A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds.
As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in the military and the fire department. Either as part of the fake ‘climate change’ agenda, to burn down residential areas and property to get people to move and later buy that land, and/or as a ritual to pay tribute to their masters.
Keep in mind the famous phrase of the founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, where he said “Go forth and set the world on fire” – which had nothing to do with spreading the message of “God’s love,” but all to do with conquering countries and put them under the thumb of the elite families, the Catholic Church, and their Jesuit Order. In other words, fire is symbolic to conquering and ruling, as much as it is a cleansing.

Keep in mind that the first official Jesuit Pope, as in Pope Francis, is currently 87-years old, a very important number as their founder’s name of Ignatius if Loyola reduces to 87 in the most important cipher. And as for this fire, it began in San Joaquin County, which reduces to 87 in the same cipher.

Ignatius of Loyola = 87, 87
San Joaquin County = 87, 87
On June 1st, there were 213 days remaining in the year.

San Joaquin County = 213
So, no surprise that the fire was started in San Joaquin County. Now, to be more precise, the fire began in the city of Tracy. Interestingly, Tracy is a perfect match with ‘arson,’ which is exactly what this is. Such a weird coincidence, uh?

Tracy = 67, 68, 22, 32, 32, 63, 62, 26, 242, 243, 408, 402
Arson = 67, 68, 22, 32, 32, 63, 62, 26, 242, 243, 408, 402
The fire was reported on June 2, a day with the infamous weather warfare number of 52, a number that is also associated with California.
6/2/2024 = 6 + 2 + 20 + 24 = 52

California = 52
Gavin Newsom = 52 (Governor of California)
While the fire was started on Saturday, it was not reported on until Sunday, June 2, a day with a 32-date numerology. Also, June 1st was 131 days before California governor Gavin Newsom’s upcoming October 10 birthday. Which means, that June 2nd was at a span of 131-days before his birthday. 131 is the 32nd prime number. So, we have a double whammy for 32.

6/2/24 = 6 + 2 + 24 = 32

Tracy = 32, 32
Arson = 32, 32
The birthday of California is September 9. June 1, when the fire started, was exactly 38 weeks after the California September 9, 2023, birthday and exactly 3 months and 8 days, like 38, before it’s upcoming birthday on September 9, 2024.
Of course, CNN made sure to update their article at exactly 9:38, the 38th minute of the hour!
So, this time we had a triple whammy for the very important number of 38, the number representing fire!

Fire = 38
What are the odds that a fire began exactly on this day, the only day of they year when a double 38 would be possible – especially when considering all the other “coincidences” discovered in this decoding? And we’re far from done yet.
38 weeks after California’s last birthday is the same as 266 days, and Pope Francis is the 266th pope, making the circle complete. Also, 266 is a number associated with The Jesuit Order and their Christogram, ‘Iesus Hominum Salvator.’

Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266
June 1st was the 153rd day of they year, and this fire ritual was likely inspired by their masters in the Jesuit Order and the founder Ignatius of Loyola.

Jesuit Order = 153
The Hidden Hand That Rules The World = 153, 153, 153
Go Forth And Set The World On Fire = 153, 153
To make sure that the proper secret society is recognized, CNN made sure that we know that Tracy is also known as the ‘City of Tracy.’ As you probably know, the original Latin name for the Society of Jesus, The Jesuit Order, is ‘Societas Iesu.’

City of Tracy = 145, 870
Societas Iesu = 145, 870
The fire originating from the City of Tracy was reported on June 2, which is written as 6/2, or 62.

City of Tracy = 62, 62
The Mayor of Stockton, Kevin J Lincoln, was quoted in the media praying for his neighbors in the City of Tracy. Kevin was born on October 28, 1980. June 1st was at a span of 7 months and 5 days after his birthday, like 75, which means that June 2 was 7 months and 5 days after his birthday, excluding the end date. 75 goes perfect with the script, reinforcing both dates for this ritual.

Kevin J Lincoln = 75
Weather Control = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Ignatius of Loyola = 75
The World Powers = 75
New World Order = 75
San Joaquin County = 75
And remember that they said that the fire started at 2:30 p.m.? Well, when the clock is 2:30, the angle between the hands of the clock is 105 degrees.
This wild fire was called a ‘corral fire,’ as it was somewhat contained. Also, it was scripted with the Jesuit Pope Francis, who’s real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

Wildfires = 105
Corral Fire = 105
Masonry = 105
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 105
The Freemasonic Order = 105
Order of Illuminati = 105 (illuminated, light, fire)
And the message to the people nearest to the ‘corral fire’ was that they “should be ready to leave.”

Corral Fire = 105
Should Be Ready To Leave = 105
And that was all I had time for this morning. Still, it should be more than obvious that this fire was no accident, nor was it started by some mischievous little brat, it was brought to you by the Freemasons of the US Government in honor of their masters at the Jesuit Order.