Healthcare in 2024: Delaying Diabetes by a Few Years Instead of Preventing or Curing it

Today we return to the pharmaceutical- and government shill website Medical News Today and a disturbing trend that flies below the radar of most NPCs. You would think that “healthcare” should be about preventing illness, and once it happens, it would be about correcting whatever might cause illness. Well, there’s no money or recurring customers in that, and also, that would expose all their lies about what actually causes disease. Instead, “healthcare” is all about managing symptoms by poisoning you while ignoring the cause, which takes us to Medical News Today’s latest article on diabetes.

The article is called, “Delaying diabetes for 4 years via lifestyle changes lowers heart disease, death risk,” a title that should have anyone with any tiny bit of discernment scratching their heads. However, this is “modern healthcare,” as provided by modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in a nutshell. For pure entertainment purposes, let’s see what their reasoning is this time.

The article is based on a “post hoc” study, which refers to a statistical analysis specified after a study has been concluded and the data collected. A post-hoc test is done to identify exactly which groups differ from each other. In other words, the “researchers” looked at statistical data that were collected from 540 individuals that were diagnosed with pre-diabetes and who first took part in a 6-year “lifestyle” intervention, and then were monitored over a 30-year follow-up where cardiovascular events, microvascular complications and death were recorded.

According to the American Diabetes Association, around 36 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes. Additionally, nearly 100 million people in the U.S. have prediabetes.

Yes, and that all comes down to your lifestyle, your own dietary choices. Not one single disease or ailment that comes from within is natural, it’s all brought on by yourself, so take some responsibility and change your bad habits.

Prediabetes, also known as insulin resistance, occurs when someone’s blood sugar level is higher than the healthy range. People with A1C levels of 5.7 to 6.4% qualify for prediabetes, and people with an A1C level higher than 6.4% qualify for type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance is a made-up construct. There is no “resistance.” What actually is happening is that elevated blood glucose, above normal levels, as when you consume any amount of carbohydrates, damages your cells, especially your soft tissues. As time goes on, your body can’t keep up with the repairs, and the cells that usually can use glucose have no other choice than to shut down its receptors for insulin as taking on more glucose would destroy the cell. This does not only lead to higher and more prevailing levels of blood glucose, but it also means that even more damage is done to soft tissues as your body has a rougher time eliminating that blood glucose. That is why those diagnosed with diabetes can go downhill very fast with severely damaged blood vessels and limbs, sometimes leading to amputation.
Once you reach that threshold when your body can no longer keep up with healing and repair and your cells start to shut down their glucose metabolism, everything accelerates.

With interventions such as making healthy lifestyle changes or taking metformin, people can improve their A1C levels and reverse a prediabetes diagnosis.

You frikkin’ dimwits. Metformin damages the liver, reducing our natural glucose production while forcing cells to respond to insulin again. This will lead to cell death and/or the forming of tumors, as in cancer, as these tumors are more glucose resilient. It will also lead to liver damage.
The only way to “intervene” diabetes is by dietary changes. Remove the problem, remove the damaging carbohydrates (and also seed/vegetable oils.) It’s that simple!

As a note, reducing carbohydrates should be done slowly and gradually, especially if you have been on medication as that destroys your natural ability to produce glucose. You need to slowly coach and heal your body to regain its natural metabolism.

When people are unable to do this and end up developing type 2 diabetes, they are at risk for many health issues, including diabetic retinopathy, artery disease, congestive heart failure, hyperglycemia (high blood sugar,) increased risk of infections.

How about telling the truth? All these health issues start the moment you begin to consume carbohydrates on a regular basis — because all these issues are the result of unnatural elevated blood glucose and the damage it does to the body.
Whether it goes as far as being diagnosed as ‘diabetes type 2’ simply depends on how much and how frequently you consume carbohydrates, how much of it you use up with physical activity, and so on. However, in reality, that matters very little, because damage is being done — damage that can and will lead to several health issues as well as a severely reduced lifespan.

The study analyzed data from the Da Qing Diabetes Prevention Study (DQDPS) and examined the health outcomes of 540 participants with prediabetes who were followed for more than 30 years.

At the 2-year point of the study, of the 539 participants who were still alive, 70 had diabetes, and 469 did not. At the 4-year mark, 176 of the 533 remaining participants developed diabetes, and 357 did not.

At the 6-year point, 254 out of the remaining 520 participants developed diabetes, and 266 participants were diabetes-free.

People who kept diabetes at bay for at least 4 years after receiving a prediabetes diagnosis had a lower risk of death, microvascular complications, and cardiovascular disease.

Why would you want to keep a “disease” at bay instead of fixing it? That has to be the most irrelevant data one could extrapolate from this study. What about the 266 participants that became free of diabetes? Why not look at them and see what they did? 
Oh, they changed their lifestyle and dietary habits. How uninteresting. Nah, let us see how those who took some of our drugs managed. Oh, they kept diabetes “at bay” for four years. Yeah, that’s amazing. Four extra years of providing them with drugs while they can keep on poisoning themselves with sugar. What a scientific breakthrough! Fuck those 266 fuckers who got healthy.

Participants who remained free of diabetes for at least 6 years following their prediabetes diagnosis saw even more benefits — they had a 44% reduction in cardiovascular death.

Oh, you don’t say? Those who managed to slow down the progression actually lived a little longer and reduced their chance of dying from a cardiovascular complication.
Well, considering that elevated blood glucose is the cause of these complications, a child should be able to figure this one out.

It’s an impressive and thorough piece of research involving 540 people, and the extensive period of analysis (30 years) gives added weight to the findings,” commented Atkinson. 
I would say it also paints a reassuring picture for people who may be at increased risk of diabetes, due to their ethnicity, family history, or other factors outside of their control; by suggesting that there are practical things you can do to lower your risk of diabetes complications if you develop the condition.”

You silly twat, if you actually cared, what about educating people about nutrition; about their species-specific, species appropriate carnivorous diet? Diabetes is not a natural occurring “disease.” It’s enforced by you not eating in accordance to your species, in accordance to your physiology. Diabetes is the result of a non-human diet, especially a diet high in carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, as in seed/vegetable oils. It’s not more complicated than that. And those who have been deceived to consume plant-based slave foods can still reverse and heal by adopting our natural diet. I was “pre-diabetic” when I turned things around in 2018 and I’ve helped a lot of people with reversing diagnosed diabetes type 2, including some people with type 1. It’s all about our natural diet.

If you need advice or help with diabetes, other health issues, or with transitioning to our natural species-appropriate carnivorous way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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