The shills at Medical News Today continue to push out nonsense about Alzheimer’s as the pharmaceutical industry wants to offer more ways to subdue the symptoms for a short period of time while ignoring the cause of the problem so they can milk you dry before you die.
This time MNT covered a new “study” in “predicting” Alzheimer’s. Yes, predictive and preventive “care” is the new money-making machine. Just imagine the possibilities to prescribe drugs to people who “might” develop something just as an “insurance” that they don’t. Well, that’s not entirely true. Unless people change their lifestyle and diet, they will develop these health conditions anyway, but by beginning administrating toxic and deadly drugs early, the medical community can suppress some of the symptoms making people believe that it works and that they are just fine and healthy, when in truth they’re speeding towards their grave — all while the pharmaceutical companies make big profits. Also, it’s a lot easier to suppress symptoms early on then later when they are severe and the body is less responsive. So, as people notice an effect, it will give them more credibility, although the poor suckers who signed up for their treatment have been deceived and are becoming unhealthier by the minute. Another cog in the wheel to keep us drugged-up and weak half of our lives while making tons of money, and then making sure we die around or just after our retirement age.
Let’s see what they have to say this time. And this coverage will dip into my earlier articles on Alzheimer’s, such as, “The Real Reason Behind Alzheimer’s — A Starving Brain” and “Real Superfood: Eggs to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia.”
“As researchers predict the number of people living with dementia will grow to more than 152 million by 2050, there is a great deal of work being done around new ways of early diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia.”
Yes, and we who understand basic biology, physiology, and biochemistry understand why this happens, as the most crucial nutrients for the brain are cholesterol and saturated fats, something that has been vilified by the inverted and evil medical field and their hijacked “nutrition science.”
Alzheimer’s is simply a starving brain, a brain that has taken damage from a poor diet lacking in either cholesterol, saturated fats, or omega-3, or any or all of them. Alzheimer’s can also be the result of damage to the brain, especially to the microtubules, from toxins and heavy metals, especially aluminum. However, this happens because the brain can’t repair and protect itself, because it’s lacking cholesterol, saturated fats and/or omega-3. So, the main problem that we keep coming back to is always the nutritional status of the person who develops dementia, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s — the lack of animal fats in the diet.

“One area is focusing on biomarkers — specific disease indicators that can be measured in the blood through simple blood tests. Recently, pharmaceutical company Roche presented data at the 17th Clinical Trials in Alzheimer’s Disease congress (CTAD) on two new Alzheimer’s disease blood tests currently in development.”
What a surprise that it’s an evil backwards-thinking and profit-driven pharmaceutical company that presents this “research.”
“Alzheimer’s disease is often underdiagnosed, Margherita Carboni, PhD, Roche Diagnostics Neurology Indication Lead explained to Medical News Today. It’s estimated that up to 75% of people are living with symptoms of the condition without realizing they are due to Alzheimer’s. It can take around 2.8 years for someone to receive a formal diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.”
Of course it’s “underdiagnosed” according to your “research” as you want to tap into the enormous market that is allegedly 75 % of the population and sell them a “preventive” solution as soon as they show sign of forgetfulness for something that is the result of one’s eating habits and toxic exposure.
With that said, considering the sad state of the average person’s diet, this might not be that far off. Every single person that consumes a plant-centric and/or a processed diet with a lot of carbohydrates and vegetable/seed oils will experience a lot of problematic and potentially deadly health conditions only one quarter of their way through their life, and they will die before they reach halfway (remember, a human is supposed to be able to live for 120 to 150 years.)
All “diseases” are the result of toxic exposure and/or nutrition deficiencies, and that includes Alzheimer’s.
Could a ‘minimally invasive’ blood test accurately screen for Alzheimer’s?
“One of the tests currently in development at Roche is the Elecsys Amyloid Plasma Panel, which measures Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers phosphorylated Tau (pTau) 181 protein and apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4) in the blood.”
We covered apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) in my previous article. APOE signaling is simply instructions for the body to make a carrier protein called apolipoprotein E (apoE.) This protein combines with fats (lipids) in the body to form molecules called lipoproteins, which are responsible for packaging cholesterol and other fats and carrying them through the bloodstream. And what is most important for brain health? Yes, cholesterol.

