February Update: Misinformation Polluting The Internet And The Cycle Of Life — Updated Feb 20, 2025

The internet has been flooded by misinformation from the start, however, as of late they have been stepping up this game as search engines and AI-related tools have stepped into a new era — laying the groundwork for an totalitarian future. Government approved sources are being weighed in favor of real research databases with older, more unbiased literature while AI-tools are programmed to favor anything that follows their agenda. Worst of all is ChatGPT, which I threw in the bin after trying it for only a few minutes — and that was after it launched, I can only imagine how propagandized it is today, as in totally useless. Of course, “official” channels will say the opposite, that is can mention “misinformation” as in the actual truth, depending on how you use logic against it.

As you probably know, since June of 2024, I’ve been adding screenshots of summaries from established research data from literature within the real scientific fields of biology, microbiology, physiology, and biochemistry, to my articles to strengthen my points, to provide further information as well as showing how the fake modern science within medicine and nutrition twists everything backwards to suit their evil narrative of keeping people weak, docile, and dependent.

However, as of late, it’s been getting tougher to wade through this inverted nonsense even if you have a solid background and understanding of these real scientific fields, as I’ve noticed that even the most “unbiased” search engines and AI-tools are being tampered with. They include more and more of “popular” and “accepted” agenda-driven pseudoscience, such as the inverted medical field and their germ-based nonsense, the hi-jacked fake plant-based nutrition science and “modern infected biology” and even “infected biochemistry,” as I call it; since fake studies and manipulated literature are being added to the internet databases and archives within these crucial fields of understanding. This injection of false information blurs the lines and if you’re new to these fields, it’s easy to be deceived — especially as the real information is being buried and the new false information is being favored.

Fortunately, I worked in these fields at the highest level for more than 20 years, so I know their lies and thinking inside out, which also made it very easy for me to understand the real science, to absorb everything that was already discovered within biology, microbiology, physiology, and biochemistry since it was logical, it was common sense, it was simply nature. All you had to do was to untangle your thinking and turn everything around, which I’ve explained and showed in hundreds of my articles.

Also, even these more “unbiased” search engines and AI-tools are being manipulated to include more highly “ranked” sources for their results or summaries as recommended by the corrupt government institutions. Likely due to pressure from governmental law agencies, flipping the script. So, all of this is now making it much more difficult and time consuming for me to extract and show you the real science, the real literature in my screen captures. I have to word my requests very carefully, breaking down each step while using logic and proven undeniable points against the AI-algorithms to get what I know is there and I know is true — but it’s now buried deep among tons of pseudoscience and propaganda.

If you simply ask AI something, you will get a propagandized and false answer based on their pollution of misinformation. Instead, you have to phrase your question in tandem with pointing out crucial logical steps and proven conclusions, slowly arriving at the truth doing backwards engineering, something that is only possible if you already have a deep understanding of the real science and if you know how they twist the truth, how they do everything backwards.

This is also one of the reasons why I no longer do daily articles. Writing an article only takes 40 to 60 minutes, as I know all these subjects and the sciences by heart, but adding in real proof of my claims and understanding takes a lot longer, especially now as they are slowly tailoring every search engine, database, archive, and AI-tools to do their evil bidding, to hide all relevant information. In a few years, you will only be able to find this life-saving information in old paper books, old scanned digital copies, and printed papers — and on my website, unless it is shut down or simply buried by censorship algorithms.

While google has been useless pretty much since the early 2000’s when it gained popularity and became government controlled, other search engines such as Mojeek, Gibiru, and DuckDuckGo have been going downhill for years. Even Brave Search is starting to be influenced by a lot of government propaganda and misinformation — even when specifying what fields and literature to search through. This also shows that government institutions are adding their fake and agenda-driven research and studies to the archives of biology, physiology and biochemistry, polluting and diluting the real established facts and information. The more misinformation on a topic they add, the more favored that misinformation will be in search results including AI-generated answers.

Unfortunately, my time is still very limited as the healing of my brainstem is slow and my mental energy only lasts 4 to 8 hours a day. I can only do so much for free, as I have to make a living. With that said, I will try to put my articles into collector books, and perhaps rewrite and add some more on each subject along the way. These could simply be sold at whatever price you are willing to pay for it. I’m also pondering the possibility of creating a real and true Wiki-page, a way to more easily access correct and common sense information. The only problem with such a goldmine of information is that it will likely be blacklisted by the evil forces, same as my current website, and thus be difficult to find for the average person (those who would need it the most.)

Still, if I would proceed, it is an extremely huge task, even if I recycle a lot of what I’ve written and screen-captured through the last 5 to 6 years, including my responses in client conversations (everything I write is saved in numbered yearly documents, backed-up on my computers, as well as in encrypted cloud services.)
Also, it will have to be a subscription service for the more detailed pages, as it will be extremely expensive in the cost of my own time to build and connect all things within these fields — especially since I don’t really trust anyone but myself to be able to do this and get the things and the information right.

