Healthline, the atrocious website who also operates Medical News Today and is owned by Red Ventures are focused on spreading misinformation and the backwards-thinking perverted medical “science” to keep you as unhealthy and “disease” ridden as possible. In other words, their mission is to keep you as a life-long weak, obedient, dumbed-down, and low-energy slave and customer to Big Pharma and the government.
As part of that mission, they recently posted an article on chemically manufactured fluoride, a very potent toxin/poison that kills most bacteria in acidic environments. Let’s see what they got wrong, or lied about, this time.
And please note that this will be a very condensed post/review, mostly based on the article published by Healthline. I cannot cover everything about fluoride in one article and keep it readable and interesting (it would be like a small book.) Thus, a lot of the damaging effects of fluoride will be left out and possibly addressed in future articles — or you could simply search yourself within the literature and documented research of biochemistry and biology.
“Fluoride is a mineral in your bones and teeth, and it’s found in the air, water, soil, and plants.”
Fluoride, as a single natural occurring element, is indeed found in bones and teeth. And I hope that you are not going to compare it to other man-made and manufactured chemical forms of fluoride, as that would be extremely deceitful and complete misinformation.
“You’re most likely to hear about it from dental and public health professionals, as it’s commonly used in dentistry to help prevent cavities and strengthen the outer layer of teeth known as the enamel.”
No, there you go lying again, and right out of the gate as usual. The ‘fluoride’ used in this retarded and highly damaging capacity is not the natural occurring mineral fluoride, it is either sodium fluoride (NaF,) stannous fluoride (SnF2,) silica-based fluoride (SiO2-F2,) ammonium fluoride (NH4F) or sodium fluorosilicate, (Na2SiF6.) These forms of fluoride are antimicrobial toxins that kill bacteria in acidic environments, which can have very severe health consequences.

Also, any of these chemically altered fluorides does not strengthen the enamel of the teeth, that is another misconception and outright lie, and we will get to those facts as Healthline continues with their sinister Rockefeller-inspired depopulation propaganda.
“Since the 1940s, fluoride has been added in small amounts to public water supplies throughout the United States and other countries through a process called water fluoridation.
Despite claims to the contrary, there is no evidence that the small amounts of fluoride used in water supplies are unsafe and a risk to public health.”
Small amounts? That depends on your understanding of physiology and biochemistry. Well, we’ll get to that later. Let’s just say that these “small” amounts of about 1 mg/L can do a lot of damage, especially as fluoride accumulates in our bodies.
There are several recent studies showing that, although these chemical versions of fluoride mostly kill bacteria in acidic environments, it can also kill some of the bacteria in your gut microbiome, including Faecalibacterium and Lactobacillus, upsetting the balance and reducing your ability to digest protein, fat, minerals and other essential compounds while reducing the production of enzymes like amylase, lipase, and protease. Also, by destroying the gut microbiome and causing nutrient deficiencies and disrupting other processes, it can increase the risk for mental health disorders.

Also, many studies have shown that fluoride can alter cellular metabolism, disrupt calcium homeostasis, and induce oxidative stress, leading to cytotoxic and neurotoxic effects, which after prolonged exposure can lead to impaired cognitive function, memory loss, learning difficulties, and decreased IQ. In other words, another perfect poison to keep the slave population weak, docile, dumbed-down and obedient, just like plant-based and processed foods. And we will get to that connection in a bit, and some of you might already have figured it out (as there is only one useless macronutrient that can cause an acidic environment in the mouth and around the teeth.)

What is fluoride used for?
“For human health, fluoride is mainly used to improve dental health.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 72.3% of the country’s population in 2022 received fluoride in their community water supply.
You may also find fluoride in many over-the-counter (OTC) products, including:
- toothpaste
- mouth rinses
- supplements”
That is total insanity. And they justify this because it seems to help with dental health. And we will come to how this is, and how backwards everything about fluoride is (just as everything else the medical community and the government promotes.)
“Fluoride also has some non-dental uses. It’s used:
- in medical imaging scans, such as PET scans
- as a cleaning agent
- in pesticides
- to make Teflon, steel, and aluminum products”
Bam! Right in your face. But most dumbed-down sleeping sheeple will not even give these bullet points a second thought. Fluoride is used as a cleaning agent and in pesticides because it dissolves and kills stuff! Sodium fluoride, as used in dental products, is also a very well-known insecticide. So, in short, it’s a potent poison, a potent killer.

