
Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late

Today we return to Medical News Today, one of many shill websites that are in bed with our charlatan governments and Big Pharma, and thus promotes the inverted and pseudo-scientific approach to healthcare, medical science and treatment we see in today’s backward society. Most of the time they are completely wrong, or they twist the truth to fit the narrative. This time however, the article actually has a correct message, as in the fact […]

Mental Health Destroyer: Going to Bed Late Read the Full Article »

The Ketogenic Diet and Mental Health Benefits

The Big Pharma and Medical Pseudo-Science shill-website Medical News Today recently tried their best to stay neutral while reviewing a new study on the Ketogenic Diet and its potential to improve mood and mental well-being in the general population. Considering that the study, like all “nutritional oriented” studies was very poorly done, and the writers at Medical News Today are totally clueless about human physiology, this might be a fun ride. As usual, I’ll

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If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault

The pharmaceutical pseudoscience shill site ‘healthline’ recently posted an article with what they call the “science” of being ‘cranky,’ as in the reasons for feeling irritable and annoyed. Science you say? Well, the first rule of “science” is to question everything, especially what is believed by indoctrinated dimwits to be “established science,” so this could be fun. Let’s get on with it. In their article, ‘healthline’ presents five explanations for being stuck in a

If You’re Cranky, It’s Your Own Fault Read the Full Article »

Nutrition Basics: How Bad Is It Really?

For some reason, one of the most visited “fitness and health” websites is on the world-wide-web is ‘’ Perhaps it’s because they cover some really silly and irrelevant topics, such as their “how bad is it” series, a series of articles that might appeal to the programmed and dumbed down masses who never thought about ‘nutrition’ until they stumbled upon this atrocious website. Livestrong’s “how bad is it” series are a part of their

Nutrition Basics: How Bad Is It Really? Read the Full Article »

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless

If you understand that the germ theory is nothing more than a profitable lie, a scare tactic to push the ludicrous idea that you can catch an illness such as a cold or the flu, then you should also understand that the entire concept of transmittable diseases is false. You do not “catch” a disease, you only experience symptoms from the process of eliminating toxins and healing your body – which is done by

More on Disease and Healing – And Why Most Medicines and “Natural” Remedies are Worthless Read the Full Article »

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based)

Do you experience anxiety, depression, nervousness, brain fog, mood swings, or social phobias on a regular basis without any real trauma or explanation behind it? Do you easily get pulled into different kinds of convictions? Do you rather follow the herd than ask questions, speak up, and think for yourself? If you do, your diet and/or food choices may most probably be the culprit. Mental illness disorders like those listed above and many others

Mental Illness is Usually From Poor Nutrition (Vegan/Plant-Based) Read the Full Article »

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