Mobile Phones And Brain Cancer

I guess some of you noticed the so-called review of “mobile phones and brain cancer” by the WHO, an cloaked lobbyist organization that works as a public shield for the elite families, their toxic food industry and their inverted and extremely evil medical field and pharmaceutical industry. WHO works in unison with the United Nations, another luciferian organization created with the same purpose. With that said, it is obvious that the main mission of WHO is disinformation — to make sure that the agenda of the ruling elite to keep people sick, dumbed down, believing in transmittable diseases and other lies, being dependable on their “care,” their “expertise,” and their drugs, and most importantly, keeping the population trapped in a halved lifespan is achieved on a world-stage level.

With all this in mind, let’s see how their minions, the shills at Medical News Today, presented WHO’s review, and let’s look at any possible deception. And before you carry on, please read my articles on cancer to get a better understanding of what it actually is: “My Take on Cancer, Prevention, and Healing,” “Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism (Early-Stage Cancer Detection),”Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer.” 

“Does using a mobile phone increase your risk of developing brain cancer? A new, expansive review from the World Health Organization (WHO) of existing research says “no.”

Before we even discuss this, we need to define what cancer actually is. Within human physiology, biology, and the biological terrain theory, cancer is a label for a very toxic milieu where your body has been forced to develop tumors to protect your cells, and especially vital parts of your body from being so damaged that you would die. This can happen from chronically high levels of blood glucose from overconsuming carbohydrates, it can happen from chronically high levels of toxemia, as in where your body is so compromised that it cannot detox properly and the toxic load become so high that cells has to mutate and shield off these toxins, it can also happen from repeated trauma where your body reinforces cellular structures and then breaks it down once the threat is over, if the trauma is repeated many times, and the process is continuously interrupted, tumors can form. And it can also happen from external stressors, such as radiation, as radiation interferes with cell function, and over time the cells have to mutate and form tumors to better cope with the stress and disruption.

With this in mind, the medical field, the pseudo-science governed by the elites and their pharmaceutical industries has another definition of cancer, a definition that is extremely easy to debunk, yet it is what govern all their actions, and it is the definition they use world-wide whenever you visit one of their charlatan doctors at a hospital.
Their definition is simply that cancer is cells that have undergone genetic and epigenetic changes and that they grow and divide uncontrollably, disregarding normal regulatory mechanisms. This is also where their lie about “auto-immune” diseases comes from.

Now, that last statement goes against everything we know in physiology, biology, and even microbiology. Your body will never attack itself, it will never do anything that can compromise your life or lifespan. Your body will always do what is necessary to survive, to extend your life so you have time to get out of danger, as in eliminating the source of damage and begin to heal. In other words, there will never be a “cancer” or a tumor developed by the body attacking itself.
This also means that a cancer, as in tumor cells, will never divide uncontrollably, or suddenly spread to an entire other part of the body, that is an extremely retarded idea.

What is happening is that tumors will simply form where they are needed, where the damage is the worst. And that all depends on what factors are involved in causing the damage. Where you are most sensitive, as in taking most damage from glucose, and what types of toxins you are exposed to and where they build-up, and also what parts of the body might be exposed to radiation. This is also why the medical field claims that cancer cells “evolve” over time and develop resistance to therapies. Well, of course they do, they adapt to the increasingly toxic environment as a last chance to keep you alive, and if you try to kill them, they will try to adapt to that too, as they are actually keeping you alive. If you try to attack cancer cells and kill them, you are actually attacking and killing yourself. Extremely retarded. The only way to reverse the tumors is to remove the causes of the toxic milieu that forced your body to build them in the first place. It’s not more complicated than that.

“The WHO review found no correlation between mobile phone use and an increased risk of gliomas, meningiomas, and acoustic neuromas, nor was there any correlation with pituitary and salivary cancers or leukemia.”

That’s a lot of fancy, invented, and totally meaningless words. But a great way to deceive your readers as they will think it sounds very scientific and educated — and of course, very scary.

Gliomas are defined as a type of primary brain tumor that originates from glial cells, which support the function of neurons in the central nervous system (CNS.) Gliomas can occur in the brain or spinal cord and I had one myself in 2018, which then later disappeared after I adopted our natural human carnivorous diet, did some fasting, and threw away my mobile phone headset.

Meningiomas are defined as a slow-growing, encapsulated tumor that arises from the meninges, specifically from arachnoid cap cells, which are cells within the thin, spider web-like membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord.

Acoustic neuromas, also known as vestibular schwannomas, are defined as rare “non-cancerous” tumors that grow slowly from an overproduction of Schwann cells. These tumors press on the hearing and balance nerves in the inner ear.

And as for leukemia, it is defined as a cancer of the blood cells, specifically affecting the early blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. In other words, leukemia is close to the end-stage of extreme toxemia or radiation exposure, as it has reached your bone-marrow.
Simply adding leukemia to the list shows extreme ignorance and is likely a scare tactic. If you were to take a lot of radiation damage from a cell/mobile phone, you would experience a lot of disturbing symptoms, including tumors, long before you would develop leukemia.

