Today we return to the Pharmaceutical and misinformation shills at Medscape as they highlighted a new study that should be filed under the category of “people that have surpassed all limitations of stupid.”
The Study
“A cohort study recruited 504 pregnant individuals (median age, 26 years; range, 18-40 years) at an academic hospital’s obstetric clinic between July 2019 and January 2024, including those with lifetime cannabis use history.
Among 504 pregnant individuals, 46.8% reported using cannabis during pregnancy, with 58.1% citing mental health reasons.”
So, out of the sample size of 504 pregnant women, yes “women,” not “individuals” as only women can get pregnant, 236 women decided that it was a “good idea” to poison themselves and the growing baby with cannabis. Not to mention that any kind of mental health problem, such as depression, are almost always due to nutrient deficiencies, especially lacking in animal fats and key vitamins. And being deficient means that the body has to compromise with the development of the baby. In other words, not only did they deny their baby the possibility of being fully developed and healthy, they also poisoned it with cannabis (and likely other substances.)

The biggest concern with using addictive drugs during a pregnancy, drugs that stimulate the brain and the central nervous system, is that they will reach the developing fetus, and that baby will develop and grow with these toxic compounds being present, as if it was their natural environment. Thus, their physiology will be dependent on these compounds being present to function normally, and once born when they are cut off from the supply of the mother, they will develop severe issues with attention, memory, and behavior — because their physiology has been constructed to function with these toxic compounds that are no longer present.

“Researchers measured depression using Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, stress using Cohen Perceived Stress Scale, and self-reported cannabis use at each trimester, along with motives for use during the first trimester.
Analysis included individual linear growth curve models to estimate changes in depression and stress scores and categorical self-reported prenatal cannabis use from first to third trimester.”
Ok, then. However, let me just say that these researchers are accomplices to severe child abuse. Any pregnant woman taking any kind of drugs or simply living on processed- or plant-based foods should get immediate help as they are not only hurting themselves, but they are severely hurting a new and growing life, restricting that unborn’s health, potential and lifespan. Using these pregnant women simply as study objects without intervening is extremely ignorant and evil.

“Participants reporting heavy episodic alcohol use or other illicit drug use were excluded from the study.”
Heavy episodic alcohol or other illicit drug use? During pregnancy? And you did not consider helping them, but rather simply kicking them out of the study? Jeez.
“Depression and prenatal cannabis use showed positive correlations at first trimester (correlation coefficient [r], 0.17; P = .004) and in their rate of change (r, 0.18; P = .01), while stress and cannabis use were only correlated at first trimester (r, 0.14; P = .004).”
If some women had somewhat decent nutrient stores going into the pregnancy, drugs and stimulants might ease the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies at first. However, as the baby grows and requires more and more nutrients and if the mother does not consume more animal-based foods, the nutrient deficiencies will become worse, and then any kind of drug or stimulant will not help, because the body cannot function. Any added stimulant will not do much and the little effect you might get will wear off faster and faster.

“Participants using cannabis for mental health reasons (58.1%) demonstrated higher depression scores at each trimester, with more than twice the odds of continued use into second trimester compared with other users (odds ratio [OR], 2.77; 95% CI, 1.41-5.44; P = .003).”
This confirms everything I wrote above. As the embryo becomes a fetus and grows into a baby, it requires more and more nutrients, and if the mother’s diet is lacking in animal-based foods, her nutrient stores will be depleted and her body will start to break down tissues in order to support the growth of the new life as best as possible. As a lot of saturated fats, cholesterol, and omega-3 are needed, her brain will actually shrink to support the growth of the baby if she’s not getting enough animal-fats from her diet, contributing to every possible health issue imaginable. I covered this in detail in my article, “Changes To The Brain During Pregnancy Is Due To Nutrient Deficiencies.”
I also covered all the possible issues with the development of a child if the mother does not consume a lot of animal-based food during her pregnancy and while breast-feeding in my article “Starting or Expanding Your Family – How nutrition and toxins influence your child.” Although the last article is from 2017, it’s still current and correct. Check it out!

“According to the researchers, individuals using cannabis for mental health reasons did not experience faster reduction in their symptoms than nonusers.”
Cannabis is a very potent poison and very harmful, and although it can help with mental issues and as pain relief, you should always start with identifying and fixing the underlying problem, which almost always is that of a very poor diet and thus nutrient deficiencies (and/or a high toxic load from the same poor and lacking diet.)
Remember, humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We can only thrive on an animal-based, preferably 100% carnivore diet, and that is especially important and true for pregnant and breast-feeding women. It’s the only way to guarantee that your child develops fully and that you give him or her the best possible start and conditions for a great and long life.

In Practice
“Many studies on cannabis use during pregnancy focus on the impact of this prenatal exposure on fetal growth and offspring outcomes. Greater emphasis is needed on maternal prenatal well-being. Beyond the heightened risk of prolonged in utero exposure to their offspring, our study urges attentiveness to cannabis use in individuals experiencing mental health symptoms and calls for increased access to empirically supported and effective alternatives to cannabis during pregnancy in individuals with prenatal depression, particularly in those who report coping as a motive for their use.”
No, you should not look for alternatives to cannabis, that is your retarded backwards thinking. Stop focusing on the symptoms, focus on what is causing the issues beneath the symptoms, as in nutrient deficiencies and a high toxic load. And the well-being of the fetus is of highest importance, and that well-being is 100% governed by the well-being, lifestyle and diet of the pregnant woman.
Simply the idea of taking any kind of drug or stimulant during a pregnancy is extremely foreign to me, same as consuming processed food or a plant-centric toxic garbage diet, which will cause extreme harm to both the mother-to-be and the growing child. This should be common sense. Something that unfortunately was lost a long time ago. All we can do is to educate, to explain, and spread the knowledge and understanding of human physiology and hope that more and more people wake up from their dumbed-down sleep, from the spell, their backwards conditioning and brainwashing.
If you are pregnant, or if you’re planning to have a child, switch to an animal-based diet immediately. Anything else will cause great harm. If you do not get enough nutrition from animal-based foods, which are the only source of all essential nutrients in bioavailable format that the body can actually use, you will suppress the development of your child and likely cause severe health issues that can haunt that child their entire life.
And yes, damaging and deadly vaccines and drugs aside, this is the number one reason why we see more and more child defects, diseases, and mental problems among newborns, infants, toddlers, and children. It’s a lack of proper human nutrition, both for the mother and the child — and that includes the idiotic and extremely harmful baby formulas and baby foods as well. Your child should breastfeed for as long as possible, at least 2-3 years (and yes, you will have plenty of breastmilk if you consume real animal foods.) And meat and organ meat should slowly be introduced before the age of 1. Your child deserves the best, so only feed him or her the best food, as in animal foods. Anything else would be an act of harm.
I will always tell it like it is. Hate or love me for it, I don’t care. I care about the wellbeing and survival of humanity. And this article highlights the harsh truth, and it needs to be said and repeated, over and over again.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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