We know viruses and contagion does not exist. We know that the vaccines are hurting, maiming and killing people. And we know that they are getting desperate to keep this depopulation agenda running.
Their latest desperate move? To blame “bad genetics”.
This fabricated piece of crap, claims that a protein, called TLR7, is a receptor within immune cells that should ‘signal’ when it ‘recognizes’ a virus. However, some men do not have this “TLR7” gene according to the paid little shill Peter Bergman used in this fake story.
As we already know, we do not have an immune system, we do not have immune cells. That is pure pseudoscience. There is no “pathogen recognition” of RNA viruses, as viruses does not exist. Our body responds to poisoning and toxicity by using microbes and if cells are being hurt, they release sealing globulins to repair them. The pseudoscience of Western Modern Medicine calls these globulins for antibodies and claim that they fight invaders, when in reality they are there to heal our cells.
So yes, this is yet another desperate lie to keep the fake pandemic and the idiotic death-jabs going as more and more people get seriously ill from the injections and many are dying from the shots. And they will continue to claim that they died of “CONAIDS-1984” and not the vaccine. After this piece of propaganda, the evil-doers, aka doctors, can just say, “we’re sorry your son died of heart-complications, but he had a genetic defect, there was nothing we could do.” Such and easy excuse, and blatant lie.
And for fun, let’s look at their gematria and numerology for this fabricated lie.
Simply the silly name of this imaginary protein, “Toll-like Receptor 7”, should have you go, “hmm, what?”
“Toll-like” as in “Troll-like”, trolling you. Telling you lies. Actually, “Toll-like” is ‘33’ in Full Reduction gematria. The masonic 33…
However, the full name of this “protein” tells the whole story.
Toll-like Receptor 7 = 86
Vaccine is the Killer = 86 (revelation of the method, the truth in plain sight)
Corona Covid Vaccine = 86 (keyword, strengthening the narrative)

TLR7 = 57 (English Ordinal)
Vaccine = 57 (English Ordinal)
TLR7 = 29 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Sweden = 29 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Another connection, showing us why they use this TLR7 protein as an excuse to cover up vaccine induced injuries and death, and why the lie originated from Sweden.
And who better to make up stupid shit about “Genetic Defect” than “Peter Bergman?”
Peter Bergman = 61, 65
Genetic Defect = 61, 65

Double Match!
Also, “Peter Bergman” is ‘666’ in the Fibonacci cipher. You always have to have the ‘number of the beast’ in all Covid vaccine related stories.