Statins Will Kill! Older Adults Should Consume More Saturated Fats and Cholesterol

Yes, I recently covered the extreme importance of cholesterol in my articles, “More on Cholesterol: Natural Animal-Based Foods Can Never Be Unhealthy,” “Cholesterol, LDL and HDL 101: They Got It All Backwards,” and “Real Superfood: Eggs to Prevent Alzheimer’s and Dementia,” which was especially focused on the elderly.

However, the evil bastards at Medical News Today who are shilling for the pharmaceutical industry, who want you dead after retirement while making as much money as possible, continue to post extreme disinformation that will really hurt and even kill people. So, I have to bring it up again. And this time, it’s about one of the most unnecessary and evil medications ever invented, the drug that stops your body from healing while starving your brain, as in statins.

So, let’s see what the puppets at Medical News Today have to say and how they will try and deceive their readers into slowly killing themselves.

“Statins are a type of medication that help lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — or “bad” cholesterol — in the body. This helps keep the arteries clear so blood has an easier way of traveling throughout the body.”

There is no such thing as “bad cholesterol,” you frikkin retarded charlatans. Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, in short, every single cell in our body is made out of cholesterol as well as saturated fats and amino acids. And if you understand this simple concept, you should also understand how vital and important cholesterol is for cellular repair. 

As soon as there is any kind of damage done to a cell, as for example from heightened blood glucose due to consuming carbohydrates, or damage done from plant-based toxins, drugs, chemicals, exercise, and so on, there will be a heightened demand for cholesterol in the blood. And thus, cholesterol is also essential for the remyelination of neurons, which is the process by which the myelin sheath around nerve fibers is repaired. This is critical for the maintenance of proper neural function and communication. And that is why taking cholesterol lowering drugs, such as statins, is the stupidest thing anyone can do, as it will shut down your body’s ability to heal while starving your brain! This is why elderly on statins get cognition and memory problems, slowly heading towards Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.

Now that we understand how crucial cholesterol is, what about LDL and HDL?

Simply put, LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) are two main types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. Yes, they are simply carrier-proteins that attach to cholesterol so that the cholesterol will end up where it is supposed to go. LDL carries cholesterol from the liver to the bloodstream and to the cells so the cholesterol can be utilized by the body as it serves many extremely important functions, such as cellular repair.
HDL then carries unused and damaged cholesterol from the bloodstream back to the liver for excretion. So, to summarize, LDL carries cholesterol to the arteries, while HDL carries cholesterol away from the arteries. 

So, if LDL goes up, it’s an indication that there is damage that has to be repaired. In the backwards retarded thinking of modern medicine, they see this repair process, this inflammation in the arteries and perhaps some plaque buildup from chronically elevated levels of blood glucose and the consumption of seed/vegetable oils, and as the body tries to repair and break this down, the area is saturated with cholesterol and thus a lot of LDL. Now, the retarded and inverted logic of the medical field thus claims that cholesterol and LDL is to blame for the inflammation, something that is simply a healing process where cholesterol, the most important building block in that process, has been delivered by LDL. 

Simple to understand, right? Well, the “health care” and the pharmaceutical industry surely knows the truth, but will not tell you this, as statins make them billions a year and is part of the agenda — to keep people weak, docile, and dependent on their care until they die.

Although it’s a billion dollar industry and a sensitive matter, the literature available within the fields of physiology, biology, and biochemistry has admitted that statins will “interfere” with our body’s healing process, which of course is extremely bad and something I’ve said for years. It’s the same mechanics as with all drugs, remedies, and “natural medicine,” such as toxic retarded herbs.

Again, anyone a doctor would consider putting on statins already has a lot of tissue damage and toxic buildup. Stopping their healing process will have severe consequences, including organ failure and death.

“The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends adults between the ages of 40 to 75 who have one or more cardiovascular risk factors and an estimated 10-year cardiovascular disease risk take statins to help prevent heart issues.”

Complete madness. But very clever as cholesterol is not only essential for repairing the body, but also for brain health. So, by administering statins to someone as young as 40, you do not only stop the healing process making sure that the person’s lifespan is heavily reduced, you also lower the person’s mental and cognitive abilities — slowly starving the brain which will lead to cognitive decline, memory impairment, and decreased synaptic plasticity, which are characteristic features of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. In other words, a perfect subdued and dependent slave.

Statins help lower cholesterol

“Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of disability and death,” Mihaylova said. “As we age, our risk of having a heart attack or a stroke increases. Having high levels of LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol in your blood further increases your risk. Statins are a type of medicine that lower levels of LDL cholesterol and reduce risk of heart attacks and stroke.”

Again, you blabbering fools, all cardiovascular diseases, such as a heart attack or a stroke, are the result of accumulated damage from chronically elevated blood glucose (carbohydrates) and the consumption of seed/vegetable oils. And again, LDL is present at the injured areas as it delivers cholesterol that is needed for repairing that damage you have caused by following a retarded diet full of carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils, and plant-based processed food.

Lifetime statin use increases quality-adjusted life years

“Upon analysis, scientists found that participants who stayed on standard statin treatment for their lifetime increased their quality-adjusted life years by 0.24-0.70, and those on higher-intensity statin therapy raised their quality-adjusted life years by another 0.04-0.13.”

So, on average, people put on statins reported feeling better for a few measly years at most, and then what happened? Why not tell us? Oh, did they die?

Now, if you understand anything of physiology and biology, you know that symptoms are always the manifestation of one or several healing- and/or detox processes. If you detox you can get skin issues, cough or a runny nose, phlegm, dandruff, and even a fever from the damage of the toxins and your body breaking them down. If you have accumulated damage to your tissues, you might experience swelling, water retention, discoloring, pain, stiffness, and so on. As most people consume carbohydrates daily, there will always be repair processes of your cardiovascular system and all soft tissues going on. So what happens if you take statins and remove the most crucial building block needed for these repairs?

Yes, the healing process will stop, and all the symptoms you felt, such as edema, stiffness, lack of energy as a lot of energy went to support the healing processes, will all go away. And this is why people initially report that they feel “better” on statins or any similar drugs — because the symptoms they were experiencing disappeared.

Now, what do you think will happen to the body if you hinder it from repairing itself? Yes, damage will continue to accumulate, and now at a faster pace. Ultimately, you will literally hit the pavement. And this is why so many, although reporting feeling better, die only years after starting their statin treatment (or any medical treatment for that matter.)

All this is simple physiology and extremely logical. 

And as my time is running out, we will end the article here, as there is not much to add. We covered the extreme importance of cholesterol and the very evil mechanics of statins. If you know anyone who has been deceived into taking these vile drugs, please share my articles with them and encourage them to read up on physiology, biology, and biochemistry. Everything is readily available, you only need to connect the dots (as I already did for you in this article.)

And to finish, what should you do if your cholesterol and LDL is high? Well, that is obvious. You are hurting yourself by the diet you currently are on. Remove all carbohydrates, seed/vegetable oils, processed foods, and anything plant-based. You need to adopt our natural human and species-appropriate diet and allow your body to heal. I covered all this in my previous articles on cholesterol. Check the links and the archives.

If you need help with your diet, improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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