No Daily Articles For a Couple of Days and a Few Words on Sinuses

If you followed me for a while, you know that I was very “sickly” as a kid as my mother worked several jobs including our farm and only breastfed for a short time, trying to make it up by giving me tons of toxic synthetic vitamins and minerals. I was diagnosed with severe asthma and allergies at the age of five and I usually had several outbreaks of ‘sinusitis,’ ‘pneumonia,’ and ‘otitis,’ (ear inflammation/infections) every year growing up, living in hospitals for at least 8 months out of the year. I got better after the age of 11, but throughout my adult life I had at least one yearly outbreak of pneumonia and one of sinusitis. Again, it improved a little in 2014 when I got more active with dogs and went back to following a strict ketogenic diet.

Now, one of the reasons for occurring pneumonias was all the toxic and damaging asthma drugs I inhaled (4 x Ventolin and 2 x cortisone) on a daily basis and all the synthetic supplements I was taking. Now, as for the asthma and allergies, I healed it completely when going fully raw carnivore and doing some prolonged fasting — so I have not touched any medication since early 2018.

As for sinusitis, the noodle-headed doctors flushed my sinuses a dozen times or more when I was a kid (between the age of 5 and 10.) And as you know, these flushes kill the bacteria present to aid in the healing process, as the bacteria removes damaged and dead cells, as well as toxins. Without bacteria, the healing cannot finish and instead you end up with damaged cells and scar tissue. And these damaged cells and scar tissue cannot detoxify, so the toxic load in such a damaged area will build up a lot faster and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Now, the last time I had sinusitis was in 2017 when I was diagnosed with cancer and several large tumors. As I turned it around in early 2018 by adopting our species-appropriate, human specific and natural carnivore diet, I have not experienced it, not until two days ago.
In other words, what would happen yearly before due to severely damaged sinuses, took over six years to build up when following our correct diet.

As I’ve always known that I have irreversible damage done to my sinuses due to these retarded doctors, I knew that it would happen sooner or later. And, sure, here we are.

As it is the sinuses that are detoxing and trying to heal, you get a fever, a really bad headache (like migraine,) and it affects the ears through pressure, and thus your equilibrium (sense of balance,) and of course, you get a runny nose and a very sore throat, as the snot travels that way.

So, I have hardly slept in two days, as my throat is trashed, and I only get about 30 minutes at a time, like small power naps — then I wake up with a dry cough which hurts really bad. And this detoxification of the sinuses of course happens when I have 5 clients to help and write programs for, and I’ve only managed to get about 2 to 3 hours of “effective” work done per day in the last two days. Not to mention that I still need to walk my dogs at least three times a day no matter how bad I feel, which takes a lot out of you when you have fever and vertigo from the pressure on the ears.

In other words, I need to focus on helping and working with my clients until I feel better and have the time and energy to write daily free articles again. Keep in mind that each free article that I publish (every day) takes about 60 to 90 minutes to write. Then another 30 minutes for searching and taking screen captures of the literature and research. Then another 30 to 45 minutes to put it together and publish it. All-in-all, it takes about 2 to 3 hours, and sometimes more, every single day — and that’s for totally free content. Show me anyone else who does that, and of such high quality. 
So yes, those of you who donate to keep the articles coming and the website operational are extremely appreciated. It helps a lot!

And I do not know if this little break will be for 2 or 3 days, or more. In the past, before I went carnivore and had sinusitis every year, it usually took 2 to 3 weeks before I was well again, even when my doctor persuaded me to take damaging antibiotics. Hopefully, it will go a lot faster now as I’m healthier and fully nourished.

With that said, this is a golden opportunity to catch up on some older articles or anything you might have missed. This website contains close to 2000 articles, so a search for a subject of your interest will surely turn up something. Also, you have my quick-start guides with the most important articles in different categories. Check them out here:

Quick Start: The World Playbook as We Know It

Quick Start: Germs, Viruses, Contagion, Disease and Other Lies

Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet

Not to mention that every article has a list at the end with 25 related articles based on keywords. You can find a lot more on the subjects that interest you by looking at it.

Thank you for reading and understanding my situation.

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