The medical-, pharmaceutical-, government-, and pseudo-science shills at Healthline recently published an article about human personality, where they try to sell you on the genetic/DNA theory — and in extension the use of drugs and other procedures to “alter” you physiology to the “better,” as visioned in the transhumanism agenda.
Without further ado, let’s see what these tinfoil hats have to say this time.
“Were you born this way, or are you a byproduct of your environment? The notion of nature versus nurture is an enduring debate that so far, no scientist or philosopher has been able to definitively answer.”
Simply logic and reasoning dictates that every single human is born with a set of fundamental instincts and with some resemblance to our parents, as with every single species of animal on Earth. Everything else is shaped by our environment, as in experiences and how we react to them. No need for low-IQ scientists or philosophers to ponder this one.
“While some studies show that a large portion of your personality is heritable, the exact extent — including what types of traits are heritable — is still largely a mystery. But here’s what experts do know so far.”
What studies? You mean those who are bought and paid for by shills with an agenda? And what mystery? Oh, I get it, you’re building up your story of lies and deceit by making it sound mysterious, complicated and something that “enlightened” scientists have to crack. How silly.
Again, all this is simple and it’s been acknowledged within biology and physiology for hundreds of years.
Is your personality inherited or learned?
“Some researchers define personality traits as patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that differentiate one individual from another. However, others have defined personality traits as dispositions “essentially independent of environmental influences,” which, by definition, rules out a “learned” component. For the sake of this article, we’ll refer to the first definition.”
Yes, “personality” is a complex and multifaceted construct that encompasses the relatively enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that reflect an individual’s tendency to respond in certain ways under certain circumstances. And from a physiological and biological perspective, personality is shaped by environmental factors, it is not “inherited.”
This is very logical as all living organisms strive to fit in and be part of the society, part of the pack, to increase the odds of survival.

“According to a 2018 review of several twin and adoption studies, human personality is estimated to be 30% to 60% heritable.”
More pseudoscience nonsense. In reality, studies have shown that identical twins, despite sharing the same genetic makeup, can develop distinct personalities based on their separate environmental exposures.

Heck, even siblings in general are extremely different when it comes to personalities and how they live their lives. So, again, this is complete bollocks and a pack of lies to further the genetic agenda, making it seem important and “out of our control,” unless we seek help from “their science,” and medical procedures.
“Of course, environmental factors like early childhood experiences and cultural influences appear to have a crucial role in shaping one’s personality.”
Environmental factors ‘appear’ to have a crucial role? Still you cling to the silly genetics and inherited personality theory.
What you retards likely think is “genetically inherited,” is simply learned and copied behavior from the parents. And when you speak of genetic variations and markers, these changes in the brain are simply a result of living for a long time in the same environment as your parents. You consume the same toxic food and you expose yourselves to a lot of the same environmental toxins, stressors, and other environmental variables. And as the child turns into an adult, a lot of these habits, choices, and variables will stick with them, especially the bad choice of food and other damaging learnt/copied behavior.
So, it’s quite simple and logical to conclude that if you compare the child with its parents, there will be a lot of identical markers from the same kind of damage due to toxic load. That has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or something being “inherited.” You guys need to look further, you need to see the big picture. You need to step out of that little box your inverted and extremely limited science has you trapped in.

What personality traits are heritable?
“Since much of DNA remains a mystery, scientists are just scratching the surface of determining which personality traits can definitively be passed down.”
That is because it’s an unproven theory of computer models based on speculation from x-ray crystallography and spectroscopy images on severely damaged cell debris. But we can be sure that no “personality traits” are inherited. The survival of the species is always what is most important. Passing down bad traits that could be detrimental to the survival of the species would be very bad. That is why only basic fundamental instincts for survival are “passed down.”

“According to the National Library of Medicine (NIH), there are certain gene variants that appear to be linked to temperament in particular, including:
- DRD2 and DRD4 gene variants, linked to a desire to seek out novel experiences
- KATNAL2 gene variants, associated with discipline and caution
- PCDH15 and WSCD2 gene variants, associated with sociability
- MAOA gene, linked to introversion (especially in certain contexts)
- AGBL2, BAIAP2, CELF4, L3MBTL2, LINGO2, XKR6, ZC3H7B, OLFM4, MEF2C, and TMEM161B gene variants are linked to anxiety and depression”
This sounds like a bunch of made-up nonsense to “categorize” some traits, and there is no way to verify these claims. But honestly, do you think inheriting traits like ‘introversion,’ ‘anxiety,’ and ‘depression,’ would be what nature intended for our survival? Would it benefit us as a species? Of course not, if that were the case, the human race would have gone extinct long ago, you imbeciles.
This is simply a misdirection as ‘anxiety’ and ‘depression’ are becoming more and more common due to the plant-based food agenda, and since it’s easily fixed by adding animal-based foods, they will blame it on “heritage” and “genetics,” so they can prescribe drugs for it and make billions of dollars a year while keeping people weak, docile, dumbed-down, obedient, and dependent on their inverted “care.”

These traits (disorders) are from chemical imbalances from nutrient deficiencies and even damage to your brain, as in a high toxic load. I’ve covered some of these in earlier articles.
Again, these ‘disorders’ develop from the environment you are exposed to, especially if the poor child is given a diet that lacks animal fats, cholesterol and other essential nutrients that is crucial for brain health and only found in animal-based foods. Add plant-based toxic slave food to this that wreaks their bodies and brain, and you have a recipe for every modern disease and disorder you could think of.

And that was it for this time. Yet another pseudo-scientific piece of garbage from Healthline, aimed at the gullible masses to reinforce the belief in genetics and that a lot of “diseases” and “disorders” are simply out of your control as they are allegedly “genetic” and “inherited.” This will slowly pave the road for bogus “genetic” editing procedures or drugs that supposedly block or activate genes. All bullocks of course, but an extremely lucrative market based on lies and deceit.
The only way to be perfectly healthy, live for as long as possible and be totally free of health problems and “diseases” is to adopt our species-appropriate, species-specific and natural human carnivore diet — a diet that is totally free of toxins and provides all essential nutrients in perfect quantity, fully bioavailable and in perfect food synergy.
If you need help with your diet, improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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