a chance to lessen the toxic load that is killing you. However, if you are so stupid that you continue to consume the same toxic plant-centered and processed foods and expose yourself to the same environmental toxins, the toxic load will continue to be high and the tumors will grow. If some of the tumors are close to organs in order to protect them, this can become a deadly scenario and the cancer can become a problem. However, that is not the fault of the cancer, that is simply your own fault for continuing doing what poisoned you in the first place.

Now, one of the extremely retarded reasons that clueless doctors will give you for cutting out tumors is that they, in their delusion, believe that cancer can spread — as in magically jumping from one place in a tissue to another, or to a completely other part of the body. If you stop and think for a second, you will realize how extremely stupid that lie is.

Remember the golden rule in biology and physiology — your body will never do anything to hurt you. Anything that your body produces is natural and can never be harmful. Your body is built for survival, to further the species.

Again, tumors are formed by the toxic load from what you expose yourself to. If you continue to damage your body, new tumors will appear to help to shield off those toxins. It’s extremely simple and logical. 

In other words, there is no danger associated with tumors formed in breast tissue. And removing tissue or a whole breast is pure insanity. Mutilating a woman for no reason at all. It’s criminal! 

With that said, the diagnosis of breast cancer does tell you that your lifestyle and diet is very bad and toxic, and that is what is causing damage all over your body, the growth of protective tumors, and what is reducing your lifespan by decades. And we will get to what specific toxins that contribute to breast cancer in a bit.

“Removing a few lymph nodes. A sentinel node biopsy is an operation to take out some lymph nodes for testing. When breast cancer spreads, it often goes to the nearby lymph nodes first. To see if the cancer has spread, a surgeon removes some of the lymph nodes near the cancer.”

Again, cancer does not spread, you imbeciles. And by mentioning this, you actually admit that cancer, as in tumors, are the result of toxins. As you should know, the lymph system and the lymph nodes play a crucial role in filtering out toxins and toxic waste from detoxification processes within the body. With that said, our bodies are built for our natural human carnivore diet of only animal-based foods, foods that do not contain any toxins at all. We are built to simply filter out some environmental toxins and a few that we by chance consume.

In today’s society with plant-based foods such as bread, pasta, vegetables, candy and sweets, sodas, and processed foods, and also environmental toxins from pollution, plastics, beauty and hygiene products, and so on, our toxic load is unnaturally high. This is the reason why we see so many “modern diseases” including cancer on the rise. And this also means that even lymph nodes will take damage, and if the toxic load has been so high for such a long time that your body is forced to produce tumors, they will eventually appear in the lymph nodes as well — especially when estrogen is involved, as estrogen plays a vital role in the functioning of the lymph nodes. And the inverted medical science tells us that estrogen is a driving factor in breast cancer.

With that said, it is not what most of you would think, as estrogen produced by the body is totally harmless, as it is a natural part of our biochemistry. And we will get to estrogen in a bit when we will discuss the very harmful hormone therapy.

Radiation therapy

“Radiation therapy treats cancer with powerful energy beams. The energy can come from X-rays, protons or other sources. For breast cancer treatment, the radiation is often external beam radiation. During this type of radiation therapy, you lie on a table while a machine moves around you. The machine directs radiation to precise points on your body. Less often, the radiation can be placed inside the body. This type of radiation is called brachytherapy.

Radiation therapy is often used after surgery. It can kill any cancer cells that might be left after surgery. The radiation lowers the risk of the cancer coming back.”

Again, this is pure madness and incredibly stupid. Radiation therapy is not selective. It will damage and kill any kind of cell, regardless of the cell’s health status, type or function. It’s pure destruction of the body and should never be used on anybody. It’s criminal.
Just imagine destroying your cells and tissues for no real reason at all, as breast cancer is not dangerous in itself, it’s your lifestyle that is dangerous.

Instead, as with all types of cancers, simply lessen, or preferably, remove the toxic load that is causing damage and the development of tumors as protection. Adopt our natural human animal-based diet and limit all exposure to environmental toxins — and you will heal. It’s that simple. 


