Societas Iesu

Go Forth And Set California on Fire

A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds. As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in […]

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Jesuit China Claim Landing on Far Side of the Moon

According to the Jesuit-controlled media, China’s Chang’e-6 lunar lander successfully touched down on the far side of the moon Sunday morning Beijing time (still Saturday in the U.S.) They claim it is a significant step for the ambitious mission that could advance the country’s aspirations of putting astronauts on the moon. Well, as anyone of above average intelligence know, no-one has ever visited, much less sat foot on the moon. It’s one of those

Jesuit China Claim Landing on Far Side of the Moon Read the Full Article »

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual

If you’ve seen the released video footage of this alleged “assault,” you likely had a good laugh at the bad acting. While the media called it a “gut-wrenching” video, all we saw was Sean Combs pulling Cassie to the ground and then moments later delivering as ‘soccer kick’ that barely graced her baggy clothes. After that he delivers another very slow and weak kick, more like a controlled stomp not to actually hurt her,

Updated: The Staged and Fake Diddy Beating of Cassie Released in Masonic/Jesuit Ritual Read the Full Article »

Trump and Lee Greenwood’s $60 Bible – The Antichrist Revelation Script

While the announcement was made this Tuesday, March 26, and the story broke on March 27 on several major News Outlets, CNN yet again brought it up on March 28, making this story trending the news for at least two days.So, to summarize, this Tuesday, March 26, Trump announced the partnership with country music singer Lee Greenwood, best known for his song “God Bless the USA.” The pair of Masonic shills is selling a

Trump and Lee Greenwood’s $60 Bible – The Antichrist Revelation Script Read the Full Article »

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year

According to the media, the Oscars continued to rebound with its biggest audience since 2020 thanks to abysmal movies such as “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie,” averaging 19.5 million viewers on Sunday night. Now, I have no idea how anyone could watch such extreme satanic filth, and with the revolting puppet Jimmy Kimmel as host to boot, but I guess some people did, even if the numbers are inflated and scripted. Of course, being the satanic

Oppenheimer’s 7 Awards and John Cena’s “Nude” Ritual on the 70th Day of the Year Read the Full Article »

Rogan Says Gavin Newsom Will Replace Joe Biden in the 2024 US Election

Joe Rogan, the actor-comedian and controlled opposition set in place to uphold the illusion of alternative and independent media was back on the news yesterday, February 20, 2024.This time, Joe Rogan and his podcast guest Chris Williamson predicted that the Democratic Party is preparing to swap out President Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom on the 2024 presidential ticket.Of course, being a Jesuit-controlled gatekeeper, most of what Rogan discuss on his show is put

Rogan Says Gavin Newsom Will Replace Joe Biden in the 2024 US Election Read the Full Article »

Actor Bill Gates Warns About AI – Conditioning for Next Possible Psy-Op?

On January 16, during the World Economic Forum’s annual meet in Davos (WEF24,) Fox News published an article with Bill Gates warning about artificial intelligence and “cyberattacks.”While #WEF24 was centered around the topic of “Preparing for Disease X,” one of the larger talking points was that of “Artificial Intelligence as a Driving Force for the Economy and Society.” As for “Disease X,” it’s fearmongering and conditioning in the form of a “hypothetical” virus in

Actor Bill Gates Warns About AI – Conditioning for Next Possible Psy-Op? Read the Full Article »

World Stage Puppets: Seventh King Trump Says Civil War ‘Could Have Been Negotiated’

During a rally at Des Moines Area Community College in Newton, Iowa, on January 6, 2024, Donald Trump suggested the Civil War could have been avoided through “negotiation,” arguing that the fight to end slavery in the US was ultimately unnecessary and that Abraham Lincoln should have done more to avoid bloodshed. This weird “historical reference” was said to be a pun at Nikki Haley, who a week earlier had answered a question about

World Stage Puppets: Seventh King Trump Says Civil War ‘Could Have Been Negotiated’ Read the Full Article »

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