A Quick Look at the Fitness & Bodybuilding Pseudo/Bro-Science, Week 40

This was supposed to be posted this weekend. However, I did not have time to finish it until today. So, here you go, a review from week 40.

If you’re new to me and my website, I worked daily in the Fitness-, Bodybuilding-, Gym-, and Competitive Sports industry for almost 22-years with nutrition, supplementation, and training — and was involved in it for a total of more than 26 years. Most of that time, I too was trapped in the pseudo-science of “nutrition science” and was fooled by the synthetic toxic crap of the pharmaceutical and supplement industry. My outlook and understanding took a sharp turn as I became severely ill in late 2017 with several tumors, liver and kidney damage and my thyroid shutting down. In a last effort I turned it around in a matter of a few weeks by adopting our natural species appropriate diet of the raw flesh and fat of animals and by following up with regular water-fasting combined with days of dry fasting. You can read more about that here:

My Journey – Why I do what I do…

For this week’s articles we’ll take a look at ‘Strong Fitness,’ a fitness magazine for women, and their ‘nutrition’ section of articles.

The first article is, of course, about hydration. I’ve already beaten that subject to death in previous article reviews, so let’s check the next one which is called, “5 Food That Help Reduce Stress.” Now, that’s an odd choice of subject and of course, mostly nonsense. I would simply recommend to consume our species appropriate, species-specific diet, avoid unnecessary stressors and work on your mental health, but I’ll humor the author and see what this is all about.

The first thing we see is a picture of a woman at the vegetable isle picking toxic nutritionless slave foods. That image, or more correctly, that idiocy, is somehow seen as ‘healthy’ when in reality it’s the exact opposite. We’re not off to a good start, but let’s see what she writes.

The author, Jenn Pike, starts off with saying that summer months can be a tricky time to be putting your best food (foot?) forward with nutrition. She mentions patios and BBQs as a reason for causing bad choices and stress, which seems like a really silly excuse. But I guess she needed an opener for her article, laying the ground for her rationale.

Anyway, her solution to all this stress from BBQs and eating outdoors is to focus on five foods that, according to her, will lower stress and make you feel good.

Ok. Sure. Let’s see what you got.

1. Dark Leafy Greens

Spinach, kale, collards, Swiss chard, bok choy, and various lettuces… Are you kidding me? There is ZERO nutrition in these, just as in any plant food! The minerals are bound to antinutrients, the low amounts of vitamins are not in animal form and cannot be absorbed by humans and the conversion rate is at best at 8%! That is nothing!
She actually mentions vitamin A, which does not even exist in plants! Humans can only use vitamin A in the form of retinol (natural vitamin A,) and retinol only exist in animal foods! Humans cannot use provitamins such as β-Carotene found in plants. Wise up!
Also, these ‘dark leafy greens’ are extremely toxic. They contain more oxalates (an antinutrient,) than any other plant. Oxalate crystals will accumulate in joints and soft tissues where they will cause inflammation and calcification — contributing to arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms (muscle pains, chronic fatigue, brain fog, hormone imbalance, insomnia and headaches.) They can also accumulate in the eyes, causing cataract and blurred vision. Oxalates are also well-known for forming kidney stones. More than 80% of all kidney stones are from oxalates that binds to calcium. Read more about oxalates here:

Know your poison: Oxalates

Well, she’s not off to a good start. Really terrible advice. Let’s see what comes next.

2. Fermented Foods

Here she mentions kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, and kombucha and that it is good for your gut (microbiota.)

Well, not really. While they might contain bacteria, that bacteria are specific to breaking down whatever food is used to ferment and cultivate them. That simply means that the bacteria in these fermented foods are there to break down fiber, sugars, and plant-based toxins and chemicals. That will only help you a little bit if you are so frikkin’ stupid that you consume toxic nutritionless plant-based foods to begin with. The thing about your microbiome is that it adapts to what you eat. The perfect microbiome is that of a man or a woman following his or her species appropriate, species-specific diet; which is the flesh and fat of animals, with the accompanying organ meats and produce of animals, such as eggs and raw milk. That is pretty much it. To strengthen the biome, you can consume more fermented meats or organ meats.
I’ve touched on all this here:

Microbiome and Gut Bacteria Made Simple
Animal Based Cooking and Eating Raw and Fermented Meat and Organ Meats

So, if you’re still eating some plant-based foods, the fermented foods above might help if you have digestive issues. However, the absolutely best way to deal with that and to become healthier, stronger and more energized is simply to cut that toxic crap out of your diet and adopt our species appropriate diet, i.e., eating like a carnivore.

3. Wild Salmon

First good thing she mentioned thus far. And make sure it’s wild-caught and not farmed! Farmed salmon is feed plant-based garbage which make them sick and destroy their omega-3 to omega-6-ratio.
However, she finishes this point with saying that if you don’t eat fish or are pressed for time you can take a fish oil supplement.
That is not a wise idea considering that almost every tested fish oil and omega-3 supplement is in some stage of rancidity and thus contains highly toxic aldehydes. If you must go that route, always taste the oil before consuming. It should be pretty much tasteless with no bitter or fishy aftertaste or odor.

4. Avocados

Just when we thought there was hope for this Jenn Pike, she stumbles once again. Well, avocado might be one of the lesser toxic “fruits” (yes, it’s classified as a fruit and not a vegetable.) However, it contains a lot of monounsaturated fat, which is not required by humans and actually turns rancid in contact with light and oxygen, making it extremely toxic. The only fat humans need is the fat of animals, as in saturated fats. Also, avocados contain a lot of phytic acid.

5. Seeds

Here she starts with naming flax, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, and chia – and with that, it’s time to throw in the towel. This person is not qualified to write anything on nutrition. This is extremely harmful advice. Anyone even mentioning this should never be allowed to work with diet and nutrition. Seeds are the most toxic part of any plant! Seeds are how plants multiply, and therefore they are extremely protected and full of defence chemicals and antinutrients. No human should ever consume seeds! It’s pure poison!

For starters we have saponins, the detergent like chemicals found in plants that actually dissolve cell membranes and also act as an endocrine disruptor, which in women, are linked to higher rates of breast cancer, infertility, and children with birth defects.
Then we have lectins which attach themselves to our intestinal walls, blocking nutrients from being absorbed while slowly destroying the intestinal wall causing leaky gut.
You also have phytic acid and even more antinutrients. If you ever have to consume anything from plants due to food shortage, it’s still better to starve than to consume nuts and seeds.

Read more here:

Know Your Poison: Saponins
Know Your Poison: Lectins
Know Your Poison: Phytic Acid

So, to conclude. Out of five recommendations she got one right. That’s pretty much on par with most clueless “dieticians,” “nutritionists,” and “fitness influencers” out there today. It’s 2022 and the world is still as confused as ever.

In reality, its very simple, as explained here:

Our natural species appropriate diet. One “diet” to rule them all?
Meat and animal foods. It’s not only about protein, ya know…

And, as for how we can define stress, and how to deal with different kinds of stress, I wrote an article series about that a few years back. You’re welcome!

Stress. What is it? How does it affect us?

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