Well, we’ll see.

Health And Personal Life — The Cycle Of Life

And as a continuation of my last update from February 1, I’ve done a third fast. This one was only about 48 hours compared to the other two of 62 hours each. However, it was a full dry fast and curiously enough, my “cardiovascular age” continued to drop. On February 1st, my calculated cardiovascular age was 19.5 years below my actual age. Well, on February 11, it was 21 years below my actual age. Being close to 51-years old, and recently recovered from being almost dead and with cardiovascular issues in 2018, that is pretty darn good. Another testament to our natural human species-appropriate and species-specific diet.

Of course, I’ve been increasing saturated fats, cholesterol and omega-3 (from sardines and mackerel) since early January while holding back a bit on dairy to eliminate some natural sugars and thus getting into deeper ketosis (I usually only have some dairy on days I visit the gym.) So far, I have recovered from my small decline last year when I went through a few stressful events and this is actually the best cardiovascular score I’ve measured so far since starting recovering in 2018.

The short fasts I’ve done were between weeks 2 and 3, 4 and 5, and 5 and 6. And as of now, it’s leveled out a little, as I’m likely close to what is possible at my age and with my background with previous asthma and almost 40 years of medication which did enormous damage. Also, there’s a lot happening around me, which takes me to the last bit of my post for today…

Speaking of stressful events. As I mentioned in my last post, my father had to move to a new retirement home and from a great 2-room 72 sq m (775 square feet) apartment into a small sterile hospital-like room of only 28 sq m (301 square feet.) He went from being able to choose between a menu of three meals, always being able to get some meat, to a single daily menu of mostly vegetarian garbage. Thus, he had a second stroke during Christmas and was in the hospital for three weeks.

While my father has always been a “meat and potatoes” guy, he’s also been a sucker for sweets, breads and especially pastry, which he used to consume daily (!) since he retired after a car accident in the mid 90’s. He’s also a very biddable person conditioned to obey authority, always doing what he is told. Even if he understood everything I told and showed him, he simply did whatever a doctor or nurse told him a few minutes later.

To make a long story short, he recovered somewhat but was struck with food poisoning from that vegetarian slop they forced on him and after weeks of throwing up and not being able to eat or hardly drink, he was very weak and dehydrated. When me and my brother visited him this weekend on his 84th birthday, I pointed out by simply looking at his skin that he was malnourished and had severe electrolyte deficiencies, especially potassium. He could barely answer questions and only mumbled about wanting to be undisturbed and sleep. We offered him some electrolyte water, but he refused. Two days later, the retirement home called after they’ve done a simple blood test and they confirmed very low blood values and an acute deficiency in potassium. They wanted to take him to a hospital for IV, but he refused. And as of yesterday, he does not want to eat nor drink, and considering his health and previous ordeals, I do not think that he can heal and get better by unknowingly “dry fasting,” not when severely malnourished and already dehydrated. So, this might just be the end of the line. The life quality at these hospitalized retirement homes are zero, and I get the feeling that he simply wants this to end. And in that sense, I can completely understand him. I would never allow myself to end up at a place like that, or to live an unworthy life where I can’t take care of myself or make my own decisions. And, in the end, that is his decision, and I will respect that.

My mother made the same decision in 2020 when the late discovery of all the tumors, from her 40+ years of ill-advised medications, had grown all around her stomach and intestines and were too much to be reversed.

Now, before I had time to publish this (that I wrote early this morning,) we visited our father again this late morning and kept him company for a couple of hours. He looked emaciated with sunken eyes and shallow breathing. He could not talk, likely due to a very sore throat from dehydration. We’re going back again tomorrow, if not sooner if something happens. It’s only a matter of days now. So, if there’s suddenly no activity on this website for a couple of days, you know why.

Now, go on and seize the day and live your life to the fullest, and don’t forget to tell those closest to you how much you love them! See you all again soon!

Update, Mid-Morning February 20

We got a call at 6:00 this morning and on our arrival our father was breathing irregularly, quite heavy and was barely conscious. Me and my brother sat down and talked about memories while his breathing became easier and easier. At 7:30 a.m., we could no longer hear his breathing and simply by looking at his eyes, I could tell that he had moved on. After a quick check of his vital signs I could verify to my brother that he had passed away.
I’m grateful that we both could be at his side when he went on and that it was painless and peaceful in the end.

He will be buried in the same spot as his parents, arranged through a friend of the family who operates the local funeral service.

Again, take care of each other. Much love!

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.

Coaching and Consultation

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