What are the benefits of fluoride?
If you mean man-made fluoride as found in dental products and added to drinking water, then absolutely nothing. It will only do harm.
“The American Dental Association describes fluoride in community water as the single most effective policy to prevent tooth decay. Research from 2023 shows that community water fluoridation has resulted in a more than 25% reduction in tooth decay for both children and adults.”
Yes, fluoride can actually help in preventing tooth decay in unhealthy people who follow an unnatural diet high in starches, as in carbohydrates, as in sugars. And we will get to that in a second.
However, fluoride is also a very potent toxin and it will do great harm if ingested or even absorbed through the mouth when using it on your teeth.
So, it’s a very evil and criminal act to recommend it, and especially to add it to a water supply. The people mandating that should be on death row for crimes against humanity.
“In general, fluoride is beneficial for teeth because it helps to:
- rebuild (remineralize) weakened tooth enamel
- slow down the loss of minerals from tooth enamel
- reverse early signs of tooth decay
- prevent the growth of harmful oral bacteria”
No, it does not rebuild your tooth enamel. That is another outright lie! And I guess it’s time to explain what these toxic forms of fluoride actually do once it enters your mouth.

As I mentioned earlier, and as Healthline actually wrote, fluoride “prevents” specific oral bacteria by killing it. However, as always, they do not explain what this bacteria is, what it does, or why it is even there in the first place, or why it is unnatural. And this is the whole deception, the bits and pieces that are crucial to understand, especially to shatter their deception.
We humans are obligate hyper carnivores. We are only meant to consume animal-derived foods, as in the “protein” and “fat” of animals and their produce, as in eggs. These are undebatable and undeniable facts. And that also means that protein and fat are harmless to our teeth. When following our natural human carnivorous diet, you do not even need to brush your teeth, as there is nothing that can damage them.

However, starches, as in carbohydrates, as in sugars, are a totally different story. Carbohydrates, as in sugars, stick to your teeth and attract a specific strain of bacteria which lives on sugars. However, this strain of bacteria produces acidic waste as it breaks down the sugars on your teeth, and this waste damages your enamel. And this is where these chemical antimicrobial versions of fluoride comes into the picture, as they kill bacteria in acidic environments — an acidic environment that you created yourself by being fooled by the industries and government agencies to consume carbohydrates, something that is toxic and totally useless for humans, as we produce our own glucose through gluconeogenesis.

So, to summarize, as Big Pharma, the medical field, and the food industry hijacked “nutrition science” in the 1800’s and began programming the population to consume more cheap plant-based crap and processed food, increasing their carbohydrate consumption, tooth decay began to skyrocket. And as a deceitful solution, they added another poison to the mix, a poison that looked like it could help, while it actually was a Trojan horse and once inside you, could do incredible damage that was perfectly aligned with their agenda to control the population and keep it from resisting or even care.
Considering anything plant-based and processed, which more than 95% of the population consumes daily, the use of drugs, stimulants and medicines, the use of vaccines, environmental pollution, and the use of fluoride and similar poisons, the average sleeping sheeple did not stand a chance. They are so incredibly malnourished while being overfed, so extremely toxic, and so unimaginably dumbed-down that they do not question anything and simply obey while being fully dependent on drugs, medications, stimulants, and quick dopamine fixes from playing with their smartphones to just get through the day. The ultimate definition of a slave.
How much fluoride is safe?
“The Department of Health and Human Services recommends 0.7 milligrams of fluoride to each liter of water, which is about 3 drops of water in a 55-gallon barrel.
That’s been the recommended level since 2015. For the five decades before that, the upper range was 1.2 parts per milligram (ppm).
The World Health Organization has set a safe limit of 1.5 ppm for fluoride in drinking water.”
Nice work on confusing people with mg and ppm. While they are often used interchangeably, it solely depends on the density and solvability of the compound. mg/L is a unit of mass concentration, which represents the mass of a substance in milligrams dissolved in one liter of solution, while ppm is a unit of concentration that represents the number of parts of a substance in a million parts of the solution. In the United States, fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) is the most commonly used additive for water fluoridation, derived as a by-product of phosphate fertilizer manufacturing process. Other sources used are typically sodium fluorosilicate and sodium fluoride. The CDC states that fluoride is added to public water supplies at an average concentration of about 1 part per million (1 ppm) or 1 milligram per liter (mg/L.)

So, the World Hell Organization, the evil scumbags contributing to the decline of health across our world, has set a “safe limit” of 1.5 ppm or 1.5 mg per liter of water. And as a note, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a maximum contaminant level (MCL) standard of 4.0 mg/L for fluoride in public water systems. That is totally insane.

