Ready for a good laugh? Well, you better be as we return to and a summary of another totally meaningless and seriously stupid meta-analysis of guarana and its effects on “cancer-related fatigue.”
What was studied?
“The effect of supplementation with guarana on fatigue symptoms in the context of cancer.”
Well, fatigue is fatigue no matter the “condition” causing that fatigue. And cancer is simply a desperate measure by the body to extend your lifespan, giving you another chance to turn things around, to remove the offenders, by forming tumors to shield off toxins or to metabolize unnatural toxic high levels of blood glucose. It’s simply the toxic load and the desperate attempts by the body to detoxify and heal that is making you tired and fatigued, just as with most people in today’s society who also are toxic messes consuming worthless and damaging plant-based and processed edibles.

Actually, all of my clients that have or had cancer that I’m helping (or helped in the past to reverse it,) have so much energy once they do the right things that I have to tell them to actually slow down and let the body heal instead of wasting that energy on exercise and recovery from exercise. And guess what, no stimulants needed. The boost of energy is simply from consuming the correct species-appropriate foods and fixing their metabolism to run on animal fat as it is supposed to, as in being in ketosis and getting all the essential nutrients that you need.
As for Guarana, it is a plant native to the Amazon region, scientifically known as Paullinia Cupana. Its seeds (the most toxic part of any plant) are processed into a powder that imbeciles use in various forms, such as tea, pre-workout powders, “energy” pills, and “energy” drinks. Guarana is rich in toxic and damaging plant defense chemicals, including methylxanthines, flavanols, and procyanidins, which contribute to its effects on the human body. It acts as a stimulant, affecting the heart, vasculature, and central nervous system similarly to caffeine.
In short, it causes acute poisoning and a fight-or-flight stress response, forcing the body to mobilize energy through the release of hormones such as epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and cortisol. I explained this in detail in my article “Caffeine is a Defense Chemical and a Potent Poison — Do Not Neglect Accumulated Damage.” If you’re not familiar with our stress response and how it can be artificially triggered by toxic compounds, please read that article before continuing.

Who was studied?
“A total of 269 adults with cancer-related fatigue.”
In late 2017 and early 2018, when I suffered from “cancer” and had several tumors and my organs were shutting down, when the doctors said I had perhaps a few months or weeks to live and they could only offer me amphetamines, which I refused, I could only “focus” for a few minutes at a time — I was a walking zombie. I could not even watch short clips on YouTube as I could not follow what was said or happening, and simply watching something move on the screen was exhausting. Being among people caused my head to spin and buzz after only a few minutes, forcing me to seek refuge somewhere isolated and quiet. And using caffeine only gave me a short temporary “boost,” enough to perhaps talk on the phone for five minutes, still mumbling up words. So, yes, I have experience with extreme fatigue. And yes, I reversed it all in about two months by adopting our natural human diet of animal-based foods (actually going full raw carnivore) and doing prolonged fasting and especially dry fasting.
And I’ve been raw carnivore every since (February of 2018) and that was also what made me realize that my previous 25 years of studying and practicing nutrition and medicine was completely backwards, it made me look into biology, physiology, and biochemistry with a new set of fresh eyes and an open mind, and that is why I share my 35+ years of experience and knowledge on this website — trying my best to help and educate as many as possible.
How was it studied?
“A meta-analysis of 5 randomized controlled trials was performed. Guarana was administered as an extract (in daily doses of 75 to 100 mg) or in an energy bar (providing 280 or 560 mg of guarana powder daily). The comparator was a placebo in 4 trials and usual care in 1 trial. The intervention duration ranged from 21 to 90 days.”
While a pure guarana extract contains caffeine, it also includes other highly toxic compounds that can enhance its stimulant effects, making it potentially more potent than an equivalent amount of pure caffeine in terms of its overall impact on the body. Exactly how much more potent is impossible to say, as purity levels and concentrations vary widely between manufacturers.
What were the results?
“Compared with the control, guarana reduced cancer-related fatigue (medium effect size, low certainty).”
Of course it did, as it’s a potent poison. Even if you’re extremely fatigued, your body will do its best to help you avoid danger, as in being killed. Your fight-or-flight stress response is simply a survival mechanism, it does not matter if you see or experience something frightening as in standing face-to-face with an apex predator, or if you get bit and/or poisoned, or if you ingest or inhale something toxic. Your body will respond in the same way, making you more alert, sharpening your senses, and mustering as much energy as possible so you can get away from the dangerous situation.
So, even if your body is failing due to your lifestyle and poor diet, as in severe cancer, it will still try to avoid additional danger. The response might not be as tangible as in someone healthy, but it will still be noticeable and most people will perceive it as a boost of energy, performance and cognitive function.
Still, this is additional stress to the body, it’s a survival mechanism that depletes your body of resources, which is even worse when your body is fighting a high toxic load, as in “having cancer.” So, administering guarana or any other stimulants to these poor people is very damaging and counterproductive.

Again, cancer is not the enemy. The “enemy” is the offenders that caused the body to develop cancer, as in tumors, in the first place. Remove these offenders and nourish the body, and it will heal and become healthy again. Simple. And no stimulants needed, ever.
For more on cancer, check my archives and do a quick website search for the keyword “cancer” to find all the articles (Press Ctrl+F on Windows or Command+F on Mac.) And if you need help with regaining your health, please contact me through my website.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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