Puppet Musk Fuels Division: “My Son Killed by The Woke Mind Virus”

The Jesuit’s puppet Elon Musk, the fabricated and fake image of a successful and rich outsider and entrepreneur in free market capitalism and agent for the AI Transhumanism movement is now being used to lure in the alt-right wing and to create even more division. Recently, after the extremely fake and staged “assassination attempt” on Trump, the mainstream media headlines featured Musk pledging to donate $45 million per month to a pro-Trump political action […]

Puppet Musk Fuels Division: “My Son Killed by The Woke Mind Virus” Read the Full Article »

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed

I covered the initial Jesuit and Freemason Rust-shooting ritual back on October 22, 2021, the day after the alleged shooting had happened on the movie set, starring Alec Baldwin. To recap, we all know that “prop guns” are non-functional replica guns that can’t even be fired. And the staged and fake shooting with “live ammunition” happened on October 21, 2021, exactly a Jesuit 201-days after Alec’s April 3rd birthday. Of course, 201 fitted the

World Stage: Alec Baldwin’s Staged Rust Manslaughter Case Dismissed Read the Full Article »

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19

Here we are, more than four years later, and while many have woken up and realized that there never was a pandemic, that “Covid-19” never existed outside a silly computer model, a lot of sleeping and retarded people still believe that viruses exist. And as the “people” ruling over this world, and their corrupted inverted “medical health care” and pharmaceutical industry need to keep the scam going, one of their puppets, one of their

Anthony Fauci’s Scripted Lies About Non-Existing Covid-19 Read the Full Article »

Go Forth And Set California on Fire

A grass fire that began Saturday afternoon in San Joaquin County, California, trended the news during Sunday, June 2, 2024. The ‘Corral Fire’ began in the City of Tracy around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, and by Sunday afternoon about 30% of it was contained – still with high risk of spreading due to dryness and winds. As you probably know, most of these fires are purposedly started by Freemasons within your government, as in

Go Forth And Set California on Fire Read the Full Article »

The Slovakian Prime Minister Staged Assassination Attempt

This story and decode was requested. According to the scripted official story, the Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times Wednesday in an assassination attempt and is believed to survive.The staged and fake shooting took place after an off-site government meeting in the central Slovak town of Handlova. The crisis actor playing the role of a gunman was among a small crowd of other crisis actors acting as a crowd waiting to

The Slovakian Prime Minister Staged Assassination Attempt Read the Full Article »

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant

On March 16, 2024, Richard Slayman was allegedly the first living person to receive a “genetically modified” pig kidney, something CNN called a medical milestone, while most educated people simply would call it ‘bollocks.’Now, this will be short and sweet, as I have less than one hour this morning for reading, researching, writing, editing, and publishing. On May 12, the media reported that Richard Slayman had died on May 11, exactly a Jesuit and

Richard Slayman Died a Jesuit 56-days After His Alleged Pig Kidney Transplant Read the Full Article »

The ’Go Forth and Set the World on Fire’ Ritual Outside Trump’s Trial — Updated

If you know your history, this little ritualistic stunt should be a no-brainer. Yesterday, Friday, a man allegedly from Florida set himself on fire in a park outside of the NYC Courthouse where the trial of Donald Trump was being held. This ‘fire stunt’ took place on April 19, on the anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola becoming the first Superior General of the Society of Jesus, aka., The Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church

The ’Go Forth and Set the World on Fire’ Ritual Outside Trump’s Trial — Updated Read the Full Article »

April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog

Yesterday, April 16, was the big ‘kill date’ for the month of April, as its date-numerology made all four of the most important numbers for a sacrifice kill ritual align. 4/16/24 = 4 + 16 + 24 = 444/16/2024 = 4 + 16 + 20 + 24 = 644/16/24 = 4 + 1+6 + 2+4 = 174/16/2024 = (4) + (16) + 2+0+2+4 = 28 Kill = 44, 64, 17, 28 This means that

April Kill Date Announcements: Vincent Friell, Carl Erskine & Whitey Herzog Read the Full Article »

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