Today we will do a very short and simplified summary of what has been going on since the Jesuit puppet and Freemasonic actor Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States — especially when it comes to continuing the anti-human agenda, making sure that people do not live past their retirement age.
On January 21, 2025, The Stargate Project was announced by Puppet Donald Trump. It’s simply a continuation of the silly “Operation Warp Speed,” the “initiative” launched by Trump on May 15, 2020, aimed at accelerating the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics for the United States. As of January 2021, more than an “additional” 11 million people had received the deadly vaccine, and tens of millions of doses were available through Operation Warp Speed.

Well, that little “initiative” made sure that millions of people got maimed, sterilized, and even died from getting the real vaccine instead of a saline solution (which was the case of at least 80% of all vaccines world-wide.)
Now, to quote Newsweek, “A number of Donald Trump supporters and vaccine skeptics have criticized the president after he talked up multibillion-dollar artificial intelligence infrastructure project, which, it was suggested, could help develop vaccines for cancer.”
Anyone with a working brain should be worried about the implications of this, especially if you know a little about biology and biochemistry. First and foremost, you can not “cure” any “disease” as all “diseases” are the result of either nutrient deficiencies, toxicity (and its damage to tissues,) or repeated mental trauma, or a combination of them.
Disease, as in health complications, always comes from within — as a result of the terrain you have created for yourself through your diet and exposure to toxins, or by repeated traumatic experiences; as in fear, anger or other strong emotions (as described in German New Medicine.)
Thus, you cannot take a drug, a medicine, a remedy, or a frikkin vaccine to cure it. That is biologically and physiologically impossible. The only way to get better and regain health is by removing the offender and by making sure that the body is nourished so it can work as intended.
“When it comes to vaccines, Trump has appeared to find himself between a rock and a hard place. He has faced frequent backlash from his own supporters for expressing support for the COVID-19 vaccine, especially when he praised the Operation Warp Speed initiative he launched during the pandemic, which accelerated vaccine development. And yet, he has recently nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr, a vaccine skeptic, to lead the government’s health agencies.”
First of all, Trump is an actor, a puppet of the elite families that rule this world from the shadows, just as any “president” or “politician.” None of the “faces” on the world stage has any power or do anything by accident. They are puppets, putting on a theatrical show for the dumbed-down and sleeping masses, keeping them divided and in a trance. They simply follow their script.
Operation Warp Speed was simply a conditioning tool as all other propaganda that was thrown at us during the silly staged and fake pandemic. And it paved the way for this new silly Stargate Project.
Also, Robert F. Kennedy Jr is not a vaccine skeptic, he simply advocates “safer” vaccines, something that does not exist, as vaccines are a total scam, a fraud, something developed for something that does not exist. It’s simply another way to poison people, making them sick and dependent on their beast system.
Also, the media reported on January 22, 2025, that Robert F. Kennedy Jr has changed his mind, that he is remaking his image to better serve Trump. RFK Jr recently said that he is all for polio inoculations and that he won’t take away anyone’s vaccines. He has also told the senate that he merely wants to make safety and efficacy data more readily available — as in fake and doctored data.

“Trump announced a joint venture between OpenAI, Oracle, and SoftBank, which will be called Stargate, during a press conference on Tuesday. The project, which could cost up to $500 billion, was described by Trump as the largest AI infrastructure project in history.
Stargate will start building data centers and the electricity generation needed for AI development in Texas, according to the White House.”
Ridiculous and at the same time extremely evil and frightening. Imagine these AI-driven programs that have been spoon-fed with the backwards-thinking false germ theory pseudo-science. Just imagine what they will come up with. Poisonous solutions to problems that do not even exist.
However, we will not likely see this yet, not until they fake the next silly plan-demic. As for now, this is conditioning, a way to pave the way for more AI-governance control — as in conditioning the masses to accept AI as their new guidance, their new savior, their new slave masters. This is simply one part of the looming control grid that will be paired with digital IDs and a social credit score.
“Oracle Chairman Larry Ellison highlighted the potential medical benefits of the investment, stating that AI could be used to detect cancers and customize mRNA vaccines to treat them within 48 hours.”
You frikkin’ imbecile. Cancers are your body’s last line of defense against your toxic lifestyle. Tumors form as a protection. You cannot “cure” them. You have to stop poisoning yourself and your body will break them down at its own pace as there is no longer a need for them. Simple, logical, and safe.
This silly “vaccines against cancer” is a scam, a ridiculous hoax to mock the masses as it is not biologically possible.

Instead of “spamming” this article with facts about cancer and diseases, if you’re new to biology, physiology, biochemistry and the germ theory hoax, please read my articles on cancer and our detoxification and healing processes as rooted in real accepted science. As of June of 2024, as I cut back on the numbers of articles I write and publish every week, all my articles are backed by actual screen captures from established literature within biology, physiology and biochemistry (which take a lot of extra time.)
Here are a few to get you started:
- The Definition of Disease Revisited – Pathology is Pseudoscience
- The Immune System Fallacy and Fighting ‘Disease’ with Isolated Nutrients
- Autoimmune Diseases And The Immune System Does Not Exist
- Fungal “Infections” Are Part of The Healing Process!
- My Take on Cancer, Prevention, and Healing
- Cancer is a Natural Survival Mechanism (Early-Stage Cancer Detection)
- Cancer Explained (Again) And Breast Implants And Cancer
- More On Cancer: Lying Statistics, Breast Cancer, Early-Onset Cancer, And Alcohol
- Everything Wrong With Breast Cancer Treatment
- Colorectal Cancer is Rising in Young Population due to Modern Diet/Plants
- Cancer On The Rise In Young Population — And Obesity Does Not Play A Role In Cancer
- Does The Toxicity Of Fructose Force The Body To Form Tumors?
- Herbs Will Reduce/Stop The Healing Process — And More About Inflammation
- All Herbal Supplements (And Remedies) Are Extremely Toxic
Or simply browse my archives:
- Quick Start: Germs, Viruses, Contagion, Disease and Other Lies
- Quick Start: Nutrition, Supplements, and Our Natural Species-Appropriate Diet
Again, to summarize, there will never be a drug, a remedy, or a vaccine that can cure cancer or any kind of “disease” as that is biologically impossible. What we call “diseases” are symptoms of healing and detoxification. And the first law of biology clearly states that your body never does anything to hurt you, it does all it can to survive by adopting to whatever you expose it to — in an effort to survive for as long as possible so you can escape that threat. A drug, a remedy, or a vaccine cannot magically pull out all toxins from your body and then heal your tissues. The only thing they can do is poison you further, masking your symptoms and fooling you into believing that you temporarily got better. You can only heal and be healthy by removing what is causing damage and by supporting your body by keeping it nourished. That is basic level common sense. Do not let any charlatan fool you otherwise.

If you need help with any kind of health problems or transitioning from your current way of eating to our natural species-appropriate, species-specific way of eating, I’m available for both coaching and consultation.
Coaching and Consultation
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