Now, what is crucial to understand with any chemical compound, such as fluoride, that is inorganic and not a natural part of our cells and tissues, is that our body will try to expel it as it is recognized as a foreign compound. Depending on your nutritional status and overall health, this process can be very slow and there will inevitably be a build-up of the compound both in the bloodstream and in various tissues — causing an increasing toxic load on the body.
The worse your diet is, as in the more plant-based and processed food you consume, the worse your detoxification and healing is, and the quicker toxins such as fluoride will accumulate.
In other words, there are no safe levels for fluoride, or any toxic compound, as it will accumulate in the body, especially during repeated exposure, as in having it in your drinking water and/or using products daily that contain fluoride such as toothpastes, mouthwashes, or drugs such as antidepressants and statins.

Looking back at some of the documented effects of the toxicity of fluoride, the studies mentioning impaired cognitive function, decreased attention, memory and IQ, mentions concentration between 0.7 mg/L and 2 mg/L doing immediate damage with an average at about 1.5 mg/L for lowered IQ (the World Hell Organization’s recommendation.)

However, these are short-time studies in children, so they do not really account for the accumulation and build-up of toxic fluoride in the body that can be seen in an older population. In other words, the concentration is pretty much irrelevant if your body cannot immediately detoxify the compound, as it will slowly accumulate in the body. What really matters is repeated exposure over time.

Of course, Healthline continues and mentions possible health risks from fluoride, such as dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis, which they claim are due to consuming very high levels of fluoride, as in several times the safe recommendation. Again, complete deception as they do not mention a word about prolonged exposure and accumulation (or that most registered cases are the result of drinking fluoridated water.)

Then Healthline touched on what they labeled mockingly as “other health claims,” as in lowered IQ in children, arthritis, and kidney disease. This they say is from “older and questionable” research. Again, lying right in our faces. These facts about fluoride have been established for a very long time in biology and biochemistry, as it is labeled as a toxin which has been studied closely. And for recent studies, well…
For starters, a 2014 review concluded that fluoride exposure has been linked to impaired cognitive function, including decreased attention and memory (Grandjean & Landrigan, 2014. A 2017 study found that prenatal fluoride exposure was associated with reduced IQ in children (Bashash et al., 2017.) A 2020 Peer Review of NTP Monograph concluded that fluoride exposure at levels above 1.5 mg/L was associated with lower IQs in children (NASEM, 2020). A 2020 Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity Review summarized the evidence on fluoride’s neurotoxic effects on cognition and mental health. The review highlighted the association between chronic fluoride exposure and decreased intelligence, memory deficits, learning difficulties, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD.) A 2024 study found that drinking water with fluoride levels above 1.5 mg/L was associated with lower IQs in children (US government report, 2024.) And so on, and on, and on.

And again, none of these studies or observations accounts for accumulation from prolonged and repeated exposure beyond the age of children. So, what do you think happens to adults who have been exposed to fluoride daily for 20, 30 or more years?
If they consume a lot of animal-derived foods and are properly nourished and in good health, they might be able to detox most of it. But the rest of the population? Those who mostly consume plant-based and processed crap? Those who are overfed but malnourished and walking toxic garbage bins?
Well, let’s just say that fluoride, as many other toxic compounds contribute to what we see daily, as in the sleeping walking zombies, as in NPCs…
The Takeaway
So, to summarize, fluoride as used in any capacity is not the same thing as the natural occurring element fluoride as found in bones and teeth. The chemical versions of fluoride added to various products and even drinking water are extremely toxic compounds. Fluoride will interfere with your gut microbiome, it will eventually accumulate in your body, increasing its toxic load and cause a lot of damage to tissues, especially the brain, contributing to decreased intelligence and cognition, memory deficits, and learning difficulties. It may also contribute to kidney damage and skeletal fluorosis, as in stiffness and joint pain as the chemical fluoride can bind to bones, altering the accretion and resorption of bone tissue and thus weakening the bones.

It is evident that fluoride, just like many other toxic compounds used in various industries, the plant-based agenda, processed foods, medicines, drugs, vaccines, and much more are part of the population control agenda, as in greatly reducing the lifespan of the population, keeping them weak, docile, compliant, and dependent.
So, it’s not a coincidence that fluoride is used in many medications, supplements, “health” products including dental care products, and so on. It’s by design, to make sure that as many people as possible are under a heavy daily toxic load.
And as always, the only way to stay healthy and live as long as possible is to adopt our natural human diet of animal-based foods, to use a water filtration system or distiller, and to never use any commercial beauty- or hygiene products, as well as never touching any drugs, medications, or supplements.
Spread the knowledge, and make sure that everyone you know stops using products with fluoride and signs petitions against fluoridated water.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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