First, a couple of days back, I added some more decodings and information about Facebook’s rebranding to Meta and some more thoughts about their choice of name. So, if you haven’t read it since I posted it on October 28, check it out!
And you also have a follow-up due to the scripted mocking story here.
So, it’s November 1 today, an interesting date with a lot of symbolic numerology.
November 1, 11/1 = 111
111 is ‘athemitos’ in ancient Greek, which is an adjective used to describe; illegal, unlawful, criminal, lawless.
In gematria, 111 can be observed in:
US of America = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Vaccination = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Covid Mandate = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Mandatory = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Humanity = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
The Culling = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Temple of Ra = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Three Nails = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Illusion = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Witchcraft = 111 (English Ordinal) (also 666 in English Sumerian)
Internet = 111 (Reverse Ordinal) (also 666 in Reverse English Sumerian)
Psychological Operation = 111 (Reverse Full Reduction)
It’s also the 305th day of the year.
305 is ‘anabaino’ in ancient Greek, which is a verb used to describe ‘to go up’, to ‘ascend’, just as Lucifer said he would ascend into the heavens.
Statue of Liberty, formally Liberty Enlightening the World, happens to be exactly 305 feet, and sits on an 11-point star, a Hendecagram or a Qliphoth. 11, which in Hebrew is Abaddon, or the place of destruction or ruin, as in the gates to hell, unleashing Satan. In the bible, Abaddon/Apollyon is referenced as Satan. So, one could say that the statue is a symbol to Satan to ascend from hell into the heavens.
60 days remain of the year.
60 is ‘ebel’ in Hebrew, which is a noun used to describe mourning, suffering, and lamentation.
As for the month of November, in the new Jesuit Gregorian Calendar, it is the eleventh month of the year.
11 can symbolize chaos, disorder and judgment.
However, before the Jesuits and their priest reshaped the calendar and the English language in 1582, using gematria, November used to be the ninth month.
November = novem, “nine”, the true ninth month.
Number 9 = the finality of the judgment, number of patience, perfect movement of God.
And November 1 is a date with the Freemasonic ’33’-numerology.
11/1/21 = 11+1+21 = 33
With all this in mind, let’s se what the fabricated and scripted news brings us today, and what rituals they will be performing – especially within sports.