Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Test Positive for Fake Covid in Another 19-Ritual

On this same day you had the 19-story building Bronx fire that initially killed “at least 19 people” and the death of ‘Bob’ Saget where ‘Bob’ equates to 19, we have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was born in Bronx, test positive for Covid-19 on a date written 1/9 as in 19. Yes, so many 19-rituals on the same date it’s hilarious!

And her name is abbreviated to AOC, which ALL news outlets use, because…

AOC = 19

If you can’t see how all this fits together, how obviously scripted and fabricated it is, you should probably stop gulping down that sugar, stop washing those teeth with fluoride, and stop watching the news – because you’re as dumb as rocks.

The headlines said she tested positive after partying without a mask…

Alexandria = 44 & 64
Mask = 44 & 64

And for word-magic and the story, she was…

Partying = 43
Without Mask = 43
Florida = 43

Or as some outlets have it put, “maskless.”

Maskless = 54
Jesuit Oder = 54

Alexandria was born on October 13, so this story comes on the 89th day of her age.

Alexandria = 89
Virus = 89

And this story also came on the day leaving 356 days remaining in the year.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez = 356

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