And phosphorylated Tau 181 plays a crucial role in maintaining the microtubule’s assembly and stability. Yes, the parts of the brain that take damage from heavy metals such as aluminum and that have been associated with Alzheimer’s.

In other words, if pTau 181 increases, it indicates that there is damage being done to the microtubules and your body is either trying to repair them or making new ones. However, for this to work, your body needs cholesterol, saturated fats, and omega-3’s, and plenty of them! If you lack these essential animal fats, that repair and rebuilding process will not go very well — and pTau 181 will be chronically elevated until you get these animal fats.

And “Tau phosphorylation,” as in the abnormal altering of the tau protein, changing its structure, function, and interactions with microtubules, is usually the result of lack of building materials, as in the lack of cholesterol. Again, we come back to a lacking diet, a diet that do not provide enough animal fats.

“The test checks levels of a protein known as pTau 181, which is found to accumulate at increased levels in the blood starting from the early symptoms of cognitive impairment. The same protein also accumulates in a person’s cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which is what we currently test for with the Elecsys CSF test, she detailed.”
Yes, as I explained, pTau 181 increases when there is damage being done to the microtubules, which you failed to mention, either out of sheer ignorance and incompetence, or because you do not want to tell the truth — that the main reasons for any “disease” are always toxicity and nutrient deficiencies.
“The test also informs us of the presence of the gene ApoE4, which is one of the most common genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease, Carboni continued”
Are you this stupid, or are you lying again? APOE4 upregulates the production of the carrier protein ApoE when the brain is in need of more cholesterol, as when it’s been damaged, as when the microtubule’s need to be repaired, as when pTau 181 is elevated.

In other words, when the brain is starving because it does not get enough cholesterol to keep up with maintenance and repair, APOE4 activity increases in an effort to remedy the situation. This natural response does not contribute to Alzheimer’s, you frikkin’ idiots. Nothing the body does contributes to disease as the main goal of any organism is survival and reproduction. Your body will never hurt itself. Any damage is always the result of what you expose it to, be it toxins or a bad diet.
An increase in APOE4 presence and activity is simply the result of the underlying problem that will in time cause what we call Alzheimer’s, that of toxic damage to the brain and the lack of animal fats in the diet.
This retarded statement by Carboni is in line with the same backwards thinking we see within all of the medical field, as for example with bacteria that is part of the healing process, cleaning out toxins and cellular debris, and not the cause of the ailment. You people in the medical- and pharmaceutical field are so retarded it’s not even funny. Or you know the truth and are all extreme evil liars. I’m ashamed I wasted 17 years studying and working within that field myself, actually believing some of this stuff. Although, it has given me a greater understanding of their backwards-thinking and once I saw the truth, it all clicked and I don’t even need to research or study, I simply understand.
And with that, my time is up for this morning. To summarize, we once again have tests that actually can be good as a warning to people speeding towards cognitive decline, but they twist the meaning of these tests to keep up their narrative of disease and to make it possible to prescribe drugs that will lessen the symptoms and temporarily make you feel and perform better. However, the damage will continue unless you address the root cause, your diet and lifestyle. So, by taking drugs, you only get a temporary relief while actually accelerating the damage and the inevitable outcome — that of severe illness such as organ failure, heart attacks, and irreversible brain damage.
Alzheimer’s is always the result of a starving brain. Sometimes there’s also damage from toxins and heavy metals, but anyone who follows our natural human diet will be able to detoxify and heal such damage as it occurs. However, that damage cannot be repaired if the brain is starving for animal fats, which rapidly contributes to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. So, we always come back to the diet — a lack of animal-based foods, the nutrition we were made to consume.
It’s a sad state of affairs, especially considering that the only thing you need to do to keep your brain healthy is to get some animal fats on a daily basis by consuming some fatty meat and perhaps some eggs now and then.
I’ve helped many elderly with dementia, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s and they all reversed it within weeks or months by adding animal fats, and especially cholesterol. Anyone who has any cognitive problems should start consuming 3 to 5 eggs a day, some red meat and perhaps some butter, and you will notice a difference within days.
Also, make sure to limit your toxic exposure. Never take any retarded and deadly vaccines, never take any medications or other drugs, especially not the killer statins, and be careful with hygiene and beauty products. Limit, or preferably eliminate, anything plant-based and processed from your diet, and you will be golden. If you need more help, check out my nutrition archives or contact me for a consultation.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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