Clonal Hematopoiesis And Atherosclerosis Are Both Caused By Our Modern Diet

A couple of days ago, the shill pharmaceutical website Medical News Today gave us yet another perfect example of the backwards thinking and extreme pseudo-science that is so prevalent within the medical and pharmaceutical field — yes, I’m of course referring to the retarded idea that a made-up disease is responsible for another made-up disease. 

To understand how ludicrous this idea is, you only need to understand that a “disease” is a label for some symptoms that seems repetitive among some people. And as you should know, if we dumb it down, symptoms are simply noticeable manifestations of our detox and/or healing process. Symptoms will vary depending on where the damage is and how you respond to it depending on your current health status, i.e. if you have the resources to heal or not.

With that important fact established, let’s see what ridiculous study MNT has for us this time, and in what way they try to twist it.

“Clonal hematopoiesis describes how certain blood-forming stem cells in the bone marrow or bloodstream acquire genetic changes, or mutations, and start to grow and multiply more than usual. These acquired changes occur in somatic cells, or cells in the body that are not egg and sperm cells, during a person’s lifetime.”

Not surprising, this is an outright lie. As we have established numerous times, your body does not do anything to damage itself. Our body is built for survival, to last 150 years, and any “mutations” happen because your body has become extremely toxic and thus, out of necessity to keep you alive for as long as possible so you can find a way to stop the toxic exposure, it is forced to mutate cells and alter its terrain.

Now, these shills, as in the entire medical field, will never admit to, or tell you this, instead they pretend that it is something “natural” that happens with age or simply because you “inherited” some genetic trait, which all is complete bollocks.

If we look at the available literature in physiology and biology, all this is already acknowledged, as is the underlying cause for developing “clonal hematopoiesis (CH.)”

As with most “modern diseases,” the underlying problem, the cause of the damage that leads to symptoms and the labeled diseases, are that of a high toxic load and elevated levels of blood glucose, as in consuming toxic plant-based and processed food that is rich in carbohydrates and/or seed/vegetable oils (toxic unsaturated fats.)

As damage accumulates, most people will experience or even die from, cardiovascular disease or organ damage long before they develop any noticeable clonal hematopoiesis. However, if they get enough nutrients, as in animal-based foods, they might keep up with repairing/healing some of that damage, but if the toxic load is still high, and it continues long enough, the bone marrow might become damaged, leading to mutations of these hematopoietic stem cells to better survive the toxic milieu. This is why clonal hematopoiesis is usually seen in the elderly population, mostly among those above 65-years of age — because it takes time for the bone marrow to become damaged to such an extent that mutations become a necessity to keep you alive. Or at least, it used to.

“Now, researchers have shown that the condition is linked to increased cardiovascular risk.

One study, published in Nature Medicine at the end of August 2024, has identified clonal hematopoiesis as a new risk factor for atherosclerosis, a condition where plaques build up in arteries.”

And there it is, the backwards thinking and extreme idiocy of the ‘medical field,’ of the charlatans pretending to serve and help the population, when their goal is to keep you dependent on their drugs and treatments while keeping you barely alive until retirement age and then kill you.

Now, what causes the damage that eventually can lead to clonal hematopoiesis? Yes, certain toxins and especially the very harmful unsaturated fats as found in seed- and vegetable oils, as well as elevated blood glucose from consuming carbohydrates.

And, what causes atherosclerosis? Yes, the exact same bloody thing! The main contributor to damage of the blood vessels is blood glucose above normal fasting levels from consuming carbohydrates. And the second largest factor is unsaturated fats, which get stuck in the arteries causing plaque.

So, if you get “diagnosed” with “clonal hematopoiesis” you already have some serious damage to your blood vessels and likely your entire cardiovascular system, so the likelihood of plaque, as in “atherosclerosis” is really high.

And again, a label for some symptoms, as in a “disease,” cannot lead to the development of another disease, as in a label for some similar symptoms. That is such an oversimplification that it’s criminal — as it takes away the focus of what is actually the problem, the focus from what is causing the damage to begin with.
And since it almost always comes down to plant-based and processed foods, as well as toxic exposure from medicines and drugs, they will do everything to mislead you — as in blaming made-up diseases for causing other made-up diseases. It’s ridiculous.

I’m a bit pressed for time today, as I adopted another wolf dog yesterday and I have some training and socialization to do. With that said, the new dog is doing exceptionally well and I’ll do a separate post about that in a few days. So, let’s skip ahead in MNT’s article, as most of it is repetitive nonsense that I already debunked and explained.

How does this factor increase the risk of arterial plaques?

“The question remains as to what mechanism leads to the increased risk of arterial plaques in people with clonal hematopoiesis.

For now, we think it may be related to the new blood cells producing increased inflammatory mediators, which then promote the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques, Chen hypothesized.”

The stupidity and unawareness is laughable among these “researchers.” They have been solely indoctrinated by the inverted “medical science,” and have no idea of all the amassed knowledge that is available and documented within the fields of physiology, biology, microbiology and biochemistry. They are completely out of touch with reality — and these are the people that the masses have as leaders and decision makers for their own health. Frightening!

Again, if you begin to show “symptoms” of what is labeled as “clonal hematopoiesis,” your diet is way too high in plant-based and processed foods, as in seed/vegetable oils, carbohydrates, and other toxins — all of which contributes to arterial plaques. It’s not more complicated than that.

The only difference among those who show signs of clonal hematopoiesis before they suffer from cardiovascular disease is that they have managed to keep up with some of the damage being done, which means that they have less of other stressors and toxins, and likely get more animal-based foods that give them some nourishment.
These things are not hard to figure out, not even with the most basic understanding of physiology and biology.

“Raj Dasgupta, MD, also not involved in the recent research, said that the Nature Medicine Paper provides important new information about clonal hematopoiesis mutations, showing that these genetic changes might be more common and significant than previously thought, even in younger, healthier people.”

And this really proves my point. It is very disturbing that all “modern diseases” continue to manifest in younger and younger people. But it is not surprising as our nutritional habits get worse and worse every year, increasing the toxic load even at a very young age.
The inverted plant-based and processed diet is the biggest health problem we’ve ever faced in our entire history, and it’s only getting worse.

“This challenges the idea that [clonal hematopoiesis] mutations are only relevant in older adults and suggests they could play a role in the development of diseases like heart disease or cancer earlier in life, Dasgupta added.”

Damn, this guy is seriously retarded. Again… Since the consumption of plant-based processed food, as in seed/vegetable oils and carbohydrates, increases among the young population, the damage accumulates more quickly as they age — which is why we start to see this in younger people. And as younger people are more resilient, it will manifest before cardiovascular disease hits them. That is the single reason. And all of it is easily avoided as we actually know what is causing it, although guys like Dasgupta and people like MNT do everything to cover it up and blame invisible bogeymen instead.

The only solution to every single “disease” and “ailment” is to return to our natural human and species-appropriate, species-specific diet of animal-based foods, preferably fully carnivore, which we are made for. Humans are obligate hyper carnivores and any deviation from that path will cause damage, and that damage accumulates. Always remember that humans are made to live for 120 to 150 years. It is our modern diet that has almost halved that lifespan, and that is by design.

If you need help with “modern diseases,” improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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