Today we return to and one of their summaries of yet another totally braindead and unnecessary study, and I will explain why with some simple and established facts from biochemistry, physiology and biology. In short, if you have any understanding of the human body and the properties of plant compounds, you would never waste time or money on conducting such as retarded study as this.
What was studied?
“The effect of matcha (a powder made from green tea leaves) on cognitive function in older adults with cognitive decline.”
I guess the “researchers” used matcha because it contains theanine and caffeine, two compounds that are associated with increased focus and alertness due to their toxicity, triggering a fight-or-flight response while stimulating the central nervous system. However, the latter, the toxicity, is something most of “researchers” and “scientists” do not understand, as they have never looked into biochemistry, nor the effects on the human body, as documented in biology and physiology. And repeated exposure to such toxins can have very severe health implications. Read more in the summaries from real research below.

Now, these effects are very temporary as the body breaks down and discards all these toxic compounds. So, they have absolutely no effect on brain health, much more the opposite.
And while matcha is claimed to contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, they are plant-based, which means that they are inorganic and in the wrong chemical form to be used by humans. In short, the small amounts of what is available that we might be able to absorb in our digestive tract has to be converted, a process that yields even less in return, and what is left behind is extremely toxic and will do cellular damage. So, even if you could get 10 or even 20 % of some of the nutrients in matcha, the toxic load would outweigh any benefits.

But with that being said, the dose of matcha is usually about 2 grams or so, which means that even if you could absorb some of the nutrients from it, in only 2 grams you would not even get 0.01% of what you actually need. So, we can discard the “nutrient” argument completely. All that is left is the extremely toxic and CNS-disrupting caffeine and theanine — and the misunderstood antioxidant (defense chemical) catechin, which we will get to shortly.
And we also know that brain health is mostly dependent on getting enough animal fats, as in saturated fats and cholesterol, which the brain is mostly made of. Also, animal-based omega-3’s are important, and so is minimizing the toxic load, especially that of fluoride, aluminum and other compounds that can actually damage the brain.

So, using matcha, a powder from highly toxic green tea leaves in an attempt to “heal” the brain and improve cognitive function, is utterly futile, it’s retarded — and it shows the sad state of “science” in today’s backwards world.
“The primary outcomes were cognitive function, assessed using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), and the ability to perform activities of daily living without assistance (e.g., cooking, bathing, and getting dressed). A secondary outcome was subjective sleep quality, assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).”
These daily activities are not solely cognitive based, as many of them are linked to decreased physical function and mobility issues, from for example conditions such as arthritis, stroke, heart disease, lung disease, and sensory impairments.
Still, to achieve an improvement in daily activities, they would need to actually heal, as in getting plenty of bioavailable animal-based nutrition and doing some light physical therapy/work.

And even if the researchers picked elderly who were deemed to have these difficulties due to cognitive decline “only”, the same still holds true. They need proper nutrition and some physical stimulus, not a toxic plant-based cocktail of caffeine, theanine, defense chemicals, antinutrients and heavy metals.
Who was studied?
“99 older adults with cognitive decline (ages 60–85; 56 women, 43 men).
Of the participants, 64 had subjective cognitive decline and 35 had mild cognitive impairment. None of the participants had dementia.”
Keyword being “subjective.”
And having cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment at the young age of only 60 to 85 is really alarming. Their lifestyles and diet must be total crap. Poor deceived souls.
And that is a real reason to help them with their diets, giving them plenty of animal food, and not poisoning them with pulverized leaves.
How was it studied?
“A 12-month randomized controlled trial was conducted in which the participants supplemented with 2 grams of matcha or a placebo daily.
The matcha and placebo were taken in the form of identically colored capsules. The matcha capsules provided approximately 171 mg of catechin (including 105 mg of epigallocatechin gallate), 48 mg of theanine, and 66 mg of caffeine.”
Catechins are poorly absorbed in the human digestive system as it’s useless, with an estimated bioavailability ranging from 1-10%. That means that 90-99% of it will pose a toxic threat before being eliminated through the urine, feces and bile.

Also, the majority of the catechin was in the form of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG,) which has an estimated bioavailability ranging from 0.1% to 2% of the ingested dose.

So, using the average score for bioavailability, they got about (171-105 = 66 x .05) 3,3 mg of catechins and about (105 x .01) 1 mg of EGCG. And that also means that they had (66-3,3) 62,7 mg of catechin and (105-1) 104 mg of EGCG, or a total of 166,7 unusable catechins circulating their bodies doing harm out of the 171 mg ingested. Read that again, 166,7 out of 171 mg simply sat around doing damage until excreted by the body, leaving only 4,3 mg of the 171 mg being absorbed and used. That is total insanity. Imagine the toxic load of 166,7 mg compared to the tiny benefits the 4,3 mg could possibly do.
And I say possibly, because catechins are a class of polyphenolic compounds, specifically flavonoids, which are very sinister and deadly defense chemicals. They have zero benefits to human health, and their only purpose is to hurt, maim, and kill anyone trying to consume the plant. And that is why the bioconversion of catechins is so extremely low as the only thing it can be used for is to assist in autophagy and killing cells. However, our body breaks down non-functional cells during autophagy, while these foreign substances simply break down any cell it comes in contact with, be it damaged or fully healthy.

And of course, theanine increases and prolongs the effects of caffeine, as both toxins need to be neutralized. That is not a good thing, although retarded people might think it is as you get a longer buzz from the caffeine with less.
Again, you need to think of the total toxic load and how the body desperately tries to neutralize and expel it. It’s an enormous stress on the body, and again, the toxins will damage tissues as long as they are active.
What were the results?
“Supplemental matcha had no clear effect on cognitive function or the ability to perform activities of daily living.”
Of course not. It’s a toxic powder from a leaf. It will provoke the body into alertness as it has to deal with toxins that attach to our adrenal glands and other tissues, upregulating the production of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine.
That is an instant and temporary effect, and none of this will do anything for the brain or your cognition outside of this short time frame.
So, again, forget about idiotic and expensive supplements, drugs, herbs, remedies, or whatnot. None of them supports the body, only species-appropriate nutrition does. The body is self-healing as long as we provide what it needs, as in nutrients and required sleep.
If you want to read more about brain health and how to deal with cognitive decline, check all my articles on cholesterol, and those on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in particular.
If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
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