Wow, the mocking and the pun! Headline actually say, ‘sheepish’ teenagers – and a petting zoo, probably with more sheep and goats… These satanic bastards just love their Baphomet goats!
And yes, indeed. If you are that brainwashed and dumbed down that you take the jab, you are definitely a sheep following the herd without one single thought of your own.
And this is of course all done by the numbers, just to mock you a little bit more. All planned out and scripted.
Petting Zoo = 57, 42
Vaccine = 57, 42
Jesuit = 42
Petting Zoo = 123
Comfort Sheepish Teenagers = 123
Sheepish Teenagers = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84 (the order that wrote the script)
Jesuit = 84
And comparing those nervous but willing to get injected with toxic unknown crap with sheep is not only a perfect description, it also describes anyone believing in the staged and fake pandemic, and in the virus lie.
Anyone vaccinated and believing in Covid is a sheep. Even gematria tells us so. 😀
Sheep = 82
Vaccinated= 82
Covid = 82
And for a even better match.
Covid = 53, 26, 82
Sheep = 53, 26, 82 (and 19, as in Covid-19)
And this was of course set up at Epsom.
Epsom = 68, 67, 23, 22
Wuhan = 68, 67, 23, 22
The story is here:
This reminds me a lot about Toy Town – where children as young as five are jabbed while they are distracted by toys…
Toy Town = 132, 57, 30
Vaccine = 132, 57, 30
And Toy Town is run by some ‘Nena Mason.’ Such a lovely last name…
Nena Mason = 96, 147, 48 (and 33, such perfect numbers!)
Freemason = 96, 147, 48