“The review is a meta-analysis — or study of studies — encompassing 63 articles published in 22 countries between 1994 and 2022. Each of these investigated the health effects of exposure to radio frequency-electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) transmitted by mobile phones. TVs and baby monitors also emit RF-EMF, as do many other devices of the modern world.

Mobile phones themselves are actually low-powered RF-EMF transmitters. They transmit radio waves to their destinations through a series of fixed antennas — cell towers. These waves are electromagnetic fields. The review suggests they are benign. They appear incapable of breaking chemical bonds or causing ionization in our bodies, or damaging our DNA.”

Well, this is a question of several variables, such as the strength of the signal, how close it is to any vulnerable cells, time of exposure, and the number of exposures in a given time-frame and your body’s ability to recover between those exposures.
And even if modern mobile phones are considered “low-powered” RF-EMF transmitters, it still has been shown to cause cellular disruption, cell damage, and ultimately “cancer.”

Also, can we trust these reports, considering their agenda and the money-making machinery behind it? And are they actually relevant considering that the use of cell/mobile phones for actually calling and talking peaked long ago. Today, most people don’t even use their mobile phones for calling, they only use them for writing messages, chatting, using social media, and other apps like games.

Are mobile phones carcinogenic?

“First author Ken Karipidis, PhD, explained to Medical News Today that: [We] reviewed human observational studies, which are inherently classified as moderate certainty because the exposure is not controlled as it is in experimental research. While randomized clinical trials are considered the best form of evidence, it’s not possible to test if something is carcinogenic on humans. Exposing humans to a potential health hazard is not ethical.”

We already know that even low levels of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile phones can disrupt cellular function, leading to cell damage. This has been demonstrated in many various studies. And we know that repeated damage will eventually cause your body to resort to forming tumors to mitigate the damage and make sure that you survive for as long as possible. 

“Wael Harb, MD, a board certified hematologist and medical oncologist who was not involved in the review, noted: Even with this limitation, the body of research consistently pointed toward no significant association between, RF-EMF exposure and brain cancer.”

This is likely because people talk less, which actually happened as early as around 2009. However, using wireless earbuds will likely increase the risk of “cancers” around the ears and the brain. This however, as everything else takes time as damage is accumulated, and will probably not be statistically significant until another 10 or 20 years.

What should be concerning though is the very bad habit of holding your mobile phone or wireless tablet in your lap, as many children do. That is a lot of radiation exposure to the intestines and the reproductive organs. And again, we’ve seen a huge increase in such cancers and a steep decline in sperm quality. While this is mainly attributed to the modern processed and plant-based diet, there is also the accumulated stress from these wireless devices.

“Technology is developing at a rapid pace. With this development comes the use of radio waves in different ways using different frequencies. It is therefore essential that science continues to ensure radio wave exposure from these technologies remains safe, Karipidis said.”

This is impossible, as even low levels will disrupt cell function and people have become addicted to the technology, just like they have with processed food. Two things that are slowly killing them, but that the majority still won’t give up.

With that said, if you feed your body our species-appropriate diet, making sure that it has everything it needs to detox and repair any cellular damage, while also making sure you are in a fasted restorative state during sleep, you will heal and recover without problem even from moderate exposure from these wireless devices.

However, those who are unhealthy, consuming the elite’s slave diet of plant-focused processed garbage, will accumulate a lot of damage from even the lowest of levels of radiation exposure — simply because their bodies can’t repair or even maintain a healthy cell function.

After this, MNT mentions older studies that raised concern, and of course they did, as older cell phones had higher levels of radiation and we actually used them daily to talk to people – holding them to our head or using old high-radiation headsets or earbuds. Today however, how we use these idiotic gadgets has changed, and thus the radiation exposure from them have changed. We no longer expose our heads in the same way as before, but instead we expose the area around the chest, stomach and groin as most people sit or walk like zombies staring at the screen.

So, to conclude, can mobile phones cause brain cancer? Of course they can, if you continuously hold them close to your head for years on end. That is simple logic, as we know that radiation causes cell damage. Also, I’ve experienced it myself, and I’ve lost several childhood friends to “brain cancer,” friends that right out of school in the mid-90’s jumped on to the cell-phone manufacturing industries and worked all day in a high-radiation environment, always bringing home the latest not-yet-released models to play with. Two of these friends died within 6 and 8 years of working as pioneers in the cell-phone industry, before they even turned 30-years old.

So, is it a concern? No, not unless you are one of those stupid people who walk around most of the day with a headset or a pair of earbuds.

But with that said, I would recommend limiting your exposure to these wireless devices. And when you use them, do not hold them in your lap. Put them on a table and only use your fingertips on the screen, or use a stand for them while they sit on a table. Never hold them or carry them close to your body. 

Also, if you have wireless routers or other devices, never sit close to them. The strength of the radiation decreases rapidly within a few feet of these devices. While shutting them off is the best option, the second best is to have them as far away from you as possible while still getting an acceptable signal and connection speed.

And again, there’s not much you can do, as we are surrounded by these RF-EMF waves wherever we go. Still, the exposure on average is very low and a healthy body will handle it with ease. So, as always, make sure you follow our species-appropriate diet and do your best to limit all other toxic exposure, and you will be fine.

If you need help with improving your quality of life or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

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