No! Never Go Full Retard! Spinach Is Poison!

The pharmaceutical shills at Verywell Health continue with their “reviews” of the most retarded trends they can find on social media among the really dumbed-down, deceived, and gullible sheep. This time some of these mentally handicapped social media users claim that eating a handful of raw spinach out of the bag in the morning helps boost their vegetable intake and reduce cravings for snacks.

First question, considering that humans are obligate hyper carnivores, is why the hell would you want to boost your intake of something that is not species-appropriate, has no place in our natural human diet and is extremely damaging to your body? Yes, mentally handicapped indeed. Let’s see where this is going…

“Can eating a handful of raw spinach every morning “set the tone” for your day? Some TikTokers say it helps them get in more greens and keeps them from craving sugary snacks later in the afternoon.”

TikTok… Why am I not surprised? The social media platform for the gullible and braindead younger generation, a cesspool of bad ideas and illogical detrimental behavior.

Poisoning yourself with highly toxic plant-based edibles that are known for their extreme amounts of defense chemicals and antinutrients, putting your body into an emergency stress-induced state, as in a fight-or-flight response to avoid cravings is not a good idea.

How about a few pieces of liver, some fatty meat or a few eggs? That will keep you satiated for the day, especially since cravings are manifestations of nutrient deficiencies, as in the body desperately trying to get you to eat something that might provide some actual usable nutrients.

“Spinach is a nutrient-rich vegetable that contains antioxidants, folate, iron, calcium, fiber, and vitamins A, C, and K.12 However, you may wonder if forcing down a handful of raw spinach is really the best way to get these nutrients.”

Stop with your lying propaganda. This idea of being “nutrient-rich” is derived from fantasy numbers on a paper from a lab analysis where you do not consider the chemical form, bioavailability, and bioconversion of said nutrients. It’s like handing you a large piece of rock with the promise of a small vein of gold inside, but you have no tools to get to it.

Humans are not herbivores that are grazing, eating and chewing for 9 to 18 hours a day, and we do not have extremely large guts, extremely long intestines and fermentation chambers. 

Humans can only extract a few percent of the nutrients in plant matter and the bioconversion rate is just as low, if not lower in most cases, yielding pretty much nothing. And that conversion process is extremely toxic. Also, we do not have the ability to neutralize the defense chemicals or the antinutrients within plants, so they are free to wreak havoc on our tissues and hormones.

All this is basic-level biology, physiology, and biochemistry. I have covered all these issues hundreds of times, and especially in my articles “Plant Toxins, Accumulated Toxicity, Tissue Damage, And a Decreased Lifespan,” “Wise Up! Antinutrients? Everything In Vegetables Is Unusable And Toxic To Humans!,” “The Sattvic Diet — A Deadly Modern Vegan Construct With No Historical Basis,” and “The Extreme Dangers and Damage of a Fruitarian Diet (Even Short-Term).”

“If it’s something that people enjoy and they feel like that sets the tone for the day, go for it. But I just don’t think most people are going to enjoy a mouthful of raw spinach, Dolores Woods, RDN, LD, a registered dietitian at UTHealth Houston, told Verywell.”

No, do not under any circumstances consume spinach ever. It’s one of the most toxic leafy greens, almost as toxic as the leaf cabbage called kale. These plants have actually killed sheep, as in ruminant animals that are supposed to consume a lot of plant matter. Really vile stuff.

“Adults need about three to three cups of vegetables each day to help support the immune system and lower chronic disease risk. Recent estimates say only 10% of U.S. adults eat enough vegetables. One handful of spinach won’t solve this problem. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, it takes two full measuring cups of raw leafy greens—like spinach—to count as a one-cup vegetable serving. This means you would need to eat five cups of raw spinach to fulfill your daily vegetable requirement. Still, this trend isn’t the best approach to meeting those goals.”

These diabolical recommendations of “three cups of vegetables”  are based on those irrelevant numbers on a paper showing the non-bioavailable, not chemically correct “nutritional” content that is only appropriate if you are a plant yourself, or perhaps a herbivore spending most of your time awake eating.

In the real world, you would only need a few slices of organ meats, or a handful of eggs, or a pound of meat to cover all your essential nutrients for a day, as all nutrients in animal foods are fully bioavailable and bioactive as they are stored in the same chemically way as we store nutrients ourselves.

“If [raw spinach] is the only thing that people are eating, then they’re missing out on a lot of other vitamins and minerals that other fruits and vegetables are going to provide, Woods said.”

You frikkin’ imbecile. I would hope that spinach is the only poisonous and highly toxic crap they put into their pie holes, as it will cause enough damage on its own. However, I doubt it.

And again, there are virtually zero vitamins in vegetables and fruits, as we as humans cannot absorb them. And for minerals, we can perhaps absorb 20 to 60% of them, but as they are also in the chemically wrong form, they are highly toxic to us and the vast amount that is not converted will end up in our tissues causing toxicity and plaque. Very dangerous!

Again, never ever consume anything plant-based!

Raw Spinach Is Not Right For Everyone

It’s not right for anyone belonging to our species, you morons.

“Raw spinach might not fit into everyone’s healthy eating plan. Spinach contains high amounts of oxalates, anti-nutrients that bind to calcium and other minerals in the body. Too many oxalate-rich foods may lead to kidney stones for some people.”

For some people? This will happen to everyone who consumes this crap, you idiot! Whether it will manifest as kidney stones or joint pain and stiffness before you die depends on other lifestyle factors, your overall health and ability to detoxify. Still, there will be damage done to your body every time you consume anything plant-based, that is simple biochemistry and common sense.

“People prone to kidney stones or those with kidney disease may want to limit their intake of raw spinach. But the benefits of spinach outweigh the risks for people who don’t need to follow a low-oxalate diet, Woods said.”

Woods, you evil scumbag! There are ZERO benefits of spinach. Not only does spinach contain oxalates, phytates, tannins, glucosinolates, lectins, protease inhibitors and lipase inhibitors that block nutrients, damage tissues, cause toxic build-up, and interfere with organs and hormones, spinach is also one of the dirtiest leafy greens you can find, as it is soaked in pesticides. Spinach samples have been found to contain residues of more than 40 different pesticides and in very harmful amounts. And this is something you would recommend people to eat? Woods, you are evil! You should be put behind bars.

To conclude, spinach is not a food. Not a single plant edible is food for humans. It’s toxic garbage and if you have any basic understanding of biology, physiology or biochemistry, and at least have an ounce of common sense, you would never touch anything plant-based ever again.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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