“Chemotherapy treats cancer with strong medicines. Many chemotherapy medicines exist. Treatment often involves a combination of chemotherapy medicines. Most are given through a vein. Some are available in pill form.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer is often used after surgery. It can kill any cancer cells that might remain and lower the risk of the cancer coming back.”

You frikkin’ morons. This is the definition of insanity. You cannot improve or “cure” a health problem, that is the result of toxicity, by taking more destructive toxic poisons.
Chemotherapy works just like radiation therapy, as these poisonous chemicals are non-selective. They will kill any kind of cell, regardless of the cell’s health status, type or function.

And again, the solution is the same. Remove the toxic load. However, that would mean zero profits for the pharmaceutical companies and people would actually get healthy again, and we can’t have that. Sheesh.

Hormone therapy

“Hormone therapy uses medicines to block certain hormones in the body. It’s a treatment for breast cancers that are sensitive to the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Healthcare professionals call these cancers estrogen receptor positive and progesterone receptor positive. Cancers that are sensitive to hormones use the hormones as fuel for their growth. Blocking the hormones can cause the cancer cells to shrink or die.”

Again, this is criminal. Do you even understand how crucial estrogen and progesterone is for a woman’s wellbeing and to function in daily life? Blocking these hormones will destroy their life quality and also damage their bodies severely. For example, vaginal dryness, itching and thinning of the vaginal walls, leading to discomfort during sexual intercourse. Hot flashes and night sweats, similar to menopause. Bone loss and increased risk of osteoporosis. Higher blood pressure and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Mood changes such as depression, anxiety, and irritability. Sleep disturbances and daytime tiredness. Lowered sexual desire and arousal. Urinary tract problems such as incontinence. Skin dryness, skin thinning, wrinkling, and increased risk of eczema and psoriasis. And much more! And again, for absolutely no reason at all.

Remember, anything produced by our body is natural and can never harm us. However, the inverted and extremely incompetent medical field cannot differentiate between naturally produced endogenous estrogen and exogenous fake estrogen.

In biology and biochemistry, we know all this. It’s not estrogen produced by the body, as estrogen is actually used to heal tissue, especially breast tissue! Yes, heal it!

Thus it makes absolutely no sense that estrogen would cause or feed cancer tumors.

In reality, the problem is phytoestrogens that you get from plant-based and processed foods and xenoestrogens that you get from plastics, pesticides (in plant-based foods,) hygiene-, cosmetic- and beauty products, and other environmental chemicals and sources. These fake artificial estrogens mimic the function and properties or real estrogen while being extremely toxic.

The foods that contain the highest amount of phytoestrogens are: flax seeds, soybeans and any product that contains soy, legumes such as beans and peas, any kind of nuts and seed/vegetable oil, most bread and cereal, especially those containing rice bran, wheat, barley and oats. Also tea, coffee, cacao/chocolate, dried fruits, berries, and all herbs and herbal supplements. 

If you consume any or several of these foods almost daily, it’s quite obvious that the phytoestrogen load is high. And as phytoestrogens mimic natural estrogen, it will bind to breast tissue where it will do damage, as it is very toxic. And when the load becomes too high and your body is lacking behind on repairing the damage, it will encapsulate these toxins into tumors so they can’t do more damage.

So again, limit the toxic load! Remove all plant-based and processed foods. Never take any drugs, ever!

And that was about it. It should be obvious that all doctors are totally brainwashed by the Rockefeller fake science and that they have no clue about the real sciences, that of physiology, biology, and biochemistry. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the only thing you should be worried about is your lifestyle, your diet, and your exposure to toxins. And that is what you need to change as it is doing irreversible damage to your body. Never ever listen to a doctor. Just tell them to fuck off.

As for myself, I was diagnosed with cancer and extreme tumor growth in 2017, where one tumor occupied one third of my left leg — that’s several thousand times bigger than a little pea-sized tumor in your breast. In early 2018 my liver, my kidneys, and my thyroid were failing. Still, I turned it all around by adopting our natural human carnivore diet and limiting my toxic exposure. I also fasted, and I healed my organs in a couple of months and my tumors rapidly decreased in size. Since then, I’ve helped many people diagnosed with various cancers by simply explaining what it is, and what they need to do.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

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