
Vaccine Hub as Petting Zoo for ‘Sheepish’ Teenagers

Wow, the mocking and the pun! Headline actually say, ‘sheepish’ teenagers – and a petting zoo, probably with more sheep and goats… These satanic bastards just love their Baphomet goats!And yes, indeed. If you are that brainwashed and dumbed down that you take the jab, you are definitely a sheep following the herd without one single thought of your own. And this is of course all done by the numbers, just to mock you […]

Vaccine Hub as Petting Zoo for ‘Sheepish’ Teenagers Read the Full Article »

Millions of deaths and hundreds of million of adverse events from the Covid vaccines

The Vaccine Death Report shows all the scientific evidence that millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections.Website at: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/report/

Millions of deaths and hundreds of million of adverse events from the Covid vaccines Read the Full Article »

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count

The Swedish Public Health Authority, you know, the complete incompetent bigots who admitted that there is no proof whatsoever that covid-19 exist (page 45, and no it doesn’t exist), now claims that 7 006 231 people have received at least one shot, and of those roughly 7 million, 6 131 967 people have received two shots. So, 6 131 967 have received two shots, that is a total of 12 263 934 shots.7 006 231 – 6 131 967 = 874 264 with one shot.That totals (12 263 934

Sweden’s Laughable Exaggerated Vaccination Count Read the Full Article »

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