Stupidity Without Bounds: Incorrect Time-Restricted Eating Vs. Energy Restriction For Sleep Quality

Today we return to and a summary of another totally idiotic, backwards-thinking and unnecessary trial proving that researchers and the monkeys of today practicing “modern science” might just be the stupidest people on Earth.

Let’s see what they f**ked up this time…

Quick Summary

“In this 12-month randomized controlled trial in 77 adults with obesity, researchers looked at differences in sleep parameters due to either time-restricted eating or calorie restriction.”

Well, if time-restricted eating is done correctly, as in eating during the first part of the day and fasting during the later part of the day, sleep quality will improve immensely. However, if both groups had their last meal late in the evening, allowing digestion to interfere with the crucial hours of early sleep, there will be zero difference. All this is common sense and I’ve covered it many, many times.

Key study details

“For the weight loss phase (first 6 months), the time-restricted eating group ate between noon and 8 p.m. (16-hour fasting window), and the calorie restriction group reduced their calorie intake by 25% daily. For the weight maintenance phase (6–12 months), the time-restricted eating group followed a 14-hour fasting window and the calorie restriction group ate 100% of their newly calculated energy needs. The control group was asked to maintain their weight, eating habits, and activity levels.

The sleep parameters included sleep quality, sleep duration, insomnia severity, and risk of obstructive sleep apnea, all of which were measured using questionnaires.”

Wow, I’m almost lost for words. Only almost, though. These researchers have to be mentally challenged. If you want to investigate sleep quality between different diet approaches, you should make sure that the sleep is not affected by something as obvious as digestion, as we have known for hundreds of years that it interferes and literally destroys sleep quality. Eating late will nullify any positive health benefits during the day that might have been noticeable during sleep.

Note: digestion that interferes includes stomach emptying and also transition through the small intestine where nutrient absorption occurs. So, the minimum is 4 hours for a medium-sized meal.

If you really want to look at differences in sleep, you need to make sure that both groups has their last meal at least 4 to 6 hours before bedtime, as in a round 16:00 (4 p.m.) and absolutely not at 20:00 (8.00 p.m.) while asking them to do everything else as they have always done (so no new habits as in avoiding blue light/screens improve sleep, as it is the diet we are focusing on.)

So, this trial was totally useless, a waste of time, especially since we already know that sleep will improve if we make sure we go to bed on an empty stomach, which is also the advice that should be given to anyone with sleep difficulties, obese or not.

And worse, during the “maintenance phase” they increased the time of the feeding window for the time-restricted group, which will slowly eat away at any potential benefits they got from the previous shorter feeding window. What a bunch of morons.

Examine’s take

“This study was a secondary analysis: sleep parameter analysis was done after completion of the study and planned analyses. Also, there was insufficient statistical power to adequately detect differences between the groups; the parameters were self-reported; and confounders, such as stress and sleep-affecting medications, were not considered. As such, the results should be interpreted with caution.”

This comment just shows your ignorance and lack of understanding of simple biology and physiology. It was the trial that was flawed to begin with, as they told both groups to have a meal at 8.00 p.m., going against everything that is natural and common sense. A time-restricted diet where you have your last meal just before bedtime is totally useless, as sleep is where detoxification and healing is accelerated, but only if you’re in a fasted state. And again, digestion will not only interfere with all bodily processes, it also destroys your sleep, pretty much nullifying any positive benefits gained from restricting your eating and also losing a little bit of body fat. 

Again, what is important for health, and also for achieving sustainable fat loss, is to nourish your body and to eliminate its toxic load while getting good quality sleep. It’s not more difficult than that, and I bet that this trial did not address any of these pillars of health, as they likely consumed worthless processed plant-based garbage while focusing on energy (calories) restriction instead of nutrients and nourishment. Remember, humans are obligate hyper carnivores and we can only get bioavailable and essential nutrients from animal-based foods. Consuming anything else, as in plant-based garbage or processed slave sludge, especially carbohydrates, will decrease your sleep quality even further due to the damage and the increased toxic load stressing your body and increasing the need for these processes during sleep.

For more on how to maximize your sleep and how to properly do time-restricted feeding, check the following of my articles:

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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