Around September 5, I noticed a small redness and some minor itchy-like pain in my lower leg, which as you know turned out to be a small blood clot due to my earlier battle with tumors, being diabetic for a few years, and my congenital sensitivity for PAI-1(PAI-1 form blood clots by blocking the enzyme that keep your blood in a fluid-like state.)
So, after preparing with increasing my intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and micronutrients (egg yolks, butter, and bone marrow) for a few days, to “super load” my body with the building- and repair materials it needs, I started fasting on Tuesday, September 12, and transitioned into dry fasting by mid-Wednesday.
I broke my dry fast this morning, after a total of 160 hours (6 days, 16 hours,) of which 140 hours was dry fasting (5 days and 20 hours.) According to popular science (as in lies and deceit of the ’elite’,) I would have died after 3 days without water, which of course is complete nonsense. As you know, if you’ve read my dry fasting articles or any of the Russian research (where they dry fast for 11 days or more,) your body is full capable of creating up to 3 liters or more of metabolic water a day from using body fat as energy and breaking down damaged cells through autophagy.
So, how did it go and what did I experience this time?
If you read the previous parts, the pain in my leg vanished during the weekend before I even started fasting. However, I still got tremendous pain when lying down on my back, as my heels touched the mattress. I always sleep on my back, as that is most efficient and healthy way of sleeping, so I had to sleep with my feet outside of the end of my bed. However, after the first day of fasting, and about 10 hours into my dry fasting, that pain was gone, and I could sleep normally again.
Also, the little lump of scar tissue I could feel in my lower leg from where the blood clot has been, felt much smaller, like a little grain of sand, by the third day. And by this time, all the swelling and bloating was gone.
During the first days of dry fasting, I did experience a little bit of tingling within these areas on both of my lower legs – as in very mild itching or the feeling of something like an insect crawling on your skin. I figure this was from the healing and repairing taking place. When I felt this, I also noticed that my resting heart rate was up slightly, as in 52 to 56 bpm. However, by day 5 these sensations were gone and my resting heart rate was once again down to 46 to 50 bpm.
My energy levels were fairly consistent throughout the fast, with some ‘drops’ when deeper healing took place, which is due to higher energy requirements and thus more body fat being used, which also means a slightly higher toxic load from any stored toxins.
As for my bodyweight, I started at 76 kg and weighted in at 72.4 kg this morning, a loss of only 3.6 kg in six days. As I was in ketosis and properly fat loaded and fat adapted before the fast, this was mostly from the loss of body fat. Perhaps 1 kg was from loss of fluids outside and inside of the muscle bellies.
And as always when fasting, doing physical work feels a little bit sluggish for the first 10 minutes or so, before your body upregulates its fat metabolism to meet the new energy demands, but after that you feel like you have unlimited energy and can go on for hours. And that is why it’s important to be up and moving around at regular intervals. If you just sit around, you will feel more sluggish than you actually are, making the fasting more “draining” on your psyche.
This morning, just before I broke my fast, I noticed that my abs were slightly more defined, my triceps had even more striations, but that the major of the fat loss had occurred in my legs, as muscle fibers were now clearly visible on my outer upper leg (vastus lateralis,) on my calves (gastrocnemius,) and the inside “drop muscle” (vastus medialis,) as soon as I squatted down a little or flexed them. As soon as I start eating normally again, vascularity will most likely be quite noticeable.
Also, some of the skin blemishes from 2017/2018 has once again reduced some in size and coloring, and the skin feels a bit tighter overall. As it should after a proper dry fast.
I broke my fast with a stick of butter and only a few mouthfuls of electrolyte water. Next meal will be egg yolks and some more butter, followed by ground beef and some salmon. After that, I’ll be back to my regular eating routine by tomorrow. After experimenting for years, I prefer to break my fast with fats, as that fuels the body but still keeps autophagy going somewhat as your body continues to break down damaged cells and converting them to amino acids. As soon as you actually consume protein, (more than 2 to 3 grams of leucine,) mTORC1 is activated, protein synthesis shoots up, and autophagy is closed down.
I will probably hit the gym today or tomorrow, as I miss my training tremendously. Although I more than halved my training volume since 2016, prior to my near-death experience (since too much training is extremely unhealthy,) lifting is still a part of me and the only kind of physical activity I do (and really love,) apart from dog walks in nature/the woods.
Keep in mind that I use to weigh about 90 to 95 kg (200 to 210 lbs.) in 2001 to 2003 at about 16% body fat, which was very unhealthy for my 173 cm. Nowadays at 49 years of age, I’m an athletic 75 to 77 kg (168 lbs.) most of the time with a fairly low body fat percentage (7 to 10%.) However, due to my very small joints, I can still look somewhat like a little bodybuilder when flexing, but that is mostly an illusion. However, when I was at my worst in early 2018, I was down to 57 kg (125 lbs.) and about 5 % body fat and still looked like I was an athlete, at least according to the doctors of that time, lol. So, body weight does not tell the whole story. But just imagine how I looked and how awful and sluggish I felt at 95 kg in 2003 when I still looked somewhat athletic at sub 60 kg. With that being said, I’m never going back to any of those. At my current weight, which is easily maintained with 3 training sessions of only 30 minutes a week, I can still deadlift 2.2 times my weight, squat 2 times my weight, press 1.27 times my weight overhead, and bench press 2 times my weight. Although I’ve been stronger in the past, this strength foundation is something I’ve maintained for a very long time. And it is decent for being almost 50, and that strength foundation will keep me healthy and able to handle most physical challenges.
Again, at this time in life, I’m all about maintaining with as little effort as possible. Trying to get stronger would require a lot more training, and that would be unhealthy.
I guess that is about it for this morning. I need to eat. And if you have questions, please join our community at where you can reach me directly – and hundreds of other knowledgeable members. As for other social media platforms, I can only answer questions if time allows, and that